Thursday & Friday....

Oct 31, 2008

Happy Halloween everyone!!

 Yesterday I went for a 1600 meter swim...Took it kind of easy yesterday.

 Today I ran 3.5 miles in 27:05...Again took it kind of easy today.

Tomorrow I have a 10 mile run and 50 Mile ride scheduled so I will make up for my light last couple of days.

I found a marathon next week...I am debating whether I am going to do it or not. I think I might do the 1/2 in preperation for the Run The Rock Full I am doing in December....We will see.

Happy Trick or Treating everyone.


A Quick Update On This Week's Workouts....

Oct 29, 2008

Blogging has gotten away from me this week! Let me post a quick update....

Monday: Ran 6.2 miles (Still a little sore from Triathlon this weekend)

Tuesday: Ran 6.2 Miles and Swam 1600 Meters

Wednesday: Ran 13.1 Miles this morning in 2:09: and change on seconds.....

 Hope you all are well!


9 Month Post Op Triathlon Race Report....Keller, TX Monster Tri

Oct 27, 2008


    So yesterday was an awesome race. The sun was shinning, the air was brisk, and the atmosphere happy and cheerful! This was my 2nd Triathlon since my surgery in January when I weighed 400 Pounds. I have now lost 180 pounds and was feeling so great for this race.....

     The event was sold out with over 515 entrants, and I ended up estimating my swim time for 300 Meters at 6:00, knowing full well I swim it in about 5:15. The lanes were 11 feet across and you only went up one lane then moved over to the next lane in a snake pattern, so no traffic coming from both directions, so I knew it would be easier to pass the slower swimmers as I had been seeded as number 217. Well, I blew by 7 people on the swim finishing in 5:48. (The chip reader was a good distance away from pool exit so alot of seconds attributed to that). First transition took a little longer than I would have liked at 1:46, then I was off to the 2 loop bike course.

     This bike course was 13 miles, and had some brutal hills. The front end of the course was pretty flat with a few rolling hills, but the last half was pretty challenging. I ended up with a time of 38:29 averaging just about 19 MPH. I'll take it! Transition 2 went fairly smooth, still a little longer than I wanted at 1:20, but acceptable....Off to the run.

     The run was pretty flat, and very scenic on a paved trail through trees and a nice park. I passed a bunch of folks on the run, and my confidence in my run has dramatically improved! I finished the 5K run (3.1 miles) in 27:14....I'll take it! I could have pushed a little harder, but I am way happy with my results.

     I competed as a Clydesdale along with about 30+ guys in the 1-39 year old division. At packet pickup I met a couple dudes who have completed multiple Full Ironman distance Tri's andwere competing as Clydesdales, along with a dude from my Tri club who is an Ironman finisher as well. So, needless to say, I had no real hopes of walking away with hardware, but I took a respectable 7th! I ended up finishing 120th overall and had an absolute blast competing. Last month at my first Tri, I finished the same distances at 1:34:00... Yesterday, I shaved 20 minutes off that time! I am heading in the right direction!

    I have signed up for a full marathon here in Dalls in December, and it will fall on my 11th month surgiversary. I think I a ready. I am running about 30-40 miles per week, and will build up for the full marathon, I can't wait. Also, I am going to register for the Louseville, Kentucky FULL Ironman in August of 09....I am addicted to this sport! Thanks for reading and I have copied some pics for you to check out.....Thanks for all of your support and encouragement.

This is the reason I had surgery.... To watch these guys grow up with me around.... Sometimes I forget....
I am way smaller now...Just wanted to show the pic with shirt before surgery 9 months ago! Uploaded: May 27, 2008 Next Photo
Your Friend In Sport & Health,


Friday.....Race Weekend

Oct 24, 2008

So today I did not workout. I am tappering for my race Sunday morning. I nrmally would not ever race on Sunday, but it is the last tri of the year, and I won't have to miss church to go. I did have a softball game tonight, but other than that, played a leisurely 18 holes of golf at Harbor Lakes in Granbury, TX. I ended up shooting 78. We had a trunk or treat at church before the ball game tonight and my 21 month old AVA won the costume contest! She is the most precious Bumble Bee you have ever seen. (I Will post a pic).

2 x Protein shake 30g
Lots of peanut butter crackers
sunflower seeds
turkey and cheese sandwich
philly cheesesteak sandwich without bread
2 chicken enchiladas
granola bar
baked potatoe
Spanish rice

That's it for now...Take care.

Thursday...Ready For My Next Race This Weekend....

Oct 23, 2008

Hey Guys,

   Today was a good day of training. I went and did 2 loops on the course for the race I am in this weekend. I ended up doing about 20 miles at 19+ Mph pace! I then ran 3.1 miles in 27:37. I hope everyone is doing well.

peanut butter crackers (Of Course)  :)
2 x 30g protein shakes
1/2 order of low mein noodles with beef,pork,chix, and shrimp
bowl of cheerios
mashed potatoes
2 x 20g protein bars
apple juice



Oct 22, 2008

Ok so I got a new pair of running shoes which are absolutely amazing....

These boys rock.....Asics

I went to a running specialty store where they put me on a treadmill and videod my stride. They discovered that I tend to pronate when I run, therefore I needed a shoe with greater stability in the center of the shoe. These were the perfect fit and are worth every penny.

I took them for a breif 3.1 mile stroll on the treadmill and knocked out the 5K in 27:12. Not too shabby, and I can honestly attribute my comfort and speed improvements to the shoe.  I also got in a 800 meter swim followed by a softball game we got mopped up in. We lost by 11 but I went 3/3 with 2 singles and a double.....

2 x 26g protein shakes
2 x 20g protein bars
steamed rice and chicken with onions and celery, a small egg roll & a little chow mein
beef jerky
peanut butter crackers
shredded chicken over homemade mashed potatoes & corn with gravy
sunflower seeds
apple juice
no sugar added skinny cow ice cream sandwich


Tuesday....The Legs Are Noodley!!!!!

Oct 21, 2008

Man, I woke up sore from over 15 miles of running yesterday! I was able to get my body loosened up and got in a 2600 meter swim this morning. I wanted to go for a ride, but with work, soccer practice, life, etc... no time this evening. I am going to start tapering my training in preperation for the triathlon this week, but will try to get in a 1 hour spin tomorrow, and maybe a 10 mile run. We baked some cookies tonight and delivered them to some freinds from church. We left them on the doorsteps anonymously. Ayden helped make them (our 4 year old), and he ran with me up to the doorsteps, rang the door bell, then dashed off to the car with me and my wife standing at the ready behind the wheel to take off! We had a blast and I love those small little moments that just bring a smile to everyones face!

* 2 x 35g Protein shakes
* 2 x 20g Protein bars
* Beef Jerky
* turkey, ham, club sandwich
* peanut butter crackers
* 1 slice of pep pizza
* 1 no sugar added skinny cow ice cream sandwich
* peanuts


A Good Monday....

Oct 20, 2008

Today was a great day! I woke up at 4:30am got to the gym, did 1 hour spin class, followed by 3.5 mile run on the treadmill, then swam 800 meters. This evening was so gorgeous I had to go out and run! I ended up doing just under 12 miles in 2 hours. It wasn't my fastest time, but probably one of the hilliest runs I have under my belt to date! I am gearing up for my next triathlon this weekend, I am so excited to race!!!


3 x 20g protein bars
2 x 30g protein shakes
peanut butter crackers
2 bowls of soup from olive garden and 1 breadstick
1 chicken enchilada w/ a small amount of rice and refried beans & a few chips
pinapple chunks


A Post From Yesterday's Happenings....

Oct 19, 2008

  I went on a 32 mile ride this morning, and found the most brutal hilly loop around. It was so awesome we went back and did the 7 mile "MeatGrinder" a second time. My legs are sore but I had a lot of fun. Going to head to the gym in a bit and bust out a quick 2000 Meters, then I am off to working at the club tonight. Talk to you all later...

3 x 30 g Protein Shakes
2 x 20G Protein Bars
Peanut Butter crackers
big salad
peanut butter sandwich
nachos ( Just Chips & Cheese)
turkey & cheese sandwich on wheat
No sugar Added vanilla ice cream (Small Bowl)....that stuff gives me gas!!!


A Good Day...

Oct 16, 2008

Hey Guys,

     Today was a great day. Had a VERY succesful day at the office, and had a pretty solid workout. I went for a 15 mile ride and averaged 19.25 mph which for me is pretty good on a hilly ride! I went and swam 2600 meters and did some resistance work on my triceps...Mostly isolation excercises. I feel great and am looking forward to spin tomorrow.
Chik-fil-a sandwich and cup of fruit
peanut butter crackers
Bowl of corn
3 potstickers and white rice
2 pieces cheese quesadilla
3 x 30g protein shakes

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2008
Member Since

Friends 265

Latest Blog 89
