Hanging in there

May 16, 2009

Hey everyone sorry I did not get back sooner.  I have been spending a lot of time with mom.  She is hanging in there lots of weak moments for us all.  I just wanted to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers,  they are working we are getting through this.  Here is the link for those that are clueless to what I am talking about. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/3924054/Lost-my-21-ye ar-old-brother-need-prayers/page,2/#31608867   Anyway it gets hard as that numbness that God gives you in tragedy starts to pass.  I am frustrated at some of the company's that we have had to notify of his death.  One being a gym membership we actually had to take his death certificate to them to stop the automatic billing they would not take our word for it.  I understand but then again it makes it hard on the grieving family.  Keep up the prayers all we still need them.   Also in the mist of all this I dropped a dresser drawer on my foot so I am in a cast and on crutches.  My luck has got to turn around.  lol Love you all
Renee A.
1 comment

Lost my baby brother.

May 01, 2009

Hey everyone I just wanted to reach out for some OH prayers and support.  My 21 year old brother was riding his bike on the nature trails here in Wildwood park in Florence Al.  He hit a tree root and it knocked him off balance and he fell down a 20 foot incline and then fell off a 50 foot Cliff.  He was injured terribly and probably did not ever know what happened.  It was the headline here for 2 days in the paper.  I lost my Dad a little over a year ago and that was really hard on my mother.  Now she is grieving her Baby boy.  She had him when she was 45 and he was her rock after loosing dad.  My mom is having such a hard time.  And those of you that know me know I have been really sick.  God has held me up through all of this keeping up with my family and trying to be there every day for her.  I don't ask Why I will never know the why,  Jesse was a wonderful boy and was doing everything right in life already had his own home was on the Deans list at College car paid for, I mean a good boy.  He knew where he was going in life.  All I know is God reached out his hand and Jesse went and never looked back.  Please if you will keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers she is a good woman and is having a hard time.  Love you all Renee A.

2 1/2 years out update......

Mar 31, 2009

 OK I have wanted to post for awhile but I knew it would take time plus I was afraid of scaring people and I don't want to do that.  I had a bad deal with my RNY and now its not the surgery type or any of that mess it is research before hand on my part.  I ended up the first round with a Dr. that was not honest about himself and his credentials.  First off I lay-ed in a local hospital about 15 months when I did get to come home I was on an IV pole alot of you will remember this.  I was on pain meds for so long that I became addicted had to put myself into a rehab to get off of all of the mess.  I am clean and sober for over a year now I am proud of that.  Well when I finally got to a Surgeon that would take me and look at what was done (exploratory) surgery was the only way.  He found where my diaphragm had been knicked by the lapriscopic tool in the original surgery and had healed around one of the main blood vessels going to your intestines they could not function.  I got down to 80 lbs at one time.  I also had a Fistula and they fixed that also.  Well I did well for about 6 months and then wammo I had 3 bleeding ulcers due to having an heart attack back in July and having to take plavix and aspirin.  They had put in a coated stint and you have to take plavix.   I now have 4 heart stints got my first when I was 32.  Well they don't know why but I now have a transit time of 15 Min's and I absorb nothing hardly at all.  They cant find a solution and it is very painful.  I exist most days but I still feel without the bypass I would not be here.  I just want to tell everyone please research your Dr.  Do not take his/her charming word for anything it is your life.  Research and know facts when you go into this.  I am now 100 lbs soaking wet.  It hurts to eat but I make myself anyway I am in and out of the hospital about every 3 weeks getting built back up.  I am alive though and I was told over and over I would not live to see 40 prior to surgery and I am now 41 and just had a new grand baby never thought I would see that day.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask I will answer.  Love you all and good luck Renee A.

I thought I would update before the New Year.

Dec 18, 2007

Most everyone knows my story but for the new ones I am going to give the short version.  I just lived a year of Hell at the hands of a Surgon that lied about his credability,  He was a General Surgon saying he was a Bariatric surgon.  Well after 10 Dr.s even some wanting 5,000 dollars just to look at my records.  So Dr. Ronald Clements from UAB (university Alabama in Birmingham) took me on and told me he would get my life back.  Well He got in there and not only did I have a fissula, the original surgon had knicked my diaphram and it healed around my main Autory (SP) leaing to my intestins,   They got enough blood to stay alive but not to function or absorb.  I went a year like this in so much pain.  Without the pain meds in withch I talked to you alot of you and hardly remember sorry but the pain meds were a nessecary evil I would have blown my head off from the pain.  Pain worse that labor 24/7.  I have been home 3 weeks now and I am doing awsome.  Dr. Clements told me he has me fixed I just had to mentally get past the pain so I have.  I am proud to say the only thing I take is Tylonol when I have a headache.  Of course I have top take Meds for my bleeding ulcer and that seems to be under control.  I almost lost my life twice this year but you know I would still do it all over again.  I just wish my Dad were here to see me doing so much better, I know he is watching down on me.  When he got to heaven they figured out what was finally what was wrong with me and I like to think he got up there and told God My babies need there mother.  I was told I would not live to see 40 since I was 32 because I have 3 stients in my heart and my Colesterol was 480 the day of surgery well now its 115.   What more can I ask for I am doing better and better every day, Getting in my water Protein and eating 6 times a day.  I am still loosing weight but I think that will balance out.  I am at 110 now and size 3.  I dont even think I wore that in High school.  My family has survived all of this and I just praise the Lord every day for getting us through this.  Love and peace to all and have a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New year.  Love you all Renee A.  P.S if you can throw in a few more prayers for my mom to find peace I would appreciate it.

Late putting this here but here is is.

Dec 18, 2007

Guess I should update.

Aug 24, 2007

I go into surgery the 28th.  I have a fussula and they are going to fix that and do exploritory to see what else is going on and he is going to re measure everything.   I will be glad that this past year will soon be a distant memory and I can start living again.   Keep me in your prayers.


May 15, 2007


January down 100 lbs.

Jan 19, 2007

I will try to explain this the best way I can.  I ended up with a Dr. that was not a bariatric specialist he turned out to be a general surgon.  MY insurance had sent me to  him and I trusted them.  He ended up making my small bowl too short.  I have had 2 specialist tell me this.  I ended up so malnutritioned and all they put me in and I kept blowing veins.  Then the decision to put a Port in the port got infected and caused blood clots.  Finally after all of this I got with my cardiologist and he straightened me out for the thime being with Paregoric liquid and phenagan.  I ended up spending 5 weeks in the hospital through chrismas my birthday and new years.  I am now having trouble keepin my paregoric down.  so the diahrrha is back.  And like I said I feel awful daily.  I have kept my head up with hope for weeks and weeks. I tell myself I had this surgery for the right reasons.  I keep hoping god will bring me through this.  I dont mean to scare anyone I just say make sure to ask your dr every question you can write down everything.  We really are in the hand of the Surgon and God.

Century Card

Jan 16, 2007


10 weeks out

Oct 19, 2006

Well I am 10 weeks out now and down 57 lbs All is great except being dhydrated.  Life is good still would not change a thing. Well maybe one thing I could use more close freinds.

About Me
Killen, AL
Surgery Date
Aug 14, 2006
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Friends 255

Latest Blog 11
I thought I would update before the New Year.
Late putting this here but here is is.
Guess I should update.
January down 100 lbs.
Century Card
10 weeks out
