Jun 24, 2010

One year ago I had my RNY surgery.  I remember it like it was yesterday...and the pain I was in.  But it is all just a memory now.  I cannot believe it!  What a difference a year makes.  I went to the doctor just last week for my "1 year" follow up and stepping on the scale was a major milestone.  I have lost 238 pounds!!!!  I now weigh 236 pounds.  I actually weigh less than what I lost!  OMG!!!  I feel great!  I, as well as others, think I look great.  I love shopping...even though I have to stop...burning a hole in my wallet.  I love the confidence I have gained and so many people around me notice that as well.  I could not have done ANY of it without Dr. Rosen and his amazing staff ( Linda, Dana, Joey, Anne and Dr. Mikhail...and even the DG office people who I hardly ever see).  I love each and everyone of them for what they have given me and hope that I can continue on my successful journey until I meet my goal.  I have changed so much that I do not think people will recognize me when I go to a reunion later this year.  I love that.  I have also become addicted to taking pictures of myself and looking in the mirror.  My mom hates that.  Its not that I am in love with myself, its just that I am amazed at what a different looking person I have become.  I am truly amazed.  I wish that I had taken all of my measurements before I had surgery, at the very beginning.  I did take them right after surgery, but I cannot find them.  However, I do know this:

Pre-Op (At my heaviest):

Top Size: 5X/6X
Bottoms: 34/36
Underwear: 14
Bra: 48C
Ring: 13

Post-Op (Today):

Top Size: 1X
Bottoms: 18
Underwear: 9 (starting to get loose)
Bra: 40C (Really the cups hold skin)  TMI but hey...I'm not holding back!
Shoes: 11/11W
Ring: 8/9

I love the fact that I can go into almost any store and buy clothes.  It sucks now when I see something I like that they only have in the bigger sizes.  I guess that really doesn't suck though right???  Things are super awesome and I am so excited to go to the Second Annual Lifeweigh Bariatric Reunion this July.  I can't wait to see Dr. Rosen and all the people that I didn;t get to see on my last Dr. appointment.  Life can only get better!  Right?

I love you all, everyone who has given me support or shared kind words.  Even the smallest words can make a difference in someone's day, or journey.

I am truly grateful.


Lots of Love,


BTW,  If anyone out there EVER has any questions that you would like to ask me I am always here to help or answer anything you would like to know.  I would love to offer my support as others have offered me theirs.


8 Month Post-Op Follow-Up

Mar 24, 2010

So, my 8 month follow-up was post poned by the doctors, so instead of seeing him February 26, I saw him March 12.  I was nervous because I had not been there in over 3 months and I wanted to impress.  I COULD be a scale-aholic but I refrain.  I weigh myself every Friday, but sometimes I use different scales just to compare.  However I usually go with the school scale.  On this particular day it said I weighed 254.  On my mom's scale it said 250 and when I finally got to the doctor and got on his scale it said 257.  I was actually disappointed  But how could I be???  257???  I have not weighed that since 1994.  That brings me to a total loss of 217 pounds.  Holy cow that is A LOT of weight.  Little things seem so heavy to me now.  A bag of potatoes, my dogs, stuff like that.  I was carrying in a 40 lb. bucket of kitty litter the other day thiking, "Man this is heavy!"  When in reality, I have been carrying 5 and a 1/2 of those buckets around with me for years.  Everyone is complementing and saying I look great which I love and thank-you all for saying such kind words.  I have really been busting my but at the gym.  I work out 6 days a week for 60 minutes doing cardio and weights and stuff.  Then on the nice days I have been going biking for and extra 50-60 minutes.  I love the nice weather.  It really does put you in a good mood.  I think I am building muscle under the fat, but none-the-less, I am working out.  I can now easily wear 1X tops and my 18/20 pants are getting loose.  I can unbelievably put on a pair of button and zip jeans in a size 20.  It's amazing.  My feet even shrank.  I used to wear a 12W or 12WW and now I can wear and 11.  That's nice.  My left ring finger went from a tight 12 to an 8.  All this and I am not even done yet.  My ultimate goal is to be 175 pounds, but that might require some plastics...Hello Tummy Tuck!!!  But obviously not for a while.  I mean, I am not even 1 year out yet.  Which is the next time I go to see my doctor.  June 10, 2010.  Well, I'll be 11 1/2 months post-op, but awfully close.  I cannot wait until summer.  I have lots of things planned and am excited to be able to do them this year, especially because of the whole "NEW HOME OWNER" thing.  I am also really excited to go to LifeWeigh's Bariatric Reunion again in July.  I went last year and was only 3 weeks out.  I can't wait to go again this year!  I do not think I forgot anything...until next time.  Good luck and have a pleasant tomorrow!


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Almost 7 Months Post-Op

Jan 19, 2010

I apologize to anyone who comes to my profile for updates.  It seems I have lost track of the time.  I have not posted anything since Halloween.  My bad.  So here we go.  Nothing too dramatic has changed.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I hope we are all making reasonable resolutions and sticking to them, or at least trying very hard to.  Today is a special day for me because exactly 1 year ago I officially met the man that would change my life.  Dr. Jeffrey Rosen of LifeWeigh Bariatrics.  He set me up with what I needed to do and got me going in the program.  Thanks to him and his wonderful staff, Dana, Linda, Joey, and Anne (Merrillville Staff) my life has completely changed and for the better.  I cannot believe that it has already been a year since I really started this whole journey.  And now I am almost 7 months post-op.  Holy Crap!  The official total is 206 pounds lost!  Unbelievable!  I also, no longer have sleep apnea!  Not that I ever thought I did have it.  But 206 pounds!  Wow.  I had an amazing year last year.  My dream came true, having gastric bypass, I bought a house and completed a successful year of teaching.  I am only hoping that this year goes just as well.  Lots of things that I want to do.  I hope that everyone has a successful year as well.  My next doctor's appointment in on February 26th so I will probably update then.  Until then, Good Luck and Best Wishes to all!




Just a Comparison

Oct 31, 2009

I thought since I am down 178 pounds I would post some before and after pictures.

The pictures on the left were taken January 21, 2009.  The pictures on the right were taken today October 31, 2009.
Keep in mind I lost 100 pounds before my surgery following my surgeons "Practice Diet."


4 Month Follow-Up

Oct 31, 2009

I went in to see Dr. Rosen yesterday for my 4 month check-up.  I was there for-freakin EVER.  I was actually nervous.  I was so close to one of my "mini" goals; to be under 300 pounds.  I only had to lose 14.6 pounds.  So taking a deep breath I stepped on the scale.  It stopped and tears came to my eyes.  I weighed 297.1 pounds.  I lost 18 pounds.  I was officially under 300 pounds FOREVER!!!  I was so excited.  I shared some facebook pictures with the staff showing how I had changed since the beginning of my journey.  They are very happy for me and continuously say that am exceeding expectations, and that I will do incredibly wonderful.  They said that there should be no reason I should not lose 90% of my excess body weight.  SWEET!!!  I also met with Joey who again praised me and said that I need to keep chugging along with my exercises just like I have been.  Dana gave me some recipes tips and intoduced me to what everyone was talking about for the upcoming support group meeting, PUMPKIN RICOTTA MOUSSE.  Yummy!!!  Then I was waiting for Dr. Rosen.  He was not there.  Recently a new doctor joined Life Weigh, and I was to see him.  I met him briefly at the reunion in July.  Hhis name is Dr. Mikhail.  He was really nice and very cool.  I liked him very much.  I was not too upset that I didn't get to see Dr. Rosen because this cool doctor has seen me instead.  We were all cool.  I thought that my next appointment would be in 3 months, but Dr. Mikhail wants to see me in another month...because he likes me.  Yeah right, probably just wants my co-pay.  Just Kidding!!!  So on to my next month of work.  My next goal is to have lost 200 pounds by Christmas which would be my 6 month follow-up.  I think I can do it.  Here are my 4 month pics for you to enjoy as well. 

As always, good luck and best wishes to all on or starting their JOURNEY!!!




3 Month Follow-Up

Sep 20, 2009

So, I went to see Dr. Rosen for my 3 month post-op follow-up.  Happy to report that I lost another 16 pounds!  That brings me to a total of 160 pounds lost!  Holy Crap!!!!  My blood pressure was 120 over 80, and all of my vitals are great.  I also cannot stand wearing that STUPID CPAP mask.  So guess what...I don't.  I thought Dr. Rosen was going to be mad at me, but he wasn't and said that the pressure might be too high.  It is only at a 9, so really, to me any lower and I don't think I need it.  He still wants me to call the sleep place and check, but I don't like the people at the center and I don't wanna go back.  On a different note, I can't believe how things are changing.  I can actually fit into a 22/24 pants.  I was wearing a 32/34 ish.  I am wanting to go shopping like crazy, but I am restraining myself.  I do not want to waste my money.  I am going to have to start checking the thrift stores and the clothing exchange at my support group meetings.  My students are really starting to say things now. Things like, "Miss Dausch you are really losing weight!, You look smaller!, Good for you!"  I love it.  I won't see Dr. Rosen for another 6 weeks and by then I hope that I will be under 300 pounds.  Really I only have 15 pounds to go before I am 299.  i haven't seen these number since 1996, when I was 14.  I am so excited.  I am looking forward to life ahead and I can't wait until the holidays.  A whole new take on life and a special time with family and friends...and lots of pictures!!!!  Until next time, here are some 3 month post-op pictures.




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2 Month Follow-Up

Aug 21, 2009

Went in for my 2 month follow-up today.  I lost another 14 pounds.  Woo-Hoo!  I also got the clearance to go ahead with more vigorous exercise and got the weight restriction lifted.  I CAN DO YARD WORK AND LIFT MY BOYS!!!  I am so excited to work in my yard this weekend.  Dr. Rosen called me his STAR patient and said that everything looked excellent.  All of my incisions look super and well healed.  I CAN ALSO TAKE A BATH AND GO SWIMMING!!!  I have been waiting so long.  I am gonna go hot tubbing with my friends now.  SWEET!  Today was a quick follow-up so nothing much else really happened.  I started my stage 4 diet today which is actually "regular" foods.  No blending, pureeing, or mashing.  I enjoyed lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes for the first time in 10 weeks.    I am down 144 pounds...since January.  My BMI is now at 52 from a 74, and my blood pressure today was 105 over 63.  I had to ask if I was still alive and the burse assured me that was normal.  All-righty!  Here are some 2 month post-op pics for ya!  Until next time!

Love and best wishes from my journey to yours!



One Month Post-Op

Jul 24, 2009

Hey there!  I can't believe it has already been one month (plus 2 days) since my surgery.  I just went to the doctor today and boy were they busy.  Dr. Rosen was accidentally double booked plus he was late because he was in surgery.  My 12:00PM appointment ended up taking 3 and a half hours.  I really didn't mind, except that today is my dad's birthday and my parents were waiting for me to come home so they could go out and celebrate...I am babysitting my little sisters.  OK, off topic.  My blood pressure was perfect, 120/80, my BMI went from 74 to 54 and I lost another, be it small, 6.5 pounds.  I was hoping for more, but I am still early out and have lots of time to imprve, LOL!  That brings me down to a total of 131 pounds lost since January.  That is really unbelievable, especially because it really has only been 6 months.  Also, I got my feeding tube removed!!!! Thank you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!  I hated that thing.  It is not that it hurt, but the stick irritated my skin when I moved and the tube pulled, but now I am good to go.  Now I just have to wait for the hole to heal before I can take a bath or go swimming.  Gosh I want to do those things so badly.  I have waiting this long, I can wait a little longer.  I have about 2 weeks left of pureed foods, and then on to soft foods.  Can't wait!  Oooh!  Also, all of my 5X tops and 30/32 pants were practically falling off me, so I had to go shopping.  I know, don't go overboard, but I had to and shopped the 50% off clearance racks.  Needless to say, I spent $100.00.  Well worth it in my opinion.  I bought 3X and 26/28 tops and both 22/24 and 26/28 bottoms.  Wow!  22/24 bottoms...I am wearing them now!  Holy Crap!  LOL!

I also went to the First Annual Life Weigh Bariatrics Reunion last week and had a great time.  Of course, I was only 3 weeks out, but it was awesome.  I met some great people and made some new friends who offered nothing but super ideas and wonderful support!  I am so glad that I went and look forward to the next one as well as all of the future support meetings. 

Until next time, good luck and best wishes to all on their journey!




Update!!! Almost 3 Weeks Post-Op

Jul 13, 2009

It has been a while, and I have been slacking, but I need to update my status.  Today I am 2 days shy of being almost 3 weeks post-op, and I can't freakin believe it!  Time is flying by so fast.  So, lets just say that I hated those 2 weeks of liquids, and was almost singing when I got to start my stage 2 pureed diet.  I started easy with yogurts and applesauce and cream of wheat for breakfast.  Then for lunch I went with a lentil soup and grean beans or carrots.  Dinner I tried chicken with light mayo and relish, green beans, and some mashed potatoes.  Everything pureed of course!  Not as bad as I thought it might be.  Then, I went for what I had been longing for...CHILI.  OH MY GOD it was sooooo good!  Then I tried mashed sweet potatoes and those were of course yummy too!  I even tried pot roast with potatoes and carrots and everything has been great.  No issues so far.  On Friday, July 10th, I had my first post-op follow-up with Dr. Rosen.  I was anxious to get on the scale to see what I had lost.  Unfortunately, I didn't get weighed before I left the hospital, so I didn't see what kind of fluid weight I put on.  No big deal though.  So anyway, I got on the scale and it stopped at exactly 350!  That means I lost 19 pounds in the 2 weeks after surgery.  WOW!  That brings me to a total of 125 pounds lost since January 19, 2009.  Hell Yeah!!!  Also, I got to have my drain tube removed.  I was so excited for that, but not really looking forward to it.  I asked Dr. Rosen what it felt like and he said pulling.  Oh my god he wasn't kidding.  That was the sickest, grossest, uncomfortable feeling I have ever felt.  I could feel the tube sliding through my entire abdomen and organs.  I was actually holding on to the Dr.  He asked me if I was alright, I said yes, and then it was over.  So relieved.  Now I am dreading my G-tube removal on Juy 24th.  Of course I am thinking it will be easier, because it is more of a straight shot.  Let's hope that it is.  So now I am just continuing on  to eat my pureed diet and get in all my fluids and vitamins.  It has been tough some days and other days I have no problem.  Stage 3 diet starts on August 9th.  Then actually the school year and all its associated events begins shortly after.  Where did the summer go?  I really need to find some clothes because everything I own is too big.  I am still wearing my clothes I wore 125 pounds ago.  Plus I am going to a wedding on August 15 and will be seeing people I haven't seen in years so I wanna look especially good.  I have a month to find something.  Until then,

Good Luck and Best Wishes to all in and on Their Journey to a New Life and a Place on the "Losers" Bench!!!



RNY DAY and Hospital Stay

Jul 01, 2009

Holy Crap!!!!  One week ago today I had my laparascopic RNY.  At the same time I also had my gall bladder removed, a hiatal hernia repaired, and a feeding tube inserted (as a precaution).  The surgery took 4 hours instead of 3.  When I woke up in my room several hours later I was in so so so much pain.  Luckily I had my pain pump.  (Pics have been posted, you should take a look!)  It took almost an hour to calm me down.  Soon after, I was enjoying popsicles and ice chips.  Nurses and PCAs were constantly in and out taking vitals, checking blood sugar, drawing blood, administering insulin, heparin, and breathing treatments.  Needless to say, between all that and my ridiculous roommate, I got little sleep.  I also was only able to get up and walk one very short walk to my room door, because of the pain, and then sit in a chair for a while.  Later the next morning I was awakened at 5 AM to have the catheder removed, give myself the heparin, and get up for a walk.  In pain, but went much better.  I made a whole lap around my ward.  I sat for a while, layed down and slept for a while, walked, and ate ice chips and popsicles.  I also had my upper GI that day.  I was 3/4 way out of it when they disconnected me from all my machines and wheeled me downstairs.  I had to stand for several chest/stomach x-rays, then sit down, then stand again for some more.  Finally I said I'll just continue to stand until you are satisfied.  Needless to say 4 X-rays later I was able to sit down.  I think I dozed off for a while because then when I was being woke up, the room was rearranged for the upper GI.  That shit that I had to drink was enough to make me throw up.  The first thing tasted like floor cleaner and the second thing was thick and chalky.  I was so ready and glad to be done,  but I needed something to get that taste out of my mouth.  I immediately requested a popsicle.  That helped.  However, when the nurse reconnected my IV, there was a problem.  Before she had even connected anything, it hurt.  Then once I was reattached, my skin started swelling.  It hurt so bad to the point where I was almost in tears.  5 minutes later a nurse was in to start a new one in the other hand.  No problems after that.  Results from the upper GI: NO LEAKS!!!  Moving on to Stage 1 diet.  Chicken broth, diluted juice, milk, and protein shakes here I come!  My mom, dad, and sister came to see me today, twice, which was nice.  Also, Thursday night was when I was taken off of IV fluids and the pain pump.  It was nice to not be connected to anything.  My second roommate kept me up that night as well.   Apparently I had a slight fever on Friday morning, the day I was supposed to go home, so right away I was told I could not go home until tomorrow.  So I started my day off with some broth, milk, juice, and optisource.  I walked and used my incentive spirometer and waited until I would be cleared to go home.  I was able to shower today which was nice because I was nasty.  Just as I was getting re4ady for my shower, my brother surprised me with a visit.  That was nice.  However, my third roommate was just as annoying with her  "I need pain meds, I have a headache!"  or her constant talking.  Thank god she finally went to sleep.  On Saturday, I finally met with my Dr. who cleared me and told me that as soon as I learn how to flush my feeding tube and empty my drain, I can go home.  My nurse soon went over how to do those things and my discharge papers and at home instructions.  I was ready to go.  I called my mom and told her that I was ready.  An hour later my family was here packing up my shit and I was ready for the hour long ride home.  It was not a bad ride at all.  I had my pillow for protection.  I was just a little unsure of how I would do at home.   More to come later.

Lots of Love,


About Me
Hammond, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 20
