All about water...

Feb 06, 2008

INTERESTING TIDBIT FOR YOU - do not drink cold liquids with your meals... I read this today... apparently food digests better at room temperatures and drinking cold liquids with your meals slows down digestion and can potentially increase the amount of foods that will be converted to fat....WOW... I guess that really rules out icecream for me....LOL

Don't drink cold water after meals!

Feb 06, 2008

Drinking Cold Water After Meal- Cancer! & A serious note about heart

Precautions is better then cure........ ....

Hi Friends,

Drinking Cold water after meal = Cancer!

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.
However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just
consumed. It
will slow down the digestion.

Once this "sludge" reacted with the acid, it will break down and be
absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line
the intestine.

Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best
to drink hot soup or warmafter a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks


Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to
be the left arm hurting.
Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart

Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.

60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not
wake up.

Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep.
Let's be careful and be aware.
The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

Crustless Pizza

Jan 26, 2008

During the "can I eat pizza" debate, I mentioned making a crustless pizza last weekend.  I was asked to post the recipe.  It's so simple you will love making this for dinner!

 1 lb lean ground beef or ground turkey 
1 small jar of pizza sauce 
8 oz pkg of mozzeralla cheese (preferably low fat)
 Any choices of toppings- sausage, green peppers, tomatoes, onions, black olives and etc..  


  1. Pat ground beef or ground turkey on cookie sheet. Bake for 15-18 mins at 400 degree. Pat paper towel on excessive fat grease off the meat. Spread pizza sauce over cooked beef or cooked turkey. Sprinkle your favorite toppings and sprinkle mozzeralla cheese. Bake again in oven for 15 mins till cheese melt and lightly borwn at 400 degree
 When I made it, I added black olives, turkey pepperoni and red onion.  The whole family ate it and loved it.  In fact, the picky 17 year old who doesn't eat leftovers - had some for lunch the next day!

25 Best Low Calorie Snacks

Jan 26, 2008

Make smart and healthy food choices throughout the day and your body will thank
you. Below is a list of the top 25 best snacks to choose to keep the weight off
and your body running optimally.

Best Snacks - Air Popped Popcorn

Best Snacks - Nonfat Cottage Cheese

Best Snacks - Frozen Grapes

Best Snacks - Protein Bars

Best Snacks - Hard Boiled Eggs

Best Snacks - Orange Slices

Best Snacks - Sugar Free Jello

Best Snacks - Broccoli Florets

Best Snacks - Sliced Chicken Breast

Best Snacks - Green Salad

Best Snacks - Hummus

Best Snacks - Cherry Tomatoes

Best Snacks - Nonfat Yogurt

Best Snacks - Peanut Butter

Best Snacks - Frozen Mangos

Best Snacks - Frozen Yogurt

Best Snacks - Fruit Smoothies

Best Snacks - Walnuts

Best Snacks - Sunflower Seeds

Best Snacks - Soy Chips

Best Snacks - Bean Salad

Best Snacks - Tuna

Best Snacks - Sliced Apples

Best Snacks - Pickles

Best Snacks - Olives

"If you don't take care of your body where will you live?"
.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; }

Why am I so hungry in the afternoon?

Jan 26, 2008

Post Date: 1/26/08 7:09 am
On January 24, 2008 at 6:43 PM Pacific Time, DonnaMaria wrote:

Dear Dr. Curry,
I have had my band for a year and four months. I lost the first 60 lbs. very quickly. I have been the same weight since June (85 lbs lost). My band is very loose but when it gets tightened I have problems with being stuck. The real problem is me. I have given up alot of my bad eating habits but there are two I really have a problem with. One is that I graze all day. I don't think two hours go by without me eating something. My biggest and most worrisome problem is at
3:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon. It is at that time of day that I usually blow enough calories to not be able to eat the rest of the night. It is like I can't get enough to eat. I don't know if my sugar drops and that is why I started eating frequently. I have gotten shaky if I don't eat. I have always gotten extremely tired around the same time of day (3:00 to 4:00). So tired in fact that if I lay down I could sleep. Besides the physiological issues is there anything physically that could cause me to hold on to these habits. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Donna Maria

Donna Maria,
If I were you I would research the glycemic index approach to eating.  Foods that are high in glycemic index will make you hungrier more quickly and are less nutritionally dense.  Stick to low index foods and this may help.

Trace W. Curry, M.D.
Lap Band and Realize Band surgeon
Cincinnati, Ohio
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER:  Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only.  Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!

Some answers....

Jan 20, 2008

Wow thank you everyone. So much of what all of you said is part of why I am not loosing weight.
I believe I have gotten some insight from your insight. Here is what I see.

1. If I loose all the weight I am going to have to go on to my next demons which are way bigger than weight loss. Although we make enough money (hallelujah) I am financially irresponsible.
2. I do look good at a size 16. I feel great and would be okay to stay here although I know it is much healthier to get to my proper BMI.
3. Being in "loosing mode" isn't as easy as just watching what you eat. I need to be a little tougher on myself. 
4. I don't go to any support group and I don't get nutritional counseling or see a therapist.


5.  I do not want to be a band person that feels that unless I can't eat bread that my band isn't tight enough. I probably have .5 cc in my band and believe me that is plenty tight to keep from gaining weight.

Why am I doing this?

Jan 20, 2008

Ridgewood, NJ
Ibrahim Ibrahim, M.D. Lap Band (09/14/06) Member Since: 08/24/06
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I need to know why I would sabotage my weight loss efforts. I have remained the same since June. Please don't answer more exercise or more protein. I know all that I think I am intentionally sabotaging the remainder of my weight loss and I can't figure out why. I am now a size 16. I am very happy with the way I look but would love to loose another 20 - 25 lbs. I think I am purposely sabotaging myself but I don't know why? Anyone have any guesses why someone would not want to get to goal? Thanks, Donna







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Apple Valley, MN
Paul Benn, M.D. RNY (10/11/05) Member Since: 10/20/05
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Hmmm..I would think you could be self sabbatoging because for so long you haven't succeeded at permanent weight loss that the prospect that you will succeed becomes overwhelming.  You keep yourself tied in you past failures instead of moving to a successful future.  JMHO!!!

Cassandra V           
"Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans"  -John Lennon Beautiful Boy  


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Hawthorne, NJ
Garth Ballantyne, M.D. RNY (03/12/07) Member Since: 01/06/07
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Hey Donna!  Long time no see.

I think some of it may be fear.... fear of the unknown.... fear of losing that "wall/protection".... fear of being successful.

I know that I am now in uncharted territory, and it's pretty scarry thinking about how far I've come, and what my ultimate goal is.  It would be a heck of a lot easier to just say "ya know, I've done good, I think I'll stop here," but I know that I can do better than that, and I know that you can as well!

Have you been going to any support groups?  I'm always here for ya if you need to chat or whatever... you've come this far, I know you can get to where you really want to be!

      Regret for wasted time is more wasted time.   ~ Mason Cooley

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salt Lake City , UT
Rodrick D McKinlay Member Since: 09/29/07
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I would suggest you talk to someone about it, a counsor or someone with experience talking to people about weight issues.  I know there are a lot of  reasons  for me but you need to figure out your reasons. 

Good luck

Amy Life is a Journey not a Destination

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Member Since: 09/13/04
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Depends on the person really. I would talk to your therapist as this is a really important thing you need to find out. The first step is finding out, the second step is eliminating it.

Are you getting lots of compliments? Maybe being treated differently than you used to by guys? Maybe being called cute or sexy?

Some people get scared of that and use their weight as a shelter, after surgery you can't do that anymore. Some people really don't like being seen in other men's eyes as beautiful. Even if they really think they do.

I really hope you find what is causing this as it sounds like it is going to be what causes you your success.

~*~ xoxo ~*~ Mandy ~*~ xoxo ~*~

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Linda F.
Member Since: 03/11/07
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You had a lap band.  Can't you have a fill?  Linda
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Jennifer H.
Babak Moeinolmolki M.D. RNY Member Since: 06/28/07
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I think you should schedule a fill and /or see your bariatric surgeon for a follow-up visit and ask this question.  Also,the fact that you're asking yourself about sabotage seems to indicate you know there is a reason to hold yourself back.  Talk to your therapist about it and you will feel better after gaining insight into your reasons.  Many of us have used our weight as a shield from intimacy for fear or being hurt if we have pain from past hurts we haven't completely let go.  Is there any emotional unfinished business you need to address and let go?  You and your therapist can figure this out together.  Congrats on your awesome weight loss!  You can get to your goal.  ~Jennifer


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Gail Wynn, M.D. RNY (12/11/06) Member Since: 11/17/06
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Donna, Maybe the weight you are at is truly a good weight for you.  I am in a size 16 and have decided to maintain, instead of working to lose more.  It's a whole new way of thinking for me.  Instead of LOSE, LOSE, LOSE, it's Wow, I feel good at this weight.  This might be a good weight for me.  I don't think everyone is suppposed to be stick thin.  It is a new idea for me to say, Wow, I did it instead of I'm not good enough because I didn't get down to a size 10.  Good Luck!  Hilde

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Why am I doing this to myself?

Jan 20, 2008

I need to know why I would sabotage my weight loss efforts. I have remained the same since June. Please don't answer more exercise or more protein. I know all that I think I am intentionally sabotaging the remainder of my weight loss and I can't figure out why. I am now a size 16. I am 5 ' 8 1/2" so I feel pretty good physically. I am very happy with the way I look but would love to loose another 20 - 25 lbs. Anyone have any guesses why someone would not want to get to goal? I could use a fill and I could exercise more but I think this issue is not about diet or exercise. 
Thanks, Donna








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Birmingham, AL
Scott Pennington, M.D. Lap Band (01/10/08) Member Since: 12/17/07
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Are you scared of what will happen if you reach goal? Are there other issues that if you didn't have your weight loss to deal with you would be forced to deal with? It sounds like you are doing really well. Think about what waits for you at goal and figure out how to deal with it. Or maybe I have no clue...that is a very strong possibility.
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shrinkingguy W.
Ojai, CA
Member Since: 06/02/06
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What you need to do is crystal clear from your post:  see the doc, get a fill, and stick with the program.  But you're not doing it.  The problem and solution have to be between your ears.

I saw a therapist at the beginning of this process and it helped a ton.  I think it would help you, too, since the problem isn't ignorance, but your failure to do what you know how to do to get where you want to go.

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Alberto Aceves MD Lap Band (12/06/06) Member Since: 10/04/07
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On January 20, 2008 at 8:10 PM Pacific Time, DonnaMaria wrote:

I need to know why I would sabotage my weight loss efforts. I have remained the same since June. Please don't answer more exercise or more protein. I know all that I think I am intentionally sabotaging the remainder of my weight loss and I can't figure out why. I am now a size 16. I am 5 ' 8 1/2" so I feel pretty good physically. I am very happy with the way I look but would love to loose another 20 - 25 lbs. Anyone have any guesses why someone would not want to get to goal? I could use a fill and I could exercise more but I think this issue is not about diet or exercise. 
Thanks, Donna








I know lots of people look at it as sabotage but I'm not sure it's really always that.  I think it's easy to get sick of being in weight loss mode and easier to sit back and appreciate what we have already accomplished.

Being in active weight loss mode is not fun, it isn't.  Is there anyone that would disagree with that?  It's easier to look back, say I've come a long way, and maybe this is good enough.

At least that's my take on it.
At goal.  102 pounds to reach goal, 103 pounds in 10 months, 112 currently.  I'm done!
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shrinkingguy W.
Ojai, CA
Member Since: 06/02/06
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"Sabotage" is such an ugly word.

Hard or not, weight loss mode is where we need to be to, um, lose weight.  Failure to achieve that is a problem whether we call it sabotage or not.  It's dangerous to give ourselves permission to take a break or ease up.

Too much sympathy for ourselves ends up condoning and enabling our own failure.
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Alberto Aceves MD Lap Band (12/06/06) Member Since: 10/04/07
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Ohhh, I agree with you!  I should clarify.

I'm not suggesting it is a good thing to give up early, I just don't think we are *trying* to ruin all efforts.  I think it's easier to realize we have come a long way and give up.  Not saying that is a good thing, just that it seems to be common.

Kinda like running.  It's easy to get very tired very quickly.  We can say... "Wow, I just ran five miles!"  Or, we can say we are sabotaging efforts by not going two more miles.

I just don't think sabotage and "tired of weight loss mode" are the same thing.  That was my only point.
At goal.  102 pounds to reach goal, 103 pounds in 10 months, 112 currently.  I'm done!
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shrinkingguy W.
Ojai, CA
Member Since: 06/02/06
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Thanks for clarifying.  You're right that "sabotage" is really accusatory and derogatory when, in fact, we're just tired from the marathon.  I'm really glad you made the point.

The trick is staying motivated in the home stretch--and on into maintenance. 

Maybe we should start a thread about that.

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Antonio Coirin, M.D. Lap Band (12/26/07) Member Since: 09/24/07
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size 16, 5' 81/2" maybe you dont need to lose more weight. theres nothing wrong with wearing a size 16 and at your hieght I bet you look terrific.
I'm at 258  5'6 (possible lower, will see at weigh-in 1/30) and currently wear size 22. I carry my weight well. Do you want to know my goal? 199 lbs or size 18. everyone tells me are you "loca" hell yah!  I want curves and I know I will look hot in a size 18 and IF I happen to lose more, great
not sweating it.
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Ridgewood, NJ
Ibrahim Ibrahim, M.D. Lap Band (09/14/06) Member Since: 08/24/06
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Thanks so much everyone. I think alot of valid points were made. The follwing seem to stick out.
1. what am I going to have to face when I get to goal. I know exactly what, my lack of financial responsibility.
2. It is much easier not being in "loose weight mode".
3. I am pretty happy at what I see in the mirror. 

Thanks again, Donna Maria
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Food for thought...

Jan 17, 2008

"Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."


Jan 17, 2008

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