Papers sent...

Jul 21, 2009

So, today I got an e-mail from the doctors office and Ruth said that she sent my papers to the insurance company for approval. I am so excited !!! It will probably take another 2 weeks to hear something but, I am just so glad my papers have been sent. I would like everyone to please keep your fingers crossed for me. Also, please keep me in your prayers; I really need this surgery and this approval. Everyone please pray that I get APPROVED !!! I just wanted to say thank you to all my OH friends and family. You all mean so much to me and have been a great help......Thank you !!!!


Still WAITING....

Jul 20, 2009

I am really starting to get upset that I haven't gotten my approval yet. It has been almost a month since my doctors office was supposed to send all my papers to the insurance company. I've been e-mailing the office and calling and they won't return my calls. The last I heard was that it was gonna be a challenge to get me approved due to my weight back in 2006 and 2007. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I'm getting discouraged. This past week I realized just how out of shape I am in. I went to Panama City this past week and it was really hard doing the things the rest of my family were doing. I stayed out of breath and in pain. My back and feet killed me and I just couldn't keep up with everyone. I think I would have had more fun if I were skinny and in shape. I don't know what I will do if I don't get approved for my surgery. I just can't keep living like this. It SUCKS !!!

Have you ever ???

Jul 07, 2009

I like to blog so I can free myself of stuff bothering me. I know most of the time it has nothing to do with surgery but, it's the only way I can get things off my chest. Speaking of chest, I have been suffering from severe chest pain since Saturday. The pain is in the right side of my chest and goes to my back. It all started after walking up a hill really fast. The pain has not gone away. I ended up going to the ER last night because I was in alot of pain and I was affraid the pain had something to do with my heart. They gave me morphine and it didn't do anything for the pain. A couple of hours later they gave me 2 loratabs and finally the pain stopped, at least until 4 o'clock this morning when I woke up with the pain again. The nurse scared me to death last night when she told me they were testing me for Congestive Heart Failure. I was horrified !!! Thank GOD the test came back fine. They did say that my lungs were really cloudy on the X- Rays but, they weren't sure what it was from. They ended up sending me home diagnosing me with Bronchitis. I do NOT have Bronchitis. I know what Bronchitis feels like and this is not it. The doctors just didn't want to take the time to find what the real problem was. They sent me home with antibiotics and loratabs. My chest and back are still killing me. Anyways, I'm mad at my dad right now and it is really bothering me. He thinks I am making this pain up just so I can get pain meds. He say's I run to the doc every time I have something wrong with me and that I'm a hypochondriac. He really hurt me by saying that. When I really need him the most he ain't there for me. It just hurts sooooo bad. I didn't know he thought that way.  

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Jul 01, 2009

I'm still alive....HIP HIP HOORAY !!! My breakdown didn't kill least not yet. I've got some good news !!! My doc sent all my papers to the insurance company for approval; now I'm just waiting for an answer. Hopefully they will hurry up with it. As soon as they get the approval I can get scheduled for my surgery. I can't wait. I am soooooo impatient. It feels like it has been a life time already. I hope and pray I'm one of the lucky ones and don't have to wait forever for the surgery. I need it NOW !!!

What's wrong with me ....

Jun 19, 2009

OK, I need some help. I am having major mood issues and I don't  know what's causing it. What I do know is I have ADHD, depression and I was told I was Bi-polar but, I think they misdiagnosed me on that. Anyways, I have been suffering from alot of stress lately. It seems like everything is bothering me and minor things seem to stress me out. Now, this is the part that I need help with: I have been having major issues where I can be really happy and calm and then all of a sudden just blow up. My head will will start hurting really bad and I start getting this rage of anger. It started a couple of weeks ago and I don't know what is causing it. It comes and goes but, when it happens I feel like a madman. Is it stress, bi-polar or what ? My psychologist is as dumb as a bunch of rocks and leaves it to me to tell her what I want her to do for me. She mentioned to me being put on Depakote and wanted to know if that is what I wanted to do. I don't know anything about that medication. I did read the side effects and OMG they were a mile long. Does anybody know what my problem might be?

Swimsuit shopping was pure HELL !!!

Jun 10, 2009

OK, if you read my last blog you know that I have been putting off taking my kids to the pool because of my weight. I finally told my kids if I had a swimsuit that fit I might take them. So, today I ran up the street to Dollar General to grab a swimsuit (for me) and some little swimmers for my one year old. To my surprise they had the same one I tried on last year and of course last year it fit. So, I bought it, got home and ran to the bedroom to put it on and did NOT fit. I didn't realize I had gained that much more weight since last year. Well, to make a long story short my kids ended up going swimming but, instead of going with me (their momma) they had to go with the neighbor.
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I have let my kids down...

Jun 08, 2009

I feel soooo bad. The only thing my kids want to do is go swimming down at the pool but, they can't because of me. I am so ashamed to go to the pool being as big as I am. I keep making excuses as to why we can't go but, the truth is I am afraid I will embarrass my kids. I told my daughter that I don't have a bathing suit but, if I could find one big enough to fit than I would buy it and we could go swimming. I think even if I had one I would still make excuses. Even in past years my weight didn't bother me enough to keep me from taking my kids to the pool. I don't know why I care so much about what people think of me. I stay sooo stressed out and alot of it has to do with my weight. I just can't do the things I used to. My back, knees, feet and body hurts all the time. I can't even get all my house cleaned in one day anymore because I stay so exhausted. I just want to SCREAM !!!! awwwwwwwww.


Jun 07, 2009

OMG... I tried my first protein shake today and it was horriffic. I bought some samples from (chocolate, vanilla, unflavored, and strawberry sorbert). I tried the strawberry sorbert this morning and the smell of it made me gag. It smelled like raw eggs. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK....Are all protein shakes that nasty? I still have to try the others but, I'm scared to now. I even added a couple of packs of splenda to see if it would help with the taste but the smell was still there. Anyways, what would be the best way to use the unflavored protein? At least I still have 6 to 8 weeks to find some protein that is good. I


Jun 03, 2009

Hey everybody !!! I just wanted to update really quick. OK, I went to 2 of my weight loss classes last week and tomorrow I go back for my last 2. I am so excited. I see the psychologist and nutritionist for exams tomorrow, after that I see my weight management doctor 1 last time on June 22nd and then I will be good to go. They will be able to get my approval and my surgery date after the 22nd of this month. I can't wait. I'm not going to lie though, it has felt like it has taken FOREVER. I just don't have any patience. Now comes the stressful part, I really need to have this surgery before August 8th. After august 8th my cost of 1,700.00 will go up to 2,700.00 because my insurance year starts over and I will have to pay my 1000.00 dollar deductible. I heard that my doctor has a 3 month waiting list. If that's true than I may have to wait till September or October. NO, NO, NO....

Gained weight....

May 29, 2009

OK...I just don't understand. I haven't changed anything and I have I gained 3 pounds since my last weight management appt. 3 pounds may not seem like alot but I got on the scale and gained another 3 pounds over night. I'm hoping it's just water weight. I can't continue gaining this weight. I am so close to my surgery, I would just die if I couldn't get it because of extra weight gain.  
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Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
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