RNY DAY and Hospital Stay

Jul 01, 2009

Holy Crap!!!!  One week ago today I had my laparascopic RNY.  At the same time I also had my gall bladder removed, a hiatal hernia repaired, and a feeding tube inserted (as a precaution).  The surgery took 4 hours instead of 3.  When I woke up in my room several hours later I was in so so so much pain.  Luckily I had my pain pump.  (Pics have been posted, you should take a look!)  It took almost an hour to calm me down.  Soon after, I was enjoying popsicles and ice chips.  Nurses and PCAs were constantly in and out taking vitals, checking blood sugar, drawing blood, administering insulin, heparin, and breathing treatments.  Needless to say, between all that and my ridiculous roommate, I got little sleep.  I also was only able to get up and walk one very short walk to my room door, because of the pain, and then sit in a chair for a while.  Later the next morning I was awakened at 5 AM to have the catheder removed, give myself the heparin, and get up for a walk.  In pain, but went much better.  I made a whole lap around my ward.  I sat for a while, layed down and slept for a while, walked, and ate ice chips and popsicles.  I also had my upper GI that day.  I was 3/4 way out of it when they disconnected me from all my machines and wheeled me downstairs.  I had to stand for several chest/stomach x-rays, then sit down, then stand again for some more.  Finally I said I'll just continue to stand until you are satisfied.  Needless to say 4 X-rays later I was able to sit down.  I think I dozed off for a while because then when I was being woke up, the room was rearranged for the upper GI.  That shit that I had to drink was enough to make me throw up.  The first thing tasted like floor cleaner and the second thing was thick and chalky.  I was so ready and glad to be done,  but I needed something to get that taste out of my mouth.  I immediately requested a popsicle.  That helped.  However, when the nurse reconnected my IV, there was a problem.  Before she had even connected anything, it hurt.  Then once I was reattached, my skin started swelling.  It hurt so bad to the point where I was almost in tears.  5 minutes later a nurse was in to start a new one in the other hand.  No problems after that.  Results from the upper GI: NO LEAKS!!!  Moving on to Stage 1 diet.  Chicken broth, diluted juice, milk, and protein shakes here I come!  My mom, dad, and sister came to see me today, twice, which was nice.  Also, Thursday night was when I was taken off of IV fluids and the pain pump.  It was nice to not be connected to anything.  My second roommate kept me up that night as well.   Apparently I had a slight fever on Friday morning, the day I was supposed to go home, so right away I was told I could not go home until tomorrow.  So I started my day off with some broth, milk, juice, and optisource.  I walked and used my incentive spirometer and waited until I would be cleared to go home.  I was able to shower today which was nice because I was nasty.  Just as I was getting re4ady for my shower, my brother surprised me with a visit.  That was nice.  However, my third roommate was just as annoying with her  "I need pain meds, I have a headache!"  or her constant talking.  Thank god she finally went to sleep.  On Saturday, I finally met with my Dr. who cleared me and told me that as soon as I learn how to flush my feeding tube and empty my drain, I can go home.  My nurse soon went over how to do those things and my discharge papers and at home instructions.  I was ready to go.  I called my mom and told her that I was ready.  An hour later my family was here packing up my shit and I was ready for the hour long ride home.  It was not a bad ride at all.  I had my pillow for protection.  I was just a little unsure of how I would do at home.   More to come later.

Lots of Love,



About Me
Hammond, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
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