65lbs Gone for Good!!

Nov 04, 2007

Well, today I weighed in again at Weight Watchers.  I am now down to 193.2.  That is a 65lbs since April 23rd, which was the first time I stepped on the scale at Weight Watchers...and weighed in at  a whopping 258.2.  I am doing good.   And that is 53lbs since my surgery.  NOT TOO BAD.  I have set my goal weight at 146lbs.   If I can maintain the pace I should be there by March 08...just in time for my 36th birthday and the my daughter's wedding in May!!!!


Oct 12, 2007

I am so EXCITED!!... I finally got under 200lbs.  I weighed in at 199.4!  It is so AWSOME!!  It has taken less than 3 months and I have hit one of my goals!!


Sep 24, 2007

I am down another couple of pounds ...205.2.  I am trying so hard to get under 200lbs.  I started back to Weight Watchers, mainly because I like the girls at the location near my house.  They keep me motivated, and this way I get it documented, and I can't deny when I go into a stall.  Plus, my NUT told me tht it was a good program even after RNY.  So far so good.  This gives me another reson not to buy a scale for the house....LOL!!


Sep 14, 2007

I had this health fair at work, I did one of those body mass test.  I stood on the scale barefoot and well, it said i was 207.5.  Finally, the numbers have moved again.  I want to be nder 200lbs. so bad.  I can not believe that at one time I was 305lbs.  It ws like hveing my 5yr old daugher and my 2yr old son attached to me 24/7.


Sep 10, 2007

7 weeks out and I have stalled the last 2 weeks.  I have bounced from 211 to 210, I am so fustrted.  I hve been working out.  I have been getting my protein in every day!!  True, I have forgotten to take my Pepcid, and the vitiamin thing, well, I am working on it.  My clothes are getting big on me, but, the scaled just won't budge!!  I hope in the end i can say it is because I am toning nd getting muscle.  But for now all I know is that I HATE THE SCALE.  Thank God, I have not broke down and bought one yet.


Sep 03, 2007

I had to go back to work today!!!  UUUGH!  I am totally exhausted, but i did manage to do 30 minutes on the eliptical today!  I have stalled.  I have been at 210 for over  a week now, I am scared that I have bottemed out.  I hope i am just making more out of it that I should .  I so want to be under 200lbs.  I guess i need to be a bit more patient.  Patience is really not my best quality.  I just have to stay strong and keep my fingers crossed.

40 Pounds Gone

Aug 28, 2007

Well, I had therapy again!  This gives me n advantage. I get to use the Dr. scale.  I am now down to 210.1 lbs.  That is 40 pounds since 6/21.  I have to really focus on working out. 

Physical Therepy

Aug 19, 2007

I had my PT session!  My back is getting better, so my session went well.  I am back on the LOSING side.  I weighed in today at 217.2.  I am so glad to see the pounds drop again.  I have really focused on getting the protein in.  I see that it makes a difference.


Aug 15, 2007

Met with the nutritionist today, thought it would be a one on one session, but to my amazement, it was group session.  I got to meet my OH buddy, and that was really nice.  It was great to her what others were doing, and how they got through some of the tough stuff.

Going Strong!!

Aug 08, 2007

I am still going strong!  I went to PT and got to use the doctors scale.  It showed me down to 222 lbs.  Another 7 pounds in just 9days

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Wylie, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2007
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