Monday baby

Aug 06, 2010

It's been a tough couple of weeks.  The liquid diet and then I had three funerals in the last 10 days. Native funerals are all about the food.  It was so hard.  I did slip and have a couple of cigarettes but I'm back on the wagon again.  It's so stressful.

My life is going to change so much on Monday. It's the start of a whole new life. There's not too many things in your life that are so momentous. I'm having second, third and fourth thoughts.  I know this is the best thing for me because my health is sooo bad but the changes to lifestyle are so huge.

My support group is falling apart it seems. The VP and secretary and activities director have all resigned in the last couple of days.  I don't know if there is something going on that I don't know about but it's kinda devestating to see this happen.  We have 5 vacancies on the board.

I have a support group meeting tomorrow and it's gratifying to know that quite a few people are coming to support me before my surgery.  I just hope that the group doesn't fall apart.  I'm gonna need them more than ever in the next few months.  Especially since a lot of them have already had the surgery and know what I am going through. 

Posting on this blog has helped because there are so many like minded people here.  How is everyone else doing?  Anybody regret their decision? 

I took a picture with all my workmates before for I left work.  Then at Christmas time we will take another picture.  Hopefully I'll be a sliver by then well maybe not a sliver.  My goal weight is 160 pounds. 

One thing that I noticed is that my blood sugars have been great since I started this diet.  I'm down to 20 units of Lantus a day as to 120 when I started.  I did have a couple of low blood sugars and had to take the sugar tabs.  Hopefully that won't affect my results.  It actually happened when I was shopping last Saturday.  Nearly passed out in Walmart.  I look forward to (hopefully) never having to take insulin any more.  The shots were never really my favorite thing.

I made another batch of chicken soup broth yesterday.  It was even better than the last one.  I'm getting pretty good at it.  I freeze the chicken for when I get to eat meat again.  I dream of meat. 

My aunt was being a bitch today and eating my favorite blue licorice in front of me all day as well as buying some beautiful looking fudge.  Neither of which will be in my future ever again. I read a post about someone who had thought she could eat a small piece of a torte and wound up passed out from hypoglycemia. Scary!!!

There are a lot of hopes and dreams tied up in this surgery.  I hope I'm prepared enough for all the work I'm gonna have to do after this. 

Oh yeah I started taking lactaid and it's helped immeasurably with the diarrhea and farting.  As long as I remember to take it before I drink the shakes.  I had some milk the other day and I could actually hear the milk making its way though my stomach and intestines.  I never knew I was lactose intolerant before I started this diet.  I did remember that I had trouble with ice cream when I was younger it use to make me vomit afterwards.  I'll have to find another alternative to milk when I'm out of the hospital.  I'll probably have to do the lactaid milk instead of regular milk.  I haven't tried soy milk yet but I have tried the almond milk.  I hated the flavour of the almond milk but I tried vanilla and not just the plain milk.

Well I think I have been going on for long enough.  I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to post again I have a pretty busy week-end ahead of me. I was hoping to start today but the funeral interferred in that.  The funerals were all on the reserve so was a long drive there and back and my whole day was shot with each funeral.

Thin you later.  Danette

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Regina, XX
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