I have a tentative date!!! OMG I am SO excited...and scared to

Nov 02, 2006

Tentatively it is going to be December 11th. Wow huh?!  
It's not for certain just yet as she wasn't in front of her calendar when I returned her call.  The lady that sets surgery dates said to call her back tomorrow at 8 AM.  (WOO HOO!!!)
Also, there is the problem with Christmas being shortly thereafter...only because my husband's grandparents (whom in the 6 years we have been together, he hasn't seen and I have never met because they live in FL) are going to be in Ohio/Kentucky area as all the kids (including us) are chipping in to buy them plane tickets to and from FL.  I know dh is looking forward to that.  I told him he could go with the kids and I could stay home if I wasn't physically ready to travel yet (we live in Missouri)...we would fly him/kids in and he could enjoy time with his family.  He says that I have no idea how sore and ill I am still going to be at that point and he won't leave me like that.  SO, I may try to get the surgery in January...although I'd really just like to schedule it and get it over with and have some time through the holidays to recover...which is a slower time for him at work.  I will talk to the surgery schedule lady tomorrow and we shall see.  I really want him to see his family late December, whether I can go or not.


Oct 31, 2006

Wow! I didn't expect it to happen this fast.
I called Tricare just to make sure they had received the claim authorization and they said they had received it and approved it. 
I have a 96 day window, beginning Oct 26th, to have the surgery...so that means I will have it Nov, Dec, or Jan.  Most likely later than sooner as the surgeon I see only does two surgeries a week and last I heard he was full through mid Dec.  
It's for an Open Roux En Y. 

I am terrified, but anxious.

Big week this week.

Oct 28, 2006

Tuesday I have a 2 hour Psychological Testing, then an appointment with the Dietician.  When I get home, it'll be time to take the tots Trick or Treating.

Wednesday I have physical therapy for my knee. 

Friday is my Heart Stress Test.

I also plan on calling Tricare  this next week and figuring where we stand on my Surgical Preapproval.

Otherwise, just a normal week. Kids in school, my husband working far too many hours, me cleaning house, cooking, paying bills, etc.
Such is life.

I have 3 Friends!!!

Oct 27, 2006

Yippee!!! Woo hoo!!

Really thinking alot about WLS today...10/21/06

Oct 21, 2006

I have been reading blogs and looking at Before/After pictures this morning.  I have a way to go procedural wise to have a  date for surgery, but if I keep plugging along, I will get there.  Last night I started thinking about what I should do to prepare for the surgery legally...meaning wills, etc.  I want to make sure all my thoughts are down so my husband would have less to worry about should something happen.  We have the concerns of my first son. He is biologically my ex husbands, but he has been raised by my current husband since he was 2...so even if it is unlikely, I want it known that I want Jonathan to stay with Chris and his baby brother Noah.  It is important that he stay in a familiar room/house and school, with a familiar father figure.  It's really the only life he has ever known.  I think my ex should still have visitation and such, but Chris should remain the primary caregiver. I need to make sure that I have my financial wishes down in writing, and that my family knows I really love them.  I need to make everything right with God too.  Anyway, I hope I don't need any of those things, but it's a dangerous surgery and it's best I am prepared.  I am extremely excited about this surgery.  I can't wait to get my approval from Tricare and then set a date with the surgeon.  Then, the real countdown will begin.  I am going to start walking 15-20 minutes a day j(even if it kills me) ust to build up my endurance and strength so I have as smooth a recovery as possible.  I already walk occasionally now, but not as often as I should. I just dread it so much because my knees and hips hurt so badly and I am always so tired.  I know it is what I need to do, and if I think about it as a prelude to a surgery, which is where my hope lies as a solution for this obesity disease, then I think that will give me the strength I need to do what needs to be done.  I have made a few online friends off of this site.  I think that is a wonderful thing!! Well, need to go get some cleaning done.  ((((HUGS)))) to all of you. Love, Delana

I had my appt with the psychologist and...

Oct 20, 2006

...have appointments scheduled for the Heart Stress Test (Nov 3rd) and Psychological testing (Oct 31st).  I had my initial consultation with the psychologist specializing with bariatric patients and it seemed to go well. I had a lot of paperwork to complete too.  I still have a ways to go, but am slowly getting there.  I am going to call the surgeons office on Monday to see if the surgery was approved by my insurance. Crossing my fingers.

Yeah!! I finally found the blog spot.

Oct 15, 2006

It seems that WLS is on my mind an awful lot lately.  I think about it no less than a dozen times a day.  Today I visited the Memorial page here at OH and that makes me sad and nervous.  I don't want to die...that is why I am having this surgery!! I want to enjoy life and feel better.  I want to be able to run and play with my children and walk with my husband without being embarassed because I can't keep up.  I walk along huffing and puffing and he is just casually strolling along.  I want to be able to work out again.  I have so far to go and this surgery seems like the perfect tool to aid me in my weight loss. However, when I read the memorial's in makes me questions whether this is right for me...after very little thought, I realize that "Yes", this is still something I want to do...a chance I am willing to take.  Being obese my entire life, well, this seems like my only chance at having anything resembling a "normal" life.  I still have a while to go...I have only had my initial consultation thus far.  However, with God on my side, I will have some luck making my appointments with the dietician and the psychologist, the blood work, the heart stress test.  My husband feels I can lose the weight on my own and that although he agrees I very much need to lose weight, surgery is not absolutely necessary.  I disagree. Sigh.  Anyway, I love this board and I love hearing all about your successes, so keep posting!!  You help the rest of us keep our chin up.  (((HUGS)))
Love, Delana

About Me
Elizabethtown, KY
Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 64

Latest Blog 57
Sitting between 217-218.
Still sitting in the lower half of the 220's...
50 pounds to my personal goal...
Still sitting at about 229 or so...
Still stuck at just about 100 pounds off....
100 pounds gone! Hip hip Hooray!!
