No More Resolutions, Just do it.

Jan 14, 2012

So another year come and gone.  Wow it just flew by.  I have to say I hit a rough spot that last few weeks.  It wasn't until my roomate pointed it out to me that the one year anniversay to my my mothers passing is only a few weeks away.  I was starting do what I always did, use food for comfort.  Only now I cannot do that without feeling like crap, thank the Lord!  I just did what I knew worked at the beginning of my journey and  that was to use my protein shakes.  I've actually started to enjoy the shakes, and have begun get some great flavors and things  Thank the Lord for sugar free syrups.  

I need to get back to the gym though, I had a miserable head cold over the holidays, and just now up to it. So by the end of the month I will be back to my usual work out routine.  

Here is to a wonderful 2012!


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Dec 10, 2008
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