73 lbs. lost so far since February 3, 2010

May 27, 2010

I am so happy to lost the weight and look at my reflection in a window. What a difference and is my weight loss normal? Do people lose more weight faster but of course, everyone is different. I get discouraged because I want to lose more faster but never seem to. I even went through a plateau already that really sent me into a funk. For two weeks, no weight loss- just stayed the same. I am a big girl and really want to lose the fat yesterday but only time will tell. I am learning to be patient but get frustrated because I feel hungry a lot again. I know whey protein but night time seems to be the time that gets me. I get so bad and end up eating sugar free popsicles. What else can I do? Any ideas people, please share your wisdom with this woman!! 

I can cross my legs again

May 14, 2010

 Life is good and to actually see the results when I can wear pants that I never been to fit before. I can also cross my legs in them and not have to walk around with the waistband pinching my tummy or fat hanging over. Actually I spent the day pulling them back up because even they are getting to big. I love losing the weight and it feels good. Sometimes it feels slow and then it kicks back in gear to lost the pounds. I am extremely happy with this so far and it shows in my walk.

Down 50 lbs. and feel great

Mar 28, 2010

I lost 50 lbs. since my pre-op diet that started was started on January 20, 2010. I feel great and on average been losing 7 lbs a week. I cannot wait to try on my old clothes again and waiting to buy new ones. Things are hard and I get hungry but try to not think about it. Eating is so visual for me!! I see someone eat and all I can think about is eating that particular food. I get frustrated and tried some food but ended up throwin up because it was hard to hold down. Now I am leary of anything that I see or want, especially meat. I am adding more protein now because I have been real tired lately.

Surgery Complete

Feb 06, 2010

I am so darn happy and thrilled at the same time-finally had my surgery on february 3rd, 2010. What was I freaking out about? Scared, yes and overdramatic-sure was. I feel so much better and it has been 3 days since I went under the knife. I am accepting the eating regimen but get upset that I cannot have the juicy ribs my family had tonight but remembered how those juicy ribs put me this condition. Now, I eat my liquid diet carefully and on time, watching out for sugars and scared of jello. Jello and I did not agree for my first meal on Thurday-one day after the surgery. So I am holding back on that for awhile but livining on Hormel Pureed items that I bought from Nutrution Therapy. Still drinking my shakes, even though one cup full is way to much for me right now. I am laying off the pain killers and feeling better slowly, taking it easy everyhour on the hour. I am resting and walking around as much as I can tolerate. I feel good and not hungry only when I see food that is being cooked or eaten. Smell gets me still but accept now that I cannot have it. Life is good and really happy to lose the weight so I can wear cute shirts, bras and pants. Cannot wait to be able to wear dress pant suits to work...going to look good in those. Also, looking for long necklaces to buy to accesorize my new clothes for the future. My daughter said to buy a dress smaller that I can use as a goal and may just do that-she is so smart. Loving my future now and little does my family know but they are going to adjust their eating habits to eat like me-MORE HEALTHY for all their benefits. No more chubby guys and more exercise for all of us!


3 days until my surgery

Jan 31, 2010

Scared and really have to hold myself back from eating....never really realized how much food comforts me. I am scared out of my mind and know that it will hurt. I just need to relax and take it one day at a time. I am taking my shakes but want something else ALOT lately. I am ready to tie myself down or handcuff myself to my bed. The hunger is bad and only because I fear that I will never eat it again. I am scared but happy.....  Grandma is here and going to be here for me. Have tons of family and friends that worried about me. I am worried but have high hopes/dreams!! See you all in a couple days and will let you all know how things are going for me.

Panic set in-shakes are going good!

Jan 25, 2010

Well I cannot find my Bariatric Surgery book from the surgeon. Lost it or put it away where I cannot find it. Almost gave up on it after 2 denials but still here. Seems all the nutrition classes and all that got lost in my memory. All the do's and don'ts after the surgery. Well 9 days left until I go in to have my surgery in Fargo, ND. Excited but also scared all over again. The pain is all I can think of and you think I could handle after having 4 kids. I can handle it but just scared!!  May be because I finally realized I can die and it could happen today even. But never really realized how my weight could KILL ME FASTER with heart failure; liver failure and just plain diabetes. Now I have a chance to lose the weight, play with my son and run with my kids! So very happy to see what the future holds for me. I love life!!

HELP-Bariatric Advantage Shakes

Jan 19, 2010

OKAY.. this morning I am getting my shakes ready and put 3 cups of skim milk in the blender along with 6 scoops of the shakes mix. Mix my shakes up and wham....it has doubled in mass and looks more then the 3 cups of milk/powdered scoops. Is this normal, am I losing my mind? I am real stunned and does this happen when you whip milk because thats what I did. Tomorrow will shake it instead and not use the blender. Freaking out and thinking I cannot even measure correctly because of my over eating or bingeing from the past. I know what I measured.. must be the whipped part of the blender.  WhAT did I DO Wrong????????

Starting Shakes tomorrow~I made it!!

Jan 19, 2010

Today was a long awaited day for me and so glad to start the meal replacements tomorrow. It will feel good and lost 7.5 lbs. without trying but making an effort to move around more at home. I work in an office and work behind a desk FT. Not much exercise other then walking upstairs to other offices to say hi. Today I walked all over the hospital going to appt.s and so happy that this day is finally here. I went through my appt today in a haze of wow..this is really happening. NOW WHAT??? I am glad and will keep you posted on how I am handling the shakes!

Panic set in-second hand smoke-what if I test "POSITIVE"

Jan 10, 2010

I am freaking out and live with smokers..they cannot smoke in the house but sure do on the way to work in the morning. Now, I am freaking out thinking what if I test positive for smoke...they should know if someone smokes or not. Am I freaking out for nothing,,,HELP.........Panic has set in.. WHY do these fears haunt me all the time and now what do I do??? I cannot wait any longer because I am ready NOW. Oh well, only time will tell and I will find out on the 19th of January. 8(  Someone give me advice that have experienced something like this before!

Waiting for the Pre-op on Jan. 19th and than the Surgery 2/3/01

Jan 06, 2010

Time keeps on ticking by slowly and I cannot wait any longer...frustrated and want this to happen today. Lets get the shakes on and lose weight before the surgery. I am really trying to keep myself occupied but NOT HAPPENING. I am excited but also scared to death out of my mind all the time. I hear people that have had the surgery are doing good and only one that has struggled due to complications. These comments are coming from family members that work in clinics and deal with bariatric people on a daily basis. Then I hear of people that are able to eat mashed potatoes and cereal days after the surgery and this scares me to death. A lot of what ifs are running through my mind and what if I blow this and end up losing all this weight and then get FAT AGAIN...  I guess FAILURE is my biggest scare and I am want to work out and walk, walk myself thin. I really need to look on this website and connect with people to make myself feel better. I have not been on for days due to computer needed to go to the doctor.
