God is with me...

May 27, 2009

So, everyone knows that my life has been pure HELL lately. I really wasn't sure how much more I could handle. I was at my wits end. Yesterday, was a very bad day for me. I stayed in tears all day and even went to bed wishing tomorrow wouldn't come but, it did. When I woke up this morning I felt amazeing. I woke up with a radiance, a glow, a happiness that I haven't felt in a long time. It's hard to describe this feeling because it is so amazeing. I can't explain what has changed me over one night but, I truely believe GOD has saved me. God is the reason I feel this way. He has answered my prayers and I can't thank him enough. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You may have to go through HELL to find it but, it's there and once you get there you'll never want to go back.

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Why me....

May 26, 2009

I did a bad thing today....and I am so ashamed. Why does all bad things happen to me?

A Million Dollars...

May 24, 2009

I would give a million dollars to have my surgery today. When I get my mind set on something that is the only thing I can think about. After seeing so many beautiful people on here that has lost so much weight it makes me so jealous...I'm ready to be a success story. I am ready to be skinny and beautiful. I should be having my surgery some time in July but, it seems as if time is just dragging. I am just so impatient. How do you speed up time? Have you ever noticed how different you look after losing a ton of weight? I look different when I don't have all this excess weight. I remember my mom telling me how pretty I was when I was skinny. Man, I haven't heard that in years. I'm gonna try to post some pics of me from the last time I was skinny. That was back in 2004 and it didn't last but about 6 months. I have been heavy since high school. I can count on one hand the number of times I have been thin. Each time I had to starve myself. NOT FUN AT ALL....I knew I couldn't go through life starving myself thats why I would always gain the weight back. I'm sure the majority of you knows exactly what I'm talking about. I talk about the times I was skinny because those were my happy times. Thinking of those times takes me back to a place where I wish I could be now. I will soon be back to that happy place just as soon as I have my surgery.

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Another ACCIDENT !! LOL....

May 22, 2009

OMG...I swear my family has become accident prone. This time it was me that got hurt. I was at my mom's yesterday and my dad wanted to show me something out in the back yard, so, I went to look and guess what......I fell off the steps !!! Yep, I missed the top step and tumbled down all 3 brick steps hitting each one on the way down. I broke my big toe and I'm all banged up. Now that I think about it 
it is pretty funny. I thought I hurt yesterday but, every inch of my body hurts today.  

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EAT, EAT, EAT ........

May 18, 2009

I swear I am trying to kill myself with food. All I have done lately is EAT, EAT, EAT. I don't know if I'm eating due to stress, depression, or what. It just seems like food has taken control of my life. I don't even enjoy it eithor. Tonight I ate dinner standing up cause I wanted to hurry up and get on the laptop and as soon as I set down to play on my laptop all I could think of was food. I can't even begin to tell you how much I have spent on food these last couple of weeks but, I do know you could pay a large bill with all the food I have bought. It's sad how something so little can ruin your life. This morning I ate half a pan of chesse enchiladas. I ate them so fast because I was worried about someone wanting some. I just don't understand why I turn to large amounts of food when things aren't going as planned. If someone was to ask me today "How do you think you will die"? I would say from FOOD.  Do you ever notice when your watching T.V. it seems like every other commercial is about food? The harder  I try not to think of food the more I do because of  T.V. and billboard advertisements. Know wonder america has become obese. Life revolves around food. I wonder if England, France, Japan and these other places advertise food the way america does. I hope not... 

Thank You !!!

May 18, 2009

I'm sitting here at home with my 1 year old. I found out today that he has strep throat. He got it from my 7 year old. I think I have it too because I feel like crap and my throat is hurting. My daughter and son both had ball games tonight and I'm sad that I had to miss them but, what I'm not sad about is having all of you to talk to. It is nice to know that there are so many caring people on this site. I am amazed at how many people think the same and feel the same as I do. I am so glad I'm not alone in this world. I know lately I havn't talked much about my issues with weight and the surgery but, believe me it is still on my mind. I am still so excited about my surgery. I hav'nt gotten my date yet but, I am in the process of doing my classes and etc. My next appt is the 28th of this month. It is going to be an all day thing. At 8:00 I have my appt with Dr. Huyhn, he is my weight management doctor. That will be my 5 month appt out of my 6 months. I am so glad I only had to do a 6 month weightloss program instead of 12 or 18 months. Then at 12:00 that day I have to do a couple of classes that is required for the surgery. From 12:00 to 2:00 is my behavior modification class and 2:00 to 4:00 is my nutrition orientation class. I am so excited. It is so funny how I get excited over little things. I really need this surgery and soon.


Had to call 911...

May 14, 2009

Just when I thought life couldn't get any worse boy was I wrong. Tuesday, my husband and I were about to leave the house and  while I was turning off the T.V. and lights and things he decided to go ahead and take the kids out to the truck. Well, he ended up putting our 1 year old in the back of the truck so he could play until I got out there. I soon got everything ready and walked out side and was standing at the truck with my husband and 1 year old and everything was all good. A couple of the neighbor hood kids had walked up and decided to start throwing the little rubber football with my 1 year old and before we knew it he was falling head first out of the back of the truck. He had stepped up on the hump above the tire and leaned forward and went right over. My husband and I both tried to catch him but it all happened so fast. I was freaking out and my baby was screaming. I was sure he had broke his neck or back. The fall was a 4 foot fall. I grabbed him without thinking and started to the car so I could rush him to the E.R. As I started to put him in the car it occured to me that this accident was to major to go by car. I then yelled for the cell phone and called 911. My neighbor and I brought him back in the house and laid him down so he could'nt hurt his neck or back any more than it was already. The paramedics arrived about 8 minutes later, it sure felt like they got here faster than that. They felt that the accident was major  and hurried and strapped him down to a board and loaded him on the stretcher. I got to go in the ambulance also, but I had to ride up front. It was the longest ride ever. I just cried and cried. I felt like the worst mother ever. I kept wishing someone would just shoot me. My baby was hurt and it was my fault for letting him play in the back of the truck. I am such a dumbass. We finally got to the E.R. and the trauma surgeon saw him immediately. He ordered a cat scan, chest x-ray and pelvic x-ray. Everything looked Ok except for the cat scan. They said he had fractured his skull above his eye. I swear god was with me because I about lost it. Thank god the fracture wasn't bad enough for surgery. They ended up admitting him to the childrens hospital which is one of the best childrens hospital ever. I knew they would take care of my baby. I still felt like absolute SHIT though.....I stayed by his side the whole time. Wednesday, my husband came to see me and he had brought my 7 year old with him. He wasn't feeling good so he didn't go to school. He started running fever and throwing up while he was there at the hospital. I ended up getting him an appt with his PCP. Come to find out he has strep throat. I just wanted to pull my hair out. Now both of my babies are hurting. My heart was broken into a million pieces not to mention the fact my case worker had to come and do a report since we are in the process of adopting my 1 year old. I wanted to know if the adoption would be OK and he said that he didn't know. He had to let his supervisor review the incident. I went and sat down and just cried and cried. See, my 1 year old is really my nephew. We have had him since he was 3 days old. I don't look at him as my nephew. I see him as my son. He calls me momma, in fact I am the ONLY momma he knows. The adoption is supposed to be finalized at the end of this month. If I were to lose him for any reason I don't think I could go on living. Anyways, after my 1 year old saw the: neurologist, opthamologist, trauma surgeon, hospital doctor and ENT, he was finally released to come home today, Thursday May 14th. My 7 year old is still really sick. He is in the bed sleeping it off. My 11 year old is as healthy as a horse, thank goodness. I really can't handle much more. The neurologist said if he continues to bump his head he could cause the fracture to get worse and would have to have surgery. How in the world do you keep a 1 year old from bumping his head ??? All I have to say is GOD was really looking out for me and my son that day. Amen !!! 


Giving up on life...

May 11, 2009

Here lately my life seems to be falling apart. I'm to the point where I am about to give up. Even on anti-depressants I am more depressed than ever. I can't seem to get off my lazy ass and do anything. My house has fallen apart, my health has fallen apart, and my life has fallen apart. I just don't seem to care anymore. I guess I'm just giving up on life. I am having some major self esteem issues now. I never want to leave the house because of the way I look. When I do go somewhere I feel like everyone is starring at me. It has become very uncomfortable for me to leave my home. I feel like a prisoner. I just keep telling myself It will be OK. All I can focus on is the surgery. I wish I could have it today. I need it today. It will probably be at the end of July or beginning of August when I get it. It seems too far away. It really hurts me when my mom talks about my friends being cute and pretty. It makes me feel like a pile of shit. I want to hear that I am pretty not everyone else. I know I'm not pretty but, sometimes it would be nice if my mom would lie and tell me I am. My mom was telling my sister how good she looks and how skinny she has gotten and it broke my heart cause there was nothing nice she could say about me. I mean what should she say to me. I'm fat and ugly. She tells me all the time that I am going to die if I don't stop eating. Oh my gosh, I just want to pull my hair out. I can't handle much more. I wish I could just be happy the size I am now. I wish I could feel beautiful. What's heartbreaking is when you see all these guys breaking there necks to look at some skinny little hottie but, I can't even get one to look at me even if I tried. It really hurts. When I was skinny I used to have guys checking me out all the time. It actually started to get annoying. After gaining 80 pounds I couldn't even pay some one to look at me. I just don't know what to do anymore.The only thing I do know is I am going to get this surgery no matter what !!!! Y'all please keep me in your prayers. I need all the support I can get . Thanks everybody !!!! 

triglycerides !!!

May 05, 2009

I went to the doctor today...We looked over my last set of labs that Dr. Lord did and OMG my triglycerides were 643...normal is 150. They are starting me on trilipix 135 mg. I should be able to come off all my medications after surgery. I can't wait....I feel like a druggie...lol...To bad I can't make any money off of this stuff...ha/ha !!! Talk to ya'll later....


May 04, 2009

We'll I did it. I sent my 1,846.00 to my insurance company to keep my insurance going. It was very hard to do when I don't have much income coming in. I really need this surgery BAD....I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get put on medicine for my triglycerides. My labs Dr. Lord did said my triglycerides were supper HI. So, I told my PCP and she said that she had been meaning to get me started on medicine because all the labs I have done with her showed my triglycerides high too. YEAH !!! another pill I have to take ... I am so ready to get off all these medications I take. I've never been one to like taking pills. They are really starting to add up. Anyways, I just want to thank everyone for their support. Ya'll take care...

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Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
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