My Stall Is Over!!!

Jan 10, 2008

I got on the scale today....I have lost again.  As of today I weighed in at 177.5...I am slowly getting there. 


Jan 06, 2008

It has been a good challenge buddy found me!!  I am excited to have someone to talk to that can really relate to what is going on.  I have stalled ...I have been playing around at 180lbs for atleast 3 weeks now.  I just don't know what to do to kick start it back to the losing side.  I know stalls are expected.  But, I am just not a patient person.  I want to hit my ideal weight so bad.  Actually, I go see the doctor on the 26th.  My personal goal was to have lost 100lbs by then, but I don't see that being now I am hoping to hit between 75 and 80lbs.  So keep your fingers crossed for me!!


Jan 01, 2008

It is a new day and a New Year!!!  My resolution is to get my 98grams of protein in each day!!  So far today is good, I have already got my 42gram drink finished and I am sitting about 60 total and it is on 2pm, I think I can do this.  (atleast  I see the doctor in 24days for my 6 month follow up.  His goal for me was 160lbs....that is about  20 away from where I am today.  I don't expect to be there at the 6month visit.  However, I want to be close as i can.  I am at 180 today and by then I would like to be at 175 or even 170 I am going to focus on protein, water, and lots and lots of movement.  WISH ME LUCK.    2007 was great year, I got approved for my surgery, and everything has gone well since 7/20/2007.  I am about 80 pounds less of a person and loving every minute of it.   Look out I come!!!

Bah HUM Bug!!

Dec 20, 2007

Just 5 days until Christmas!!  And I am not really excited at all.  This year has been crazy, it is a lot of work to decorate, buy gifts, wrap them and make sure everything gets done...the POOF, the day is over !!  Sometimes I feel like I am on one of those little wheels that you put in a hamster cage.  I am running and running, but not really getting anywhere.  I have really slowed down on the weight loss.  I am happy where I am at but I have about 40 more to go to be at my IDEAL weight.  I just feel I will NEVER get there.  I still see the same me in the mirror.  I know I am smaller, but it is weird, I just don't see that much of a difference. 

Life Goes On

Dec 10, 2007

My daughter, her new husband and my grandbaby moved 3 and half hours away.  I am happy for her, but I am sad at the same time.  I am an emotional eater....and I finally fell pray to the temptation.  I ate bread, it did not hurt me, and that scares me.  It is funny, at times I really have control and it is like I am on the top of the world.  But then at other times, it is like I am spinning out of control.  On the 20th I will be 5 months out....I have about 35 more pounds to go...I should be excited but for the moment...I am not.  It has been a roller coaser ride ever since July 20th.  I just keep praying that I don't screw this up!

It is December

Dec 03, 2007

Well, Saturday Kate and Lance got married.  It was small but beautiful.  Now, a lot of my stress is back to the normal daily grind.  I am still depressed about the fact that they are moving back to Henrietta TX, which is 3  1/2 hours away.  I was really enjoying playing w/my granddaughter.  She is the cutest thing.  My grandson is expected in Feb/March and I just hate the fact that they will be so far away. But other than that things are good.  I have lost a total of 75pounds.  I weighed in at 183.5.  I have just about 38 more pounds to go.  So I figure at the rate I have been going I should be there by May.  I just hope that by 7/20/2008 I have reached it....then I will have accomplished my MAJOR GOAL.

Made it throught Turkey Day!!

Nov 24, 2007

I cooked, but I did not make my normal macaroni and cheese, nor did I bake the pecan pie.  It was the first time that my oldest daughter had been home in about 3 years.  She had her fiance with her. And the first thing she asked for was pecan pie.  But other than that it was a good day, no dumping, and I really did not overeat.  I have not had a chance to weigh in.  I have been so busy the pass two weeks tryng to plan my daughter's wedding.  One week from tonight she will no longer be single.  I think I have everything done.  Just a few minor things need to be done.  Then I will focus on me again.  I know I have been slacking on the protien thing.  Atleast I have still been getting my B12 and vitiamins in. 

Not A Good Day!!

Nov 19, 2007

Today, my daughter told me that she would be moving 3 hours away after the wedding.  I am a stress eater, when my emotions are in an uproar.  I have been good today, I have not given into the temptation to graze.  I have not really had the dumping problems or the pain of over eating (true I usually measure EVERYTHiNG!!!!) but w/the stress of getting the wedding together, and now knowing that my daughter, granddaughter and future grandson are going to be has really been a hard day....I SKIPPED my weigh in...and that adds to my stress...maybe tomorrow will be a better day??!!

Stressed OUT!

Nov 14, 2007

My oldest daughter told me yesterday, that she wanted to get married on 12/1...that isjust two weeks away, and she thinks I am SUPER MOM and can plan every little detail with just the blink of an eye.  So, being a stress eater, I find myself wanting...something, don't really know what it is, so I figure it is the OLD me trying to come out.  I am really trying to eat fruit (grapes) when I get this urge.   Atleast it is only for two weeks, and then it will pass...LOL

Skipped My Weigh In

Nov 12, 2007

I should have gone and weighed today, but I just did not have it in me.  My baby boy had a birthday this weekend and I know that I did not stick to the program.  I eat bread for the first time, it did not kill me, however the icing on the birthday cake (the first time I have had that much sugar at one time since 7/20) turned into a laxative.  2 hours after everyone left the house, I was so sick at my stomach.  I guess that is dumping.  It kind of felt like little minnie labor pains.  But after about an hour or was good, but my system had dumped and I was sooooo hungry physically, but my the thought of eating just gave me the creepy, uuugh feeling.  I did learn from it.  NO BIG SUGAR!!.  I made it through Halloween w/all the trick or treat candy, it really did not temp me, but I am dreading Thanksgiving,  This is the fist year my grown daughter and her fiance will be spending the holiday at my house.  I have alot of cooking to do.  (for everyone but me) this is my first holiday w/my new pouch....I hope I can stay strong....atleast the Turkey is on my list of GOOD things....i really don't like the stuffing so I will be okay there...but the pumkin pie or pecan pie...those are my keep me in your prayers that I can be strong.....or atleast your fingers crossed!!!  LOL

About Me
Wylie, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2007
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What A Crazy Start Of School!!
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Eight Months Out!!
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My Valentines Goal
