Still here, I haven't died

Apr 27, 2010

Wow.. my last entry was in August.  Geez what all has happened since August lets see...

1.  Helped best friend move to Texas
2.  Moved houses
3.  Got really really sick, and stayed that way for about a month
4.  Found love
5.  Christmas was nice
6.  Went to Vegas
7.  Lost Love (not at all related to Vegas)
8.  Went to Austin for SXSW, that was awesome
9.  Completely fell off the band wagon (pun intended)

Life has been nothing but rediculous.  I think I've lost a total of 3lbs since the beginning of the year and I am only to blame.   But, it's time to jump back on the path starting well.. yesterday. 

So yeah, I am not dead and I am ready to hop back on the losers bench. 

I want to throw a shout out to everyone who i let down with the competition I tried to organize and flaked out on.  Life happened pretty quickly and I couldn't follow through. 

Happy to  be back.  Until next time...

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