Stress, SVs and NSG and NSVs

May 13, 2010

First of all, it is amazing what stress does to our lives.  

I had been basically on a plateau for several weeks.  I would gain and loose the same 2 lbs over and over but never really made any progress.  

As I have written before, I was unhappy in my job. It was stressful and without going into brutal details just not a healthy situation.  I had applied for and received a new job but my old boss kept me for the maximum amount of time he could which was 6 weeks.  I wanted out of the stressful situation and able to get on with my life, but I was stuck with the stress.  

Well, this week Monday I started my new job and I LOVE it.   the people are wonderful, the job is rewarding, exciting and challenging etc...  and the best part... Every day I am waking up and the scale is moving. 

EVERY day this week!!!.  

I went to my primary doctors yesterday and fully dressed after work I weighed 316 on her scale.   My plateau was keeping me around at 322ish.   It is like when I finally was able to start this new job and all of the stress went out of my body, the lbs went with it.  

So, SV (Scale Victory).   Down total of 87lbs and counting.   Down 6lbs this week.   WOO HOO!!

NSG (Non Scale goal).  I have had a goal to workout at least 3 days a week and this week so far I am 3 for 4.  I plan on going tomorrow night too for 4 out of 5 days. Another benefit of the new job, I am not so stressed and spent at the end of the day that all I can do is crawl into my blankey and hide.  I actually want to work out after work.  

And two NSV (Non-Scale Victories) that occurred yesterday at the my doctors office:
     First: I was asked to sit in a chair near the blood pressure machine so they could take my vitals.   A few months ago I would not have even attempted to fit in the chair. It was a standard arm chair, not large at all. I decided to try it and actually fit.  And not squeezed in with pain due to arms digging into my legs, I actually fit!   And I wasn't worried about it breaking.  

    Second: The last time I was at my doctors  I weighed 356 so they had to have me use the scale in a different doctors office because their scale only went up to 350.   Well, this time, no problem.  I was able to use the standard doctors office scale.  

Small victories, but victories indeed.   What a great few days. 

All this with no real  restriction in my band.   I can't wait until my band is filled to a place where it is doing something and this tool starts helping.  I am doing great on my own due to just strong will, but it will be so nice to have the help.

New Love - low carb protein ice-cream

May 12, 2010

I have been experimenting with recipes and wanted to share my new fav: Protein ice-cream.  This is adapted from World according to Eggface

Eggface's recipe uses milk but since I do low carb, I don't do milk.   So, I decided to play around with it and I have a winner.   Not only are these delicious, they actually can count toward your protein for the day.   I have been doing it as an after work treat. 

Two versions I have made so far:

2 Scoops of chocolate Protein powder
3/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Half and Half
1/4 cup water
dash salt
Davinci syrup to taste (I used caramel)

Mint Choc Chip:
2 Scoops of Vanilla Protein powder
3/4 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Half and Half
1/4 cup water
dash salt
1/2 tsp Mint extract
Green food coloring.
1 small piece of good quality extra dark chocolate or sugar free chocolate. (The chocolate adds some calories and carbs but not too bad and worth it)

Mix and add to ice cream maker and run per directions.  

WARNING:  These freeze REALLY hard.   I put them in really small containers so each one is a single 2 ounce serving.  It is too hard to scoop out of a larger container. I learned that the hard way and had to nuke the first batch ever time I wanted some.

Here is basic nutrition info (not including chocolate bar added to mint one)
Serving Size 2 oz
Calories    150
Total Fat                          13.3 g
   Saturated Fat 8.3 g
   Trans Fat 3.8 g
   Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5 g
   Monounsaturated Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 48 mg
Sodium 0 mg
Potassium 0 mg
Total Carbohydrate 3 g
   Dietary Fiber 0 g
   Sugar 3 g
Protein 8 g


Re-post: Our enemy - Aspartame

May 11, 2010

A re-post from my old blog site (originally posted 8/25/09).

I have to share one of the biggest secrets I have learned on this weight loss journey.

Avoid LIKE THE PLAGUE Aspartame if you want to loose weight!

Aspartame is a sugar substitute commonly called NutraSweet or Equal and it is in 90% of the diet foods in the world. It is especially found in just about every diet soda on the market. It is also in diet gum etc.

Why did I put it on my enemy list?

Is it because it is an artificial sweetener?
No: While I personally try to eat organic, whole foods and avoid chemicals, that is not my primary reason. That is something that has to be a personal choice.

Is it because eating sweets makes you crave more sweets and not kick that habit?
No: That is partially true and another reason to avoid it but not the prime reason.

Is it because Aspartame causes headaches, cancer, MS etc?
No: Many claim those things but there has not been any conclusive evidence one way or the other. I am not saying I am an advocate for chemicals in our food and I do believe they may be harmful, but that wasn't my motive for adding this to my worst food to eat list.

Well, then why?

Because it makes you not able to lose weight.

Yes, you heard me right. You stay fat if you are consuming this.

Ever notice how many people who drink a lot of diet soda are still very overweight? This is no coincidence.

Okay, so here are the facts and what I found from experience.

I am following the Low Carb lifestyle. Dr. Atkins in his original book was a huge fan of this chemical as a way to allow people to still satisfy their sweet tooth but no or low carb/calorie. The revised book however said not to use it because people for some reason don't loose weight when they eat this.

When I first read this, I was skeptical, I thought that it was propaganda by the "granola's" who are against all things artificial and I decided to ignore this advice. I bought diet pop, diet gum etc. I was drinking a ton of a popular diet beverage that you add to water (the brand with the commercial that says women who drink their beverage drink 20% more water). I thought this was good because it is true, I was drinking more water. But, I was being really good on the low carb plan following it to the letter and the scale wasn't moving at all.

I started to do the research and found some articles on-line that seemed to agree with the statement that it makes it hard to shed pounds.One article stated that it slows down metabolism. Another doctor found it stimulates appetite. Another article I found pointed to the way it was broken down by the body and how the body actually stores it as fat instead of flushing it out. So, let's summarize, you want to eat more, your metabolism slows and it stores fat. And this is diet food?

If you are anything like me, you read this stuff and get confused. Everyone has an opinion and they contradict each other. Some say it is poison, some say it is nectar of the Gods. Who do you believe?

Well, for me, I have to pretty much prove something out myself. So, what did I do. I stopped all aspartame cold turkey to see what would happen. well, guess what? I woke up 2 days later and was down 16 lbs.

Yes, 16 lbs overnight!

I didn't believe my eyes. In fact I didn't believe the scale. I went to the gym and weighed in there too. And it was real.

As I said, I had been following the plan to the letter and should have been loosing but nothing. I was about to give up on that diet and try another one.

The aspartame was causing my body to hold on to the weight. When I got that stuff out of my system, whooshh out it all went.

From some reading I have done, not everyone has this with aspartame, but more do than don't.

The good news is because of some individuals who are seriously allergic to this product, all items with this product are regulated to have a warning on them so it makes avoiding this stuff pretty simple. Look at labels when buying stuff, if you see a warning at the bottom that says "Phenylketonurics - contains phenylalanine?" that is your hint to toss the product out. You don't even have to read all of the ingredients. This warning will jump out, it is often even in bold making it easy to spot.

If you like Crystal Light
and need a substitute for that, there are many options made with sucralose. Here are some photos of some of the ones I love.





These are not carb free, they have about 3 carbs per package on average. I usually don't use a whole package at once. I find that too strong. Propel for example is my favorite and I get about 3-4 bottles of water out of one package.


Tantrum, sick of the question

May 09, 2010

I threw a temper tantrum today and stormed out of my Mother-In-Laws house.  

This is just a rant to get my feelings out, read at your own risk.. 

So, here is the story..

My MIL is a very difficult person.  She truly gets on my nerves all the time. I dread going to visit her. 

To top it all off, she is about as deaf as a person can get without being full on deaf.   She has a hearing aide but it doesn't help much.   So, conversations with her are pretty near impossible.  Our interactions with her are usually one sided, she speaks and we listen or laugh.   Or we manage one word replies that she can understand. 

Anyway, I struggled with if I was going to even tell her that I was having surgery because I didn't want to have to put up with the judgment about every bite I eat (or don't) and all the questions about my size, my weight etc... and of course she is one of those who has to tell you about every failure that others had with WLS.  Every celeb who died or got fat again etc.    I finally did tell her I was having surgery a few days before surgery.

Last time I visited a few weeks after surgery she asked me how much I had lost 8 times in the 2 hour get together.   The repeats are somewhat due to her hearing and I know this sounds horrible, but part of it is her also looking to see if your answers change and then she has a sort of gotcha attitude.    I have seen her do that to my husband.   She will ask over and over and if he slightly modifies at all she quotes back his other replies and then calls him a liar.

My husband went to see her a few days ago and she asked him how much I lost. He told her (like we rehearsed) that he was a gentleman and wouldn't dare ask his wife what she weighed but he knew that I had gone down several dress sizes.  That didn't satisfy her and she kept asking him.

Today being Mother's day, we went to visit.  I  was very much dreading the question.  Part of the reason I was dreading it was because even though I am going down sizes like crazy, the scale isn't moving very fast.    Also, she (like most people) don't understand that with the band 1-2 lbs a week is fine, she is expecting me to shrink like that Al Roker guy on TV did (again, not understanding the facts)

I also am just sick and tired of my weight and my food being the center of the universe.   I am trying to change my world so food is a small part of it, I am trying to eat to live instead of live to eat, but people constantly asking .... doesn't help.

So, she asked me about 6 times during dinner about my weight, my size, how I am doing and then proceeded to tell stories of people who failed at weight loss.  She told my poor hubby he needed to loose weight.  She asked if I was going to be sick from only eating a small dinner.   80% of our dinner conversation was about my weight, my food, my surgery.  And of course she can't really hear to understand my answers, and she wasn't truly trying to understand to support, it was so she could judge.   I kept avoiding the subject, or being quick to answer and then change the subject.  I pleaded with my hubby to help come up with other topics.  He understands and would try but she would just come back to it.  Like a dog with a bone.

So, anyway, we get done eating and go back to her home.   We were there for just a short while when it comes up again, and this time in an accusational way.    I had told her I didn't know what I weigh because I was working on my health and not focusing on a number (a white lie).   She didn't buy it so it came back up and she said "I can't believe you don't know what you weigh" .  I ignored it, she pressed again.  I ignored it. She again asked.   I looked at my hubby with a "one more time and I am outta here" look.   She asked again.  I said "can we talk about something else"   she refused to change the subject and asked again.

I said, "that is it, I am outta here, I will be in the car when you are ready honey" and grabbed my purse and left.

So, yes I was childish, yes I was perhaps wrong.  But, I am just sick and tired of the questions.   I got into a dress today that I haven't been able to wear in over a decade, instead of today being a good day where I was able to celebrate another non-scale-victory.   Instead today was another frustrating day full of stress.

Okay, whine over.    If you stuck with me through this whole wine, you deserve a hug and thanks for being there.

Exciting day.

May 06, 2010

Today was an exciting day!  

On the work front: Today was my last official day in the super stressful, unhealthy job.  I officially start my new job tomorrow.   I can't wait.   This will be so much better for my health (mental and physical).

On the food front; I have been working really hard at weighing all of my food.   I bought a new digital scale with an auto tare feature and it really helps.    I am still amazed at how little food is really required to survive.   I bought a few children's food containers at the dollar store and use them to bring my lunch to work.   They make me smile seeing my few ounces in a container with a giraffe or elephant on the lid.   A few ounces fill these small containers so they don't seem like I am starving, I get to eat the whole container.  And pre-weighing and measuring ahead of time really helps.   My fridge is full of pre-measured 2 ounce containers of meats to grab and bring to work.  

I also had a few NSVs today:  I was noticing my pants getting really loose again.   I have already taken in all of my pants about 8 inches each but here they were again almost falling off when I walk.  I decided to do a new tape measure to see if I was loosing inches (even though the scale is barley moving) and sure enough.  I had lost almost another 2 inches off my waist and about an inch and a half off my hips.   I am working out more so maybe the scale isn't moving due to gained muscle, but it is all shifting around and I am getting smaller, and that is what counts.  

And, I have been leading a workshop this week at work and sitting in an armed conference room chair.   A short time ago I would not have even been able to squeeze myself into the chair, let alone sit there for days comfortably.

So, exciting day, can't wait to see what the future holds.

2nd Fill and NSV

Apr 26, 2010

I got my 2nd fill today so I now have 5.7cc in my 14cc band.  Of course no idea if this is a good fill for me or not as I am on liquids for a few days.   But, cool that I got another fill. I also got some good clarification on eating patterns and a few other questions answered.  It was a good appointment.

I also had 2 NSVs today.

First,  My blood pressure was 126 over 84 at the Doctors.  And that is without any meds. I used to be on meds because a year ago my bp averaged 160/100.  My last primary appointment before surgery had me around 140/90 so my doctor felt okay taking me off it.   She would be thrilled with today's numbers.   I think the extra weight plus adding in a few days a week cardio is what did the trick.  

And, my hubby and I spent the day goofing off.   He got laid off from Boeing after 20+ years.   Today was his first day on his new "vacation".  He has the rest of his life to look for work and since I already had the day off we decided to go playing instead . We went to an outlet mall just to window shop.   I decided to go into Playtex store and try on bras because the ones I had were HUGE. I knew I had lost there (we always loose there first), but no idea how much.    I was a 52 DDD and now I am a 46DD.   So, I lost 6 inches in my bust line.   I know I have gone from a 4x to a 1x on tops but no idea the impact to the girls.   

1 comment

Great day so far

Apr 24, 2010

I had a fun day. 

I attended Lisa O's 'Growing thin' lap band only support group this AM.   It was neat to be around others who had the same surgery as I did and hear their experiences and advice.     Lisa is a sweetie and so are the rest of the ladies, I can't wait to get to know them all even better.

I then ran a quick errand to Cash and Carry to get more syrup flavors for my protein shakes.    I found a new one called Brown Sugar and Cinnamon, sounds WONDERFUL.    It is Torani brand but just like DaVinci it has 0 carbs/calories etc...

Then I hit the gym.   I did a little treadmill and some arm bike and then did a little bit of resistance training with the bands.  Not much but overall got a good 30 min workout in.   20 mins cardio and 10 bands.    I am inching up more and more all the time and before I know it I will be at a full 30 cardio.  But, at least I went and did something, beats sitting on the couch watching the tube.

I am now going to spend the rest of the day quilting.  I am on a break from school for another 2 weeks and I only allow myself to quilt when I don't have school so I am going to go take advantage of the time.  

Great few days

Apr 19, 2010

I am on a break from school for a few weeks so I finally had time to take in some of my pants.  I ended up taking in two pairs 8 inches each.   Holy cow.  I have no idea what size I even wear now.  I refuse to buy new pants until I have to.  

I also tried on some 1x shirts that a friend in my support group gave me and they fit.   Man oh man... I was a 4x last time I checked and now I can wear in public a 1x, unbelievable.   And I know it is only starting. 

I also went to the gym today and instead of just walking in the pool, I walked on the treadmill.  I didn't last long, only 10 minutes, but hey it was a start.   I did 10 minutes at 2.5 miles per hour at a 2% incline.   Woohoo.... go Karrie go!

anyway, good few days.   Scale isn't moving but it isn't going up either and it will move.   I am being patient.  I am in bandster hell where the band isn't doing anything yet.   I know this is part of the journey and I am in this for the long haul. 

Grandma passed away and Weight Gain (not related)

Apr 14, 2010

My Grandma went home to be with the Lord this morning.   She had been battling Alzheimer's for years so this is a blessing but still hurts.  Appreciate prayers for my family.

My first reaction when my Mom called was "good" which may sound cold, but she had no quality of life. She didn't know who anyone was, she was almost in a vegetative state.  That is no way to live, and the tole it was taking on my Uncle who lives close and went to see her every day was enormous.  It is still sad but also a relief. 

As far as my weight goes, past few weeks have been a battle.  I have been really bad and I gained about 13lbs.  After being allowed to eat again after 6 weeks of liquids, I decided to be bad and have Easter candy, and potato's and carbs etc....

Not making excuses, I had a really stressful week last week so I didn't pay as much attention to what was going in my mouth and I didn't say no enough and I didn't weigh or measure anything, and I didn't exercise at all.... and I paid the price. 

This week, I am weighing and measuring everything and logging everything, walking more and 4 of the 13 has already gone away, the rest will too.  

I know this is a long journey and I am not going to let it get me down, but still frustrating to see the scale higher than I want it to be.

Food oh glorious food - LOL

Apr 02, 2010

So, after being on clear liquids for 6 weeks I just have to say it has been so good to eat these past few days.
I am not eating much.  I am so full after just a few bites but just to chew is sooooo awesome.   Tuna never tasted so good!  

And, the best part, the scale is LOVING me eating.  

My poor body was totally in starvation mode on the liquid diet.  I was only getting about 450 calories and now I am getting about 800 so I lost a LOT.     I am down 6.5 lbs this week.    I know that rate wont stay forever, but sure felt good getting on the scale today. 


About Me
Kent, WA
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2010
Member Since

Friends 160

Latest Blog 68
