Hello, my name is Niki and I am 27 years old.  I have been overweight all my life and have tried so so so many things to change this.  I am sure that when you are to the point where you are considering or going to have weight loss surgery, you have tried everything too.  Therefore I won't list the long list of things I have tried.  I first really got into gastric bypass when I was 15, and by the time I was 16, I decided that is what I needed.  Unfortunately, I was too young for the surgery, at that time and was told I needed to be at least 18.  Well, then I turned 18 and discovered my insurance did not cover it.  My parents, man I love them to death, even tried switching insurances to one that was largely known for covering this service.  Unfortunately, my weight was considered a pre-existing condition, and again would not be covered.  I was so upset, what was I to do?  During that time, I was in college , and working an hourly job, and still on my parent's insurance so I tried other methods.  The prominent one for these years were prescription pills.  They worked to the extent that if you kept taking them you would be OK.  However, there was no lifestyle change/program that went with them.  It ended up not being the right life changing experience for me.  I knew that my time would eventually come.  So when I graduated college in December of 2006 with a degree in elementary education, I was hopeful I would get a position with GREAT insurance.  That didn't happen either.  I did not get the position I wanted, but was instead offered a different position at that same school, with no insurance.  That would end up being a super experience for me because one of my friends who also works there just had her gastric bypass surgery in July.  We ended up spending the whole year discussing the surgery, she answered my questions, and she gave me advice.  That would prepare me for what was to come.  In June of that year (2008) a major flood destroyed my home and I was forced to come back "home" to my parents house.  I lived there for the rest of the summer while my house was being repaired I put my applications out to the school systems in that area.  SUCCESS!!!  A job interview and the offer for that position on that same day!!!  I snatched it up super fast.  So NOW, I have GREAT insurance.  I started looking for a surgeon in my area and discovered one.  His name is Dr. Jeffrey Rosen.  I went to his seminar in November, and have not looked back since!  I followed his pre-op/practice diet program and lost 100 pounds in the 5 months before my surgery.  I had my life changing/saving RNY Gastric Bypass on June 24, 2009.  And six months post-op, I have lost another 100 pounds.  I am truly grateful for this TOOL.  Good Luck to anyone on this journey.  If you have any questions, just send me a message.

About Me
Hammond, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
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