1st post op Thanksgiving

Nov 27, 2008

Well, It's my first post op thanksgiving, As of 2 days ago, I am 105 pounds down, at my surgeons goal, I feel better than I have in years. I'm almost 9 months post op at this point and just wanting to continue doing the right thing.  I'm not 100% perfect, but I don't want to live with limitations for the rest of my life. I'm learning moderation and loving working out.  Today was not to bad. I had to work and they organized Thanksgiving dinner. Collected from everyone and ordered from Boston Market. I opted to bring my own food, so that I could control what goes in my mouth today.  I did have a tiny piece of full sugar pumpkin pie (Ooooooooo so yummy). Glad to say that I don't feel like a failure. I chose to work today, because I felt like it was better than spending the day with family and no healthy food options. (Don't get me wrong, I miss the family, but not the food choices). Things I'm greatful for today, My family(the best husband in the world), my job(not the best but I have a secure one in these tough times), My friends, my support group meetings, (5 a month). My good health, President Elect Barack Obama.  I do miss my Grandma terribly, lost her 2 years ago in October. Miss you Boom-Boom!!


Nov 17, 2008

Well I did it, I've lost over 100 pounds and I waited a week to make sure I was'nt dreaming. . 17 pounds ago, my surgeon told me that he expected me to loose another 20 pounds, so I'm only 3 pounds away from my surgeons goal.  I still have not set a personal goal, I just want to continue to follow the rules, keep working out and stay healthy. I will continue to go to my support group meetings and help any one who needs help.  I would like to thank all of you for your support these past 8 months and for the continued support I know I will recieve for years to come.

100 pounds!!!!

Nov 10, 2008

Well, It's been 8 months and 7 days, I got on the scale this morning and to my surprise, I was down a total of 100.5 pounds
I had hoped this day would come, but I don't think I really believed it would. I don't want to get to excited until I can see this number or less the next time I get on the scale. (in 1 week).  I feel amazing and this feeling is worth the work to keep it.  Right now I go to physical therapy 3 days a week and I'm able to use the gym. PT will be ending in about 2 weeks and I've been looking into gyms to join. Have to make my decision soon. I want to stay healthy and maintain my weight loss. 

5 Miles!!!!

Oct 21, 2008

Well, on October 19th 2008, with my beautiful God Daughter by my side, I walked 5 miles for Breast Cancer. In the past, I could barely walk to my car in the parking lot at work. We walked on the Jones Beach boardwalk. 2.5 miles down and 2.5 miles back. We walked with the Team from my job. Team LIMA. (Long Island McArthur Airport)
The best part was that on the way back, (the last 2.5 miles) I was ahead of the team the whole time!!!!! I felt AMAZING afterwards, but by the time I got home, I kokned out, slept for about 3 hours. On a great note, my team raised $2,000.00 for the cause. I Love my RNY!!!!!

6 1/2 months out.

Sep 18, 2008

Well, as of today I'm 6 1/2 months out and down 87 pounds. I have come to the conclusion this evening that I am no longer invisible. People see me now, Men see me now. My husband see's me and smiles now.  I think he smiles because I smile more, when I smile now it feels so good. In the last 24 hours at least 6 to 8 people have called me sexy, and beautiful. Although it feels wonderful, I want to remain grounded and remeber why I had this surgery in the first place. To FEEL better. To be HEALTHY again. To stay healthy and get fit.

60 Pounds Lost!!

Jun 23, 2008

Well I got up this morning and got on the scale. 60 pounds lost. I was so happy, I picked up my Goddaughter and went shopping. Best buy was 4 pairs of pants for $20.00. I got 2 different sizes so hopefully I'll make it through the summer. I ended up with 6 pairs of pants and 8 tops. Next time I go shopping, No Avenue or Lane Bryant for me

And BTW i have lost NO HAIR.  I've been having protein treatments from the woman that does my hair since 1 week post op. I've been having these treatments about every 2 weeks.

I Love WOW Moments!!!!

May 04, 2008

Well, the other day at work, I had yet another WOW moment. I work at a local airport and that day I was assigned to work at an area outside of the main screening checkpoint.  While on a break, I was heading towards the checkpoint and as I was passing through the screening area, I happened to notice one of my co-workers trying real hard to get my attention.  It was quite crowded, and I finally made my way over to her and she told me, Get this, She did not recognize me as I was walking toward the checkpoint. OMG. She had just seen me 3 hours earlier. Not 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks or 3 days, 3 HOURS!  All I could say was YAY ME!!!!. 

My second mini WOW Moment!!!!

Apr 13, 2008

Well, tonight I had my second mini WOW moment. When I left work, I walked out with 5 other people and I kept up with everyone on the walk to the parking lot.  Not only did I keep up, I was out front and I didn't get out of breath.  YAY ME!!!!

My first Mini WOW Moment!!

Mar 14, 2008

Well today was a good day. Started out with a 10:00 am dental appointment. On the way home I stopped at Rite Aid to get a pill cutter.(have to cut my BP pills in half as per my PCP). While I was there I found Rite Aid Brand Multi Vitamins. They are small enough to swallow whole. No more chewing those nasty chewables. Came home and decided to try a protein drink that I bought. EAS Protein Drink, 17 grams of protein. I opened it up and smelled it and thought I would throw-up. So I decided to take a sip before I dumped it and OMG it was so good. Gonna get some more since I'm going back to work next week. I think it will be a great addition to my meal plan until I can get all of my protein from food. NOW my mini WOW moment. Before I went to the dentist I put my sneakers on. (of course I couldn't go barefoot). I usually take my sneakers off as soon as I walk in the house because they are so tight and and my toes would get numb. Well today I got home and after about an hour I realized I still had my sneakers on. I STILL HAD MY SNEAKERS ON AFTER AN HOUR!!!!  My toes didn't get numb, my feet were comfortable. 
I actually kept them on for for about 3 hours. I always take my shoes off before I go to the upstairs part of my house. This may not be a big deal for most, but for me it is my first wow moment. I love my RNY!

1st Follow-up with surgeon since surgery

Mar 12, 2008

Well today I am 10 days post op and had my first follow-up visit with the surgeon. Also had a post op with my PCP. According to the surgeons records I'm down 20 lbs and feeling great. He said I am healing extremely well and ok'd me to go back to work next week. (March 19). I follow up with him in 1 month and than every 3 months for the rest of this year. My PCP was also extremely pleased with my healing (said I must be part star fish) and also ok'd me to go back to work next week, I have to follow up with him in 2 week because I'm on blood pressure medication and my BP is starting to come down. Today at PCP office BP was 122/85.  According to the surgeon, I should have been on full liquids and I start on puree on March 17th. Today I had a Tall (small) decaf skinny caramel latte from Starbucks. . YUMMO!!! so good.  Than I had about 4 oz of Campbells soup at hand, Creamy chicken. It was a nice change from clear liquids. I knew as soon as pouchie had had enough. I waited about 40 minutes before I continued with my water. It's been a great day.  On a side note, I am so blessed to have an absolutely wonderful husband. He continues to be more supportive that I would have ever thought, kind words and actions.

About Me
Brentwood, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2007
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