Finally made it to the loosers side of the bench!

Aug 28, 2011

My surgery was on 08/22 and I returned home from the hospital on that Friday.  I have had some trouble getting everything in, but I'm confident because of the great informationI received here that I probably would the first few days.  I'm staying with my father (he actually gave up his bedroom last night, cause he has Craftsman beds in there), I'm both touched and a little embarrased.  He is playing nurse maid to me for the next week or so, then it is back to the cruel, real world.  I actually feel really great.  Not much pain, although they gave me liquid oxycodone, Yikes!  I'm figuring out what my pouch is telling me, like too much at a time and slow down, there is no room in here right now.  I'am sipping like crazy, although living in California I want to gulp water down (108 in my home town yesterday, whew! 

Hope everyone is doing okay out there in the land of Irene!  My thoughts and prayers have been with all of you.


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2008
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