Still hangin' out at about 240.

Jul 29, 2007

The month of July is about over, and I still weigh about 240.  Sometimes the scale says 238, 239....but it bounces from day to day.  I am so anxious about getting below 234 because that will be a 100 pound weight loss!! Woot woot!!  Then of course, onward bound...until I reach my feel good, personal goal weight of 175., that would be nice.  First things first though, under 234.  I can do this!!  

Another month gone....

Jul 07, 2007

I am almost 7 months post op now.  I am now about 242. (-91 - 92 pounds)  I can't wait to be in the "Century Club" and even better "Onederland!"  I still have so far to go...and sometimes it is very disheartening.  The weight comes off very slowly now...but it is still coming off, and for that I am forever grateful.  It's good to notice small changes here and there and to take clothes to Goodwill as they get too big.  I have also sold a few things on Ebay.     For quite a while there I was well over 300 pounds.  I had lost hope of ever being able to lose weight and my joints ached so badly. I couldn't get up and down off the floor to play with Noah without a great deal of difficulty and I didn't fly home to KY for a couple of funerals for fear I wouldn't fit in the seat.  Turn stiles, roller coasters - forget 'em. A walk around the block left me breathless and I had to pause to catch my breath after going up as few as 8-10 stairs. I was pretty miserable.  If anything, this surgery has enabled me a feeling of control and given me less helplessness/hopelessness about being stuck in a morbidly obese body for the rest of my life.  Light exercises, such as walking the dogs or riding a recumbant bike are enjoyable again.   I have battled with my weight my entire life.  I'm sure I always will.  This surgery is a tool, not a cure.   People do gain the weight back and I am determined to not let that be me.  However, it's only the beginning of this life long journey and I have yet to reach my personal goal weight.   Still, the road is alot more bearable and seemingly "possible" now.

It's been a long time since I posted on here...

Jun 01, 2007

I remember reading other people's blogs as I prepared for surgery and in the immediate months that followed and I hated that they would be so diligant about posting until several months after surgery and then just stop updating.  I wanted to hear how they were progressing so badly!!   Well, I have become guilty of doing the same.  I guess once you start to feel physically better and the surgery is no longer a forthought, you just stop thinking about it all the time.  For those that have read my blog, I apologize for not updating more often.

Anyway, I am down about 80 pounds and weigh in at about 254.  I have been at this weight for about 4-5 weeks now.  It's very frustrating.  Sometimes I feel I have lost all I am going to lose and although I am grateful for the 80 pounds that are gone, I am nowhere near my goal of 175.   I am going to have to step up the workouts as I am not doing anything on a regular basis.  For instance, last night I went bike riding for 30 minutes.  Sometimes I garden or pull weeds.  Mow the yard with a push mower.  Take the dogs for a walk.  Wash my van.  I am trying to stay much more active.  However, I am not lifting weights or going to a gym and at this point I am guessing that is what needs to change to begin losing weight again.  I am able to eat alot more than I used to and sweets do not bother me at all.  The only real problems I have is with dense meats and occasionally rices or pastas that haven't been overcooked.  Sometimes I forget I have had surgery and will eat too fast which causes me to throw up.  All in all, I am glad I had the surgery because it has given me confidence to know that if I do begin a regular exercise program and continue to modify my eating habits in a positive nature, my weight loss or even maintaining, is really possible, whereas before, I had lost all hope.   

I will try to update more often.  79 pounds to goal.  
Love, Delana

Had a follow up with my surgeon today. (April 13, 2007)

Apr 13, 2007

It was supposed to be my 3 month post op visit, but I am actually 4 months post op.  All of my blood work was fine.  Everything was normal, even my cholesterol.  My blood pressure is still a bit elevated, but nothing too severe.  Dr. Udobi seemed satisfied with my weight loss thus far.  He told me not to fret too much about the stall I am having....that I still have months of losing left.   I weighed in at 268.4 at his office.  That was in jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt, socks, and sneakers.  Fresh out of bed, right after I pee'd and buck naked this morning, the scale said 264....which would be a 70 pound weight loss.  However, I know it will fluctuate for the next week before staying steady at 264.  I can't wait to get under 250.  That is my short term goal right now.  At that point, I will be 75 pounds from my personal goal of 175.  I just can't imagine being in "onederland".  It sure sounds wonderful.  

On my wedding day to my husband in November 2001, I weighed 218.  I would like to weigh under that by our six year Anniversary this Fall.  

It would be nice to be under 200 pounds by my 1 year surgiversary this coming December 11th.    

Dr. U said I should expect to be at least 80 pounds down by my 6 month surgiversary. 

You won't believe this, but I am sitting in size 20 jeans right now.  I won't lie, they are snug.  However, I was just thrilled to get them zipped up.  Yesterday I went to Kohls and tried on size 22 pants and they were too tight.  Bummer huh?  This must be a big size 20 I'm wearing, but you know what?  I will take what I can get and rejoice in these seemingly small blessings!!  I know I couldn't have gotten them over my hips a few months ago and now they are button and zipped.  Halleluah!! 

The Easter Candy is killing me.

Apr 10, 2007

I'm either going to have to get rid of all of it or find some willpower.  It's not fair to my children for me to have to get rid of it because I can't control myself and "Just Say No".  I guess I should look deep within and find some strength to do what is best for me and my body. 

I have been at 269 for the past 2 weeks I guess.  I know someone who had her surgery 4 weeks before I did and she has lost 81 pounds (WTG Jaime!).  However, the scale is not moving for me and I'm sure it's the Cadbury Mini Eggs and Reese Peanut Butter Eggs that are slowing my progress.

I got on the recumbant bike today and rode 6+ miles.  I need to do that every day.  I have learned though, that knowing what I need to do and doing it are two very different things.  I realize that if I don't steer clear of the candy and exercise regularly....well, my weight loss is over.  I can't imagine that... as I am nowhere near my goal.   

Sigh.  This certainly isn't easy.  Permanent changes are going to be the answer to losing and keeping the weight off.  It's just easier said than done.  May God help me to continue down this path and do what's right to lead me to better health.  Of course, God can't help me if I won't help myself. 

Spring...Glorious Spring!!

Apr 02, 2007

It's April and Spring has Sprung!!  Amen.  I adore's my absolute favorite time of year.  I go outside every day and look at my plants to see all the new's amazing how fast they are changing and I love it.  

I am stuck in the 260's.  I guess that's better than the 330's I was in this past winter.   I can wear a size 24 jean...a size 22 but it's really  I love the lightweight jeans with 1-3 percent spandex.  Just enough to give it a little give and make them not only more form fitting, but much more comfortable.  I think I was fooling myself in the beginning, thinking I wore a 24/26 when I was actually in a 28 - 32.  I feel disappointed when I try on clothes because I feel I should be in a much smaller size.  Then I realize that all my 3X's and 26/28's were snug and to have them loose now is a definitive positive change.  

As I have been a human yo yo my entire adult life, I have clothes ranging in sizes 14-28.  I went through some boxes of stuff yesterday and pulled out the outdated items and items I just don't like anymore, and sent them to Goodwill.  I kept basic things like Levi's denim shorts, jeans, black pants, etc.  Everything else was packed up and sent away.  I am somewhat of a packrat, so getting rid of 2 full truck loads of things that were taking up space in my garage is a great thing!!  Surprisingly, I'm not feeling tremendously regretful about getting rid of things I have saved like I usually do.  

I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon in less than 2 weeks.  I need to get some bloodwork done asap so that my PCM's office can fax the results over to Dr. Udobi's office.  

We are going home to KY for Easter.  I'm so excited.   I can't wait to see my grandparents, my mom, dad, siblings, niece and nephew...etc.  It's been years since we have been able to share Easter together because we've always lived too far away. Even now, it will take us about 10 hours each way to get "home".

That's all for now.  I hope each of you is doing well on your own personal weight loss journey.
Love, Delana

65 pounds gone.

Mar 28, 2007

Slowly but surely....I can do this!!
Weight today - 269
94 pounds to my personal goal weight of 175.

My jeans are suddenly too big!!

Mar 18, 2007

I can take my jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them.  I put them on after they have been freshly washed and dried and I think they will be fine for the day but within an hour they are hanging on my hips.   It's aggravating, but SO exciting!!    It sure is uplifting to be able to actually see some changes!! 

60 pounds gone...forever!!

Mar 15, 2007

My weight this morning was 273.6....or 274.  That is a 60 pound weight loss.   I sure hope I continue to lose as I would like to lose about 100 more pounds as my personal goal weight is 175.  I also picked out a pair of capris from my closet and they were too big to wear!!   That's the first time that's happened since I had the surgery.  I have been able to get out clothes that were previously too small and have them fit, but have not been able to pull out things from last year and have them too big.  Also, I went to Fashion Bug today just to try on Blue Jeans and the 24 fit perfectly.  Not too tight at all.   I didn't purchase them...just tried them on to see how they fit...knowing that 3 months ago, I could never have zipped or buttoned them.  That was a good feeling.   By our vacation in June, I would love to be a size 18.  That's a really big jump, so I don't know if it's possible, but a girl can dream can't she?!  

I hope all you other "Losers" are doing great!!

Stuck at 279.

Mar 09, 2007

I got down to 275 - 277 when I was sick with vomiting and diarhea.   However, now that my fluid levels are back up and I am eating again, I am at 279 and have been here for the past 5 days.  I am going to just keep on doing what I have been doing and hope this plateau/stall, passes soon.  Hope everyone is doing well on this WLS journey.

About Me
Elizabethtown, KY
Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 64

Latest Blog 57
Sitting between 217-218.
Still sitting in the lower half of the 220's...
50 pounds to my personal goal...
Still sitting at about 229 or so...
Still stuck at just about 100 pounds off....
100 pounds gone! Hip hip Hooray!!
