Not Much Time To Write Today So I Will Keep It Short....

Oct 15, 2008

Only had time for a 35 minutes spin and then ran 6.2 miles in 60:01...Should've looked at the clock to improve by 1 second good greif!!!

2 x 30g Protein shakes
2 large cups chili (One for Lunch & one for dinner)
3 Potstickers cooked in Chicken Broth rather than Oil
Peanut butter crackers
Scallop potatoes
White rice
 Take Care...

Today Marks 9 Months Post-Op

Oct 14, 2008

The last 9 months seem like a blur! It seems like just yesterday I was going to the hospital to have surgery, man how time flies. Well I spent my evening at my Triathlon Club Meeting, me, a triathlete club? Yeah, it's so crazy to me. I was pretty pumped after the meeting so I went straight to the gym after that and busted out a 4000 Meter swim (2.5 Miles) in 1:27:00 (Not sure of the secs...not sure I care) My food was as follows:

peanut butter sandwhich
1/2 chicken breast w/ rice and steamed brocolli, cauliflour, zuch, and carrots
peanut butter crackers
2 x 32g protein shakes
big bowl of corn
scallop potatoes

Another Milestone Today....10 Mile Run!!!

Oct 13, 2008

Hey Guys,

Hope you all had a great Monday!

This morning I played in a golf tournament, our team won first place, nice trophies and a weekend vacation for each of our families at a pretty cool resort! Awesome..... I also won the long drive  contest with a huge 348 yard drive, and I also won the closest to the pin contest, stuck it about 5 1/2 feet from 135 yards with a smooth PW. I ended up getting 2 Dozen PRO V 1's and a couple cool hats and trophies.

Tomorrow will be my 9 month Surgiversary, and I thought I would go for an epic run today on the treadmill, as some bad weather rolled in this afternoon. I just got on the treadmill and was determined to run as far as I could go..... Well, I ended up going a little over 10 miles in 1:42 minutes! I was pretty happy with that...That is my biggest run to date. Sometimes I forget that 9 months ago I was 400 pounds, today 222, and am so ready to train HARD this winter for Ironman next year!' In the meantime, one more Sprint Tri on 10/26. Take Care....

Today's food:
* 2 x 20g Protein Bar
* 2 x 32G Protein Shakes
* Banana
* Apple
* Peanuts
* Beef Jerky
* Hamburger Patty w/ Cheese ( No Bun) & Tomatoes
* Scallop Potatoes (Post Workout Carb-Load)


I Love Sundays...

Oct 12, 2008

Today was great! I got home from our band gig last night at 12:30 so I slept in a bit. I was awoken by my son Ayden at about 9:00am to the words..."Daddy, breakfast is ready, come n eat". I got up and headed to the kitchen to the wonderful smell of homemade breakfast potatoes which were accompanied by turkey bacon, cheese, and eggs to create the perfect breakfast burrito. I finished about half of mine, then gave the rest to my wife Christie. Man, that was a rockin breakfast!

I spent the morning with the family, went to church, and then came home and watched the Cowboys get worked-over in overtime. Thank goodness my Eagles won! Christie made pasta & Raviolli for dinner! I ate like a king today!! Aside from this food, I had 52g of protein shakes, 2 20g protein bar, almonds, peanut butter crackers, banana, peanut butter sandwich, and sugar free popsicle. Anyways, have an awesome night... I have a golf tournament tomorrow at 7:30am, so I am going to try to get to bed soon, get up at 4am and go swim 4000 meters and maybe get in a run if there is time. As for Sundays, I do not workout, it is my day of rest.
    Next Photo


What An Awesome Morning...

Oct 11, 2008

So this morning I met up with my buddy Mike at 6:45 and we set off for a ride. We had a pretty demanding 28 mile ride and watched the sun rise, and saw lots of cows, horses, etc.... Fields of sunflowers, sunshine, and not a cloud in the sky! What an awesome morning. After the ride, I went home and picked up the little ones and took them to the gym with me where I ran 5.2 miles in 48:22 on the treadmill. I had to cut the run a little short because I have to get ready to head out to the festival our band is playing at in a few minutes. So, off I go, we play at 2:00pm, Ayden has a 5:00 soccer game, then we play another venue at 10:00pm this evening. No Rest For The Weary!!! I will edit this post later today as I have only had a protein shake and a 20g protein bar to eat so far today. I am about to eat my post workout recovery meal which will include plenty of carbs that should give me plenty of energy for the long day ahead>>>> Maybe a big bowl of oatmeal and half of a peanut butter sandwich on wheat is in order! YUM YUM. Happy trails....

* 3 x 20g protein bars
*26g protein shake
*2 Pork Egg Rolls (Once in a while I have to feed a craving)!
*Peanut butter crackers
*BIG bowl of frozen corn! (My Fav)
*Large cup of Chili w/ Cheese


A Good Day...

Oct 10, 2008

So today was one of those days that was great! You could not ask for a more gorgeous day outside. After work, I decided it was too nice of a day to pass up the opportunity to go for a ride on the Road Bike. I did a 21 mile ride and wished I had the time to do more, however the band I am now playing with had rehersal tonight for The "Crazy Water Festival" in Mineral Wells, TX tomorrow, and that took up my evening aside from going to get some dinner with my family. Today's food included:

* 1 scrambled egg w/ turkey sausage and cheese
* 26g Protein Shake
*3 x 20g Protein bar
* Peanut Butter crackers
* Half of turkey sandwich on whole grain wheat & Mashed potatoes without gravy
* 1 cheese enchilada with Beans & Rice

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Starting To Log My Training...

Oct 09, 2008

Hey Everyone,

     I have not been as good about keeping my blog up-to-date, so I thought I would bring you all up to speed and also start tracking my daily workouts here, as well as on the Excercise & Fitness board, where I usually log all of my daily workouts.

      I have lost about 175 pounds in less than 9 months since RNY, and I have set the goal for next year to compete in a full Ironman Triathlon. I know I am shooting for the stars, but mark my words, I am going to make it! Other than that, my wife's pregnancy is going well with our 3rd little tike, and Ayden & Ava are doing well and are growing like weeds! Feel free to shoot me a message anytime and I hope you all are doing well!

P.S. I have registered for my 2nd Triathlon at the end of this month, and I am shooting for a lofty goal of taking 1st or 2nd in my division. Wish me luck!

Today's Workout:

Ran 3.5 Miles in 26:49
Swam 2 Miles (3200 Meters) in 64:08

Todays Diet:
* 26g Protein Shake
*Wheat Toast w/ Peanut Butter
*Ham & Cheese Subway Sandwich (Ham, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato) on Wheat
*20g Protein Bar
*peanut butter crackers
*Apple & Banana
*20g Protein Bar
*26g Protein Shake
*1/4 cup Almonds
3 liters water + 44 ounces Electrolyte drink (Cliff Shot Lemonade Flavor)

A Personal Best....

Sep 25, 2008

Just a quick note.  I completed the longest swim I have ever done, 4000 meters in 1:22:30. That's a 2.5 mile swim. It was awesome finishing a swim that big. And that my friends, is an Ironman distance swim, I just need to make it happen in open water now. Have a great day all.....

Today I Did It.... I Am A Triathlete...8 Months Post-Op

Sep 20, 2008

Ok Guys,
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    Today was such and awesome day!!! We had to leave at 4:30am this morning to get to the triathlon race site in time, so we packed up and headed out. The morning was absolutely gorgeous and the staff and volunteers at the race were incredible. All-in-all, I am VERY pleased with myself in regards to my performance. I went into my first race with 2 goals. #1 Goal....DON'T FINISH LAST....#2 No matter how tired I got, I would not stop swimming, pedaling, or running.

     Well, not only did I accomplish these two goals, but managed to come in 2nd in the Clydesdale division ages 7-39!!! My splits were as follows:

Swim: 5:48 in a VERY crowded pool (Placed 33 Overall on swim time)

Bike: Averaged 18.7 MPH on the hilliest course I have ever ridden!

Run: Averaged a slow 10:12 Mile over a very rugged terrain & trail run.

Of course as we are about to start, the guy who has been in this race the last 4 years itterates how much he hates the bike ride because of the hills! I am thinking the worst.... I will say my legs were shot and they certainly did not feel like moving at all after the ride, but we got em moving, and I am still alive to tell about it. I loved my first outing and am hooked...For more pics go to my profile and view Triathlon folder. Thanks guys for all your support & encouragement.


Today Marks 8 Months Post Op

Sep 14, 2008

Post Date: 9/14/08 4:25 pm
Ok Ya'll,

   I am officially 8 months post-op and am feeling amazing! I have lost almost 170 pounds and am ready for my triathlon on Saturday 9/20/08! I want to thank everyone who has helped me along my journey and am looking forward to all that the future holds. I have set a goal that by the end of next year, I will do a full IronMan distance triathlon....2.5 mile swim, 116 mile bike ride, and 26 mile run. I wish you all the best and am here if any of you have any questions
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About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2008
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