My Seminar is HERE

Nov 29, 2007

I had my seminar today.  Yipee!!!!  I met Dr. O'Malley.  He seems very nice and sure knows his stuff. 

My family doc has to fill out some paperwork.  I'll fill out what I can and have him do his part.  However, he is on vaca until Tues.  His nurse said she will fill out what she can and if it requires his signature it will have to wait until Tues. when he gets back.  Oh well, I can't do anything about it so I can't get all ticked off because it won't hurry things along. 

I am just sooooooooo glad that I had the seminar.  I learned a lot of things.  I definitely am choosing to have the gastric by-pass done instead of the lap band. 

I am really anxious to start this process moving along and looking forward to my surgery date and coming home. 

Yippee YI Yo Ki Ya Galloping All the Way!!

Nov 11, 2007

I FINALLY got the information packet from Dr. O'Malley.  I sat and read the whole thing from cover to cover. I can see why some people aren't ready for this life changing "gift".  I read that people cannot smoke or drink.  Well DUH
don't people think they should be off of the 2 things that also aren't good for your body?  I can see drinking in moderation but not overdoing it.  BUT smoking is so not good .  I can also see how people can get nervous.  As I was reading it I could feel the intense butterflies starting to erupt.  Very anxious to get this seminar over and done with and any tests that I have to go through.  I think I have decided which operation to have.  I will be talking to Dr. O and I'll bet he'll recommend the same one for me.

I really think the next 4/5 months will be very hectic for me BUT exciting. 


Nov 05, 2007

I am soooooo glad that November is here already!  This is a very busy month for me.  I start putting up my 10 Christmas tress in my house.  Yeah I did say 10 - 3 in my nook, 1 in the dining room along with my village scene, 2 in the family room, 2 in my bedroom, and 2 by the door.  Plus I put up tons of Santas, angels, elves, reindeer, and 4 Nativity scenes.  Can you tell I love the Christmas season???!!!  This is definitely going to keep me busy this month while I try to wait patiently for my seminar .  At least I will be busy. 

Let's not forget the shopping that I have already started but will be officially underway the day after Thanksgiving.  Yeah, I'm one of THOSE people .  While the majority of people are asleep in their 's my g-friend and I will be trolling the stores for the good sales in the wee hours of the morning.  It is such a RUSH for us we love the drama, people watching, and finding thee perfect gift at the right price .  Plus we get to go out to lunch just the 2 of us and blah blah blah for hours

After Thanksgiving I have to plan our annual Christmas party.  It is all of the people that my husband works with.  Usually we have between 85/100 people at our house .  Yeah, I know bring on the stress, bring on the stress! 

Oh well at least my days and nights will be filled. 

Still not sure what type of surgery to get.  The lapband or gastric.  I'll have t talk to my doc. and get his advise.  I hear pros and cons from many people here that I consider my friends but I STILL can't make up my mind!!  See the stress is already creeping in!


Oct 22, 2007

I have met so many wonder people on this site.  I don't know is it the fatness that makes us more friendly?  Is it the knowledge that we have that in-tunes us to other's struggles? 

I enjoy looking at people's before and after pics  Some of the before pics make the person look older than they are.  BUT their before pics actually make them look sooooooo much younger, healthy, vibrant, and happy!

It's great to see people that respond to your questions, comments and reply with answers that can help or just a quick "good job, good luck, or congratulations" 

Let me indulge you on my friendships that I have made here.  Gina (she has become a friend indeed!)  It's too bad that we live so far away.  It would be nice if we lived closer so we could visit face to face!  (Haven't said this to her but it's the truth).  There were times I have laughed so hard that I almost peed my pants!  Plus there are some things I wouldn't repeat to anyone! 

Sue, she is kind person and great to talk to on the phone and has given me great hints and inspirational e-mails. 

Martita, it is wonderful to see how she has progressed, how young she looks now.  I enjoy her inspirational messages, great recipes, and knowing how Al is doing.  She is a true inspiration to me. 

I had a question on the NY site and found that I knew someone on there. 
Wendey, we have talked and I have enjoyed our conversations.  (I enjoyed them a few years ago, too) I hope that when she starts losing and I do the same that we can meet again with our "after" bodies face to face (our 2 teenage girls used to go to school together).  Small world, huh!

Teresa to hear that she is on her way emotionally, "home" wise, and weight wise. 

Britt, she reached her goal and has a lot of good advice on the NY site. 

I hope I didn't embarrass anyone with my heart pouring out but I get into these moods and have to tell people things.  I guess I started doing this after I has my breast cancer.  I don't want to waste time when everything is in the past and wish that I had expressed my feelings.  I want to do it in the here and now! 

So to everyone that I have talked to (some I may have forgotten, sorry) I wish to say that you have added something to my life that I could not have gotten from anyone else. 

Can you believe it?

Oct 01, 2007

YIPPEE it is October already!!!!!  I'm presuming in the next couple of weeks I will be receiving the packet from the doctor's office.  I'm very curious as to what will be in there. 

My husband told me today that I can get a new little baby.  Don't get me wrong, he doesn't control me but it had to be a mutual decision.  NO no no, not a diaper wearing, drooling, screaming one.  A little puppy!  I want a yorkie poo.  I think they are so adorable.  I have wanted one for so long.  I want a little one so it can sleep on my lap.  I guess I am getting the urge but not for the human kind.  I know my Jack (collie) will do great with him/her but my cats will probably freak out.  Oh well they will get used to the new situation.  This however won't happen until the spring of next year.  Yeah, look at me already talking about it and it is 6 months away.  I guess I am the type of person that has to look forward to things.  Cripe, I even have the dog's name picked out.  My brother-in-law's girlfriend is going with me and she is getting one also.  Yeah, I know pretty lame - huh?

Not only am I looking forward to my surgery but also to getting a new addition to my 4-legged family.  Hey, I say, the more I can get the happier I am!

Things I would like to accomplish after life-saving surgery

Sep 20, 2007

1   Be able to walk my dog, Jack, around the block not just to the corner
2   Buy zippered pants not stretchy ones
3   Look at my self through the side mirror on the truck (while I am riding and see someone that is proud of who she is and not see a huge stomach, arms, etc.
4   Be able to tie my shoes with ease
5.   Buy shoes that are pretty and not just for fat feet
6.   hold my little darlins on my lap with enough space to sit comfortably
7.   Not to have the steering wheel rub against my gut!
8.   would love to look at my profile
9.   See people that I haven't seen in a long time and hear their comments
10.   Wear button down shirts not just t-shirts
11.   Not to hide behind people when cameras come out
12    Get a family photo taken and LOVING it
13.   when I walk away from people not to worry that they are staring at my fat ass anymore.
        might be thinking or saying
14   sit in a booth at a restaurant and not to feel like I'm going to get stuck
15   have the witch-in-law not make snide comments or any of the other out-laws


Sep 10, 2007

Oh thank God it is finally September (actually it is the 10th).  I can feel myself getting more and more depressed as the days go on.  STILL November is so far away!

I feel like both of my knees are getting worse and worse.  When I get up it hurts like someone is squeezing the life out of them.  Sometimes I can't even walk.  I REALLY hope this surgery helps my knees so there won't be so much pressure.  All of this weight is REALLY getting to me.  I see everyone's progress and I am so happy for all of you.  I knew waiting was just not my "thing".    I am so tired of feeling tired, so tired of hurting (mentally, physically, and emotionally).  I am tired of FEELING my stomach resting on my legs when I sit down!!!  I feel worn out and unhappy.  Is this normal?  Will they deny my surgery and think I am a little nuts?

To get my mind off of this I am trying to knit more and read more.  I am trying to stay away from t.v. with all of their food ads (because we all know it looks so good). 

I guess I will just go to bed to get my mind some rest and face another day of the same old same old.

Another anniversary to celebrate

Aug 31, 2007

Someone was at my door today.  It was a person carrying a large bouquet of flowers.  I wondered who could possibly be sending me them.  (Thought he had the wrong house at first!)  But they WERE for me!  They were from my husband. 

Apparently I forgot that 1 year ago today I had my mastectomy and forgot all about it.  I guess that is a good thing.  Just glad that the 2 cancers are out of me and I am out of pain.  Anyone that has had breast cancer will know what I am talking about.

Almost Sept.

Aug 25, 2007

Yeah, I bet you are getting sick of hearing this.  BUT you probably already had your surgery and I didn't yet so I am going BONKERS.  This site is so very great.  I have met a lot of GREAT people here.  You all are getting my mind off of this waiting. 

Come September 16th it will be an anniversary for my family.  11 years ago we had a devastating house fire.  Lost everything but rebuilt.  Got some crap from a next door neighbor but some people I guess can't see other people's need to rebuild differently.  We, however, had many more angels helping us rebuild, clean, shovel crap, and send us gently used items.  Without people in our community and people I never new we would not have gotten through this.  So if any of you live in a community that relies on volunteer firemen, say a prayer when you hear the alarm go off.  Even the paid ones need prayers but in my community it is all volunteer.  We had 9 companies here from 9:30 a.m. til 4:30 p.m. battling the fire (it was pretty bad).  However, my family got through it and my lap band surgery is just another thing I have to get through.  I guess if things were the same everyday, life would be B O R I N G

It's August!

Aug 08, 2007

YIPPEE it's August already!  3 more months until November and that is only for my seminar.  I am going to go nuts when I REALLY start counting down when I finally get a date for my surgery.

Thank God I have my family and my job to get me through the days.  Also my very special friend, Gina, who I met on-line here.  We "talk" every few days and she is filling me in on stuff that she is going through.  She had her surgery about 3/4 weeks ago.  I am learning a great deal and it is WONDERFUL to talk to her.

About Me
Hamlin, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 71
