4 weeks out - looking up

Aug 05, 2009

Glad to report that week 4 was much better than week 3.  I am just going to pretend that week 3 didn't exist. 

My port incision isn't bothering me nearly as much.  I get a little pain every now and then if I stand up the wrong way but it's soooooooo much better.   I also got my first fill yesterday, 6cc's and I can definitely tell the difference.  I was ready for the fill, I haven't lost very much weight in the last couple of weeks so hopefully the fill will help.  When I can start intense workouts it will be a boost too.  

Today was a particulary good day -  had two mini 'wows'.  First wow, I had TWO separate people ask me if I've lost weight.  One of which only saw my face looking over their cube wall while I was asking a question.  I peaked my head over and they said "wow Patti, have you lost weight?" I was instant smiles and said, "yeeeeeaaaaah, just 24lbs." 

My second wow was getting dressed this morning. I put on a shirt I haven't been able to wear in a while because it was tight in the sleeves and I was getting pull around the "girls."  Now, the sleeves didn't bother me at all, in fact they have room in them and there is zero pullage around the ladies.  It was such a good day :) 

With that, I am off to the gym.  Until next time, Ciao!


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Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2009
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