dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 3 years, 11 months ago

I'm 5 weeks post surgery and everything is going great. The hardest part has been accepting compliments. Part of it, I think is, is because even though the scale is moving, inches are going down and I can notice progress in photos. I still see myself a

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 1 month ago

I'm having surgery this Monday and was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice that they found helpful during recovery?

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 1 month ago

My doctor's office called me this morning and asked me to move my surgery date up. So, 10 days from now I'll be getting surgery. I'm not worried, but a little bit of anxiousness is now setting in.

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 2 months ago

I just got done meeting with the surgeon and every thing is good to go! He forgot got the exact date, I have to call back Tuesday, but he assured me that it will either be 7/2 or 7/6!

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 2 months ago

I got a call from the surgery team this afternoon to schedule my consult with the surgeon. I didn't have a specific preference on a surgeon so they gave me the 1st available. My consult is next Friday and they're actually starting to do in person visit

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 2 months ago

I just got a final sign off from nutrition for surgery. They said they're pleased and that I'm making great progress, so they're going to get in contact with the surgeons. There is one hiccup at the moment, the psychologist apparently didn't put in a f

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 3 months ago

I had my psych eval today and got the greenlight from them. I have a follow up with Nutrition early next month and then it'll be scheduling to meet the surgery team. Not sure if that will be delayed or not all of my appointments since the beginning of

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 4 months ago

Just need to vent for a moment. I haven't been telling many people about my process and my journey at this point other than a few close friends who I know support my decision. Now, that I'm getting closer to having surgery I decided to tell my brother

dcbrown3 posted a discussion topic 4 years, 4 months ago

I know I need to check with my surgery team after to get the go ahead. And as of right now they're telling me light weight a few weeks after and should be able to resume normal lifting at about 8 weeks. I enjoy going to a boxing gym to lift and hit the

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Mar 12, 2020
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