And On

Aug 01, 2010

So I think I've finally figure out what I am doing wrong.  I keep putting myself in situations that are normal but this is SNAFU time.  Things are not normal and I have to pull myself out of normal life and temptations. 

I did really well yesterday.  I discovered the tastiness of vietnamese soup broths.  Oh my god yum, and they have Beef, chicken and pork broths.  Very satisfying.

I am going to make my own chicken broth today.  That way I can tweak it anyway I want.

Things are a lot easier this day.  I've lost 6 pounds in the last 6 days, but I think it's all pee and poop cause that's all I'm doing.  I think that I'm lactose intolerant so i've switched to lactaid.  It seems to be helping.  I'm also trying almond breeze but I didn't notice I was buying vanilla flavoured an I don't like it.  I will try regular next time.

Oh yeah I just discovered, after I opened it of course, that the iso xp I bought was chocolate PEANUT BUTTER AND I HATE PEANUT BUTTer.  I can tolerate it but it's a plug your nose proposition for me.  I'm not gonna waste 49 dollars on something and not use it.

I'm going to walk downtown today and pick up either chocolate or strawberry.

Well here's to a new day and a new tomorrow.

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Regina, XX
Oct 02, 2009
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