ONLY 2 weeks !!!!

Aug 30, 2009

Only 2 weeks from tomorrow and I will be starting my new life. September 15th is the big day !!!! I am so excited, scared and nervous all in one. I have that butterfly feeling in my belly all the time now. I guess that's from all the excitement. I've been doing like most other pre-ops and questioning everything. Am I making the right choice ??? Is this really what I want ??? Would I be happier fat and able to eat what I want ??? These are just some of the things that cross my mind. In my heart I know I am making the right choice. I've wanted this for years and years. I know this is what I want. Who really likes being fat and on every medicine possible. Not me....and I sure wouldn't be happier fat and able to eat what I want. If I was I would have never even thought about this surgery.

I'm getting ready....

Aug 19, 2009

OK.....I have been getting ready for my surgery and I finished up all my shopping today. Well, at least for all my vitamins and protein shakes. I ordered some protein shakes from (CHOCOLATE and UNFLAVORED), I got my Flintstones vitamins at target, my B-12 at Wal-Mart and my Calcium Citrate at Vitamin World. I am sooooo EXCITED !!!

Dr. Lord Patients:
Vitamin World right across from the hospital has all the Vitamins you will need. The lady that works there told me today that Dr. Lord came in the store personally and looked over all the vitamins and protein shakes and made a list of the ones he recommends to his patients. You can pick up a list there at Vitamin World.

Anyways, I am counting down and only 28 more days till my surgery. I wish my date was tomorrow. I am so excited !!! I haven't been nervous, or scared or anything here lately. It's like I am at peace with my decision. I mean I have always been at peace but I have absolutely no fear what so ever. I know I am doing the right thing.


I love you guys !!!

Aug 10, 2009

I want all of my OH FAMILY to know that I love you all. Everyone has been so supportive and y'all mean the world to me. Words can't even describe how thankful I am to have such wonderful caring friends on this site. I wish you all lived here with me. Life would be perfect then. I am saying this from the bottom of my heart. I want each of you to stop and thank of how happy you made me just by being there for me. That's all it takes to brighten someones day. A simple "Hello, I'll be here for you when you need me" is all it takes to change a persons did mine. I've learned in life; we all need someone to lean on, someone to show us the right way, someone to show us they care.....I have found all that in all of OH Family !!!!


It's all setting in now....

Aug 09, 2009

My surgery is just around the corner and everything is starting to set in. FEAR is the main thing. I guess I am just scared of being miserable the rest of my life. I don't want this surgery to be the biggest mistake of my life. I've had enough mistake's in my life I don't want to make another one. The closer I get to my surgery it seems the more people are trying their best to talk me out of it. Why? This surgery is gonna save my life. I took my kids school shopping yesterday and my daughter would find a cute shirt or dress and she would say "Momma you will look good in this after you have your surgery", or she would say "Momma your too fat to wear this now but after your surgery you will be able to wear it". I know it has to be hard on my kids seeing me like this. My daughter is 11 almost 12 and at her age she is easily embarrassed. I know my weight embarrasses her. If anything I am going to do this surgery for myself and my kids. NO ONE else. I have my mind made up. I am having this surgery regardless of what people think or say. I know the FEAR I have is common and it will pass. I really am excited about my surgery and can't wait. I have been counting down till the day my new life starts and it can't get here fast enough.


Sept. !!!

Aug 05, 2009

My surgery date is Sept. 15th !!!

Good NEWS !!!

Aug 05, 2009

I spoke with Jan last night (she is the one who does the scheduling for surgery) and she said that my surgery would be sometime in October. I about died. I said "OCTOBER". Then she went on to say that she might be able to squeeze me in in September. She is supposed to be calling me with a date today. I am so excited...I love her. I will be sitting on the losers bench before I know it. I found out last night that my dad is really worried about me getting the surgery. He says it's a last resort, and I looked at him and said "I am at my last resort". With all my medications and health problems my only other option is 6 feet in the ground. My mom is very supportive and excited. I took her with me to our annual fashion show last night and it really opened her eyes. I needed to take my dad. Well everbody, I will post as soon as I get my date. Yall take care.


Jul 29, 2009

OMG...I just called my insurance company and found out that they approved me for my surgery today !!! I am soooooooooo EXCITED. Words can't describe how happy I am.

Insurance Company is a PAIN IN THE BUTT !!!

Jul 28, 2009

All my paper work was submitted to the insurance company last Monday, July 20th. Since then I have called everyday to see if they have made a decision on my surgery and I keep getting the same answer; " They are reviewing it at this time and we will have a decision soon". So, I called yesterday and they said they would have a decision in a day or two. I called back again today and they said they would have a decision in two to seven days. I swear, how long does it take to say approved or denied. The insurance company has become a pain in my BUTT. What's funny is that I have talked to the same guy 3 different times and today when I was talking to him I told him right before I hung up that "I'd call him again tomorrow" This guy is getting to know me really well. What makes me mad is that when I asked to talk to the department that does the approvals they told me I can't because they don't accept calls. How am I supposed to stay on their case if I can't even talk to them?


Down in the dumps....

Jul 25, 2009

This morning my sister calls me up and wants me to go shopping with her and my mom. So, I decide it would be good for me to get out of the house for a change and I go with them. I left my kids with my husband and went to the mall with my sister and my mom. It was pure HELL....I was still upset with what my mom had said the night before and was dwelling on it. Shopping was just pure hell because I can't shop in the same size as them; I am broke as shit and didn't have money to buy anything. So, I followed them around for 4 hours watching them try on clothes and buy all kinds of cute stuff. I have wanted to cry all day but, refused to because I didn't want anyone seeing me. When it came time to eat lunch I went all out and got (sbrarro) the Chicken Parmigiana and Rigatoni. It was alot of food but, I just wanted to drown my feelings in it. So, I did....I ate almost all of it. All my mom and sister had was a chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a. I was so ashamed for eating the amount I did. I kept thinking; if I ate what they did then maybe I wouldn't be so fat. They watched me as if they were in plain disgust. Times for me are just so hard right now. I'm having problems with my husband, we have NO MONEY, I don't know how I'm going to pay my bills, I'm in the middle of adopting my nephew, and I'm waiting for approval for my surgery. I'm just so overwhelmed with all that is going on. I really take everything to heart. I use my blogs to release alot of stress and to get things off my chest. I don't expect sympathy although I greatly appreciate when I do get it. I got on the scales this morning and I have gained 5 pounds. It seems like the more weight I gain the more pain I feel; physically and emotionally.I have considered putting a lock on my fridge and cabinets but, what good is that gonna do when I have a key. Well, I could go on and on and on but, I won't. I just want to end by saying "THANK YOU". Thanks to all my OH family and friends for listening to me rant and rave. I appreciate everyones support.   


Words that KILL....

Jul 24, 2009

Look, I love my mom more than anything but, I swear she just don't think sometimes. She always talks about my weight and about how big I am but, most of the time I just blow it off. Well, tonight she told me something that really broke my heart. I mean these words felt as if she was killing me me with them. Anyways, what happened was my niece was over at her house today; she is 12 years old and 5'0 tall and weighs 108. So, she isn't overweight or anything but, today she was wanting to eat and eat and eat. She had a ham sandwich, some chips and candy, and was getting ready to make herself another sandwich when my mom said to her " HALEY, IS THAT YOUR SECOND SANDWICH? DO YOU YOU WANT TO GET FAT AND LOOK LIKE YOUR AUNT KIMBER?" Even though I wasn't there to hear her say it, her telling me that she said it hurt soooooo bad.  Of course my niece said she didn't want to look like me and put the stuff back in the fridge. I really feel like some sort of freak. Shit, I guess if I was used as an example to all kids than there wouldn't be obesity in kids today. My mom said she didn't mean for it to be mean or anything but my god; how am I supposed to take it. It sure wasn't a compliment. My mom always says things that hurt my feelings and maybe she just doesn't realize it but, if the tables were turned than she would know exactly how it feels to be put down. I just keep thinking "I know I am fat, I know food is what made me fat but, please don't humiliate me more than I already am". I want my niece to want to look like me. I want my mom to say " Don't you want to be skinny like your Aunt Kimber". I want my kids to be proud of me. The hurt I feel from these words makes it harder for me to get the weight off. I just want to turn to food for comfort. I want to get even fatter and say " look mom, are you happy now. You did this to me". I just don't understand. She went on to say that I need to stop eating so much because if something happens and I don't get this surgery than it will take me forever to get this weight off. It is true, so very true. But what she was saying in her own words was that I am really fat. Know matter how nice you try to make something sound it's not going to cover up how hurt full it is. I really don't know what I would do if I don't get this surgery. I can't live being fat knowing that I am just a freak to all my family and friends. I am going to go now but, first I want to say thanks for listening to me whine.....

About Me
Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
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