Jan 20, 2007

Hello people. I am at home now! I will update you all in a couple of hours. Thanks for all of your prayers and help. Thanks to Stephanie for checking up on me. Talk you all later.

Today is the DAY!

Jan 17, 2007

Hi everyone I am here! Today is the day of deliverence into the new me! I am so happy that today is finally here. It has been a struggle but I have finally made it. I want to again thank ALL of you for your kind words and help throughout this process. Now when I get back home unlike so many that have crossed over I WILL CONTINUE to let you guys know what is going on with me and give my progress. My walk may just help someone else. Last night I received many calls but one of the most important one was a call from my friend SMCGEE! Thank you for you kind words. I look forward to continuing our new friendship when I get back home. Thank you all see you in a few days!

Drum Roll

Jan 17, 2007


That's right 3 count them 1*2*3 pounds GONE. I am on it. I know you all are saying three pounds be deal. But it is a big deal that is three pounds that I will NEVER EVER see again. WHY because I am still on my diet and exercising and even though it is coming off SLOW it is coming OFF. Now that I am having surgery tomorrow... I know that with the plan I am doing I will lose the weight. I am can't wait until I can get back into CURVES so that I can get some of this TONED up!


Jan 17, 2007

Today is the last day for me before my surgery. I met Dr. Williams today.... to bad he is married! Anyway he is very well spoken and makes sure that you know EVERYTHING that you are getting ready to do. I am glad that I switched doctors. Dr. Williams whole office runs like a well oiled machine. Everyone knows who you are, they make sure that you understand what you have to do and regardless if you are getting on their LAST nerve by calling every waking second like me they are always courteous and professional. I will probably post again. Before I go to the hospital in the MORNING have to be there at 7:30 am. If not I want all of you to know that I willl be talking to ALL of you when I get home.

My Pre-Op Diet

Jan 16, 2007

Today I have to do my pre-op diet which is as follows:

Liquids only for dinner because this is the  night before my bariatric procedure.

Dr. Williams also considers the following to be acceptable for me to eat today:

Cottage Cheese
Mashed Potatoes
Blendarized Soup
Sugar Free Pudding
Cream of wheat

I am NOT to gorge at dinner or load up with sweets today. And I can not eat or drink after midnight tonight.

So yesterday I went to my favorite store WALMART so that I could get my food for the STAGE 1 Diet  that I am required to follow. "The stage 1 diet starts from your first day after discharge from the hospital and last for two weeks. The stage one diet consist of liquids, cottage cheese, jello, broth, cream of wheat, grits, apple sauce, blendarized soups, yogurt, and sugar free popcicles. During stage 1, patients(that's me) should have 3 protein shakes daily. Meals should last 30 to 45 minutes. Getting use to this slow pace is very difficult so patients(that's me) should concentrate on meals and avoid distractions during meals. The use of a medicine cup to pace your meal consumption is often helpful during this stage."

So I got me protein shake called ADVANCED WHEY PROTEIN because according to directions that were given to me "Patients(that's me) are started on protein supplements until they start their stage 3 diet. Whey protein is absorbed more efficiently than other types of commercially available protein supplements. We want you to obtain a supplement that provides at least 20 grams of protein and less than 15 grams of carbohydrates."
So this ADVANCED WHEY PROTEIN has 20 grams of protein and 2 grams of carbohydrate.(did good didn't I) So let's HOPE that it tastes ok.  I also got some Swanson Chicken Broth 97% fat free. Grits, Cottage Cheese, Applesauce, Plain Yogurt, and Sugar free Jello. 

Sounds like I am taking this seriously huh? Anyhoo, I will update you guys later after I get back from Preop!

4 am up and Running

Jan 16, 2007

It is sad that we were taught to look down on larger people that the only way that we can get this way is that we are lazy. I remember when I was younger and a lot smaller I was vain and only thought about myself. I never wanted kids and called others names like fat and ugly. God gave me the gift of my kids and with those kids came weight gain. Since I have been one of those fat people for the last twelve years I have come to realize the pain that comes with being like this. I am a little less vain but I have learned that it is not a good thing to call people out of their names. I have taught my kids not to pick at people the way that I did when I was younger. So I feel like I have been taught a lesson. I have lived on both sides of Kandie. The small Kandie with lots of attitude and the fat Kandie that has compassion for people. Now it is time for the Kandie with attitude to meet the Kandie with compassion and merge her into one. This new Kandie will have all the compassion the fat Kandie had and enough attitude to keep her small. This attitude will be what keeps her on track with everything that she has to do. 

My List

Jan 15, 2007

Top 50 things I want to do or am looking forward to when I lose weight:

1. To have a WLS free from surgical/internal complications. Completed 1/18/07

2. Go to Church and feel comfortable
3. To be able to lift my leg up and rest my ankle on my knee – to put on socks – without using my other arm to lift my leg. Completed 2/20/07

4. To be able to wear a size 22. COMPLETED 3/23/07
5. To be able to wear a size 20.

6. To be able to wear a size 18
7. To be able to wear a size 16.
8. To be able to wear a size 14.
9. To be able to wear a size 12.
10. To have energy to be more active with my children this summer (2007). 
11. To have someone come up and tell me that they hardly recognized me because of the weight I have lost. COMPLETED 4/13/07
12. To have someone NOT recognize me because of the weight I lost. 
13. To be able to buy clothing that is not in the “Women’s Section” 
14. To be able to tuck my shirt into my pants or skirt and not look fat.
15. To be able to wear a belt that shows around my waist.
16. Taking comfortable baths in my bathtub. Completed April 15,2007
17. Feel confident in wearing controversial/sexier fashions.
18. To be less than 300 lbs. COMPLETED FEB 1, 2007
19. To be less than 250 lbs. COMPLETED MAY 16, 2007
20. To be less than 200 lbs.
21. To be less than 150 lbs
22. To be able to go to amusement parks and go on (fit in) the rides.
23. To be able to sit in plastic chairs without worrying that they will collapse.
24. Becoming more independent socially. Completed April 14,2007
25. To be able to wear a bathing suit and look good doing it. 
26. Go to Las Vegas 
27. Go to a Falcons home game 
28. Take an updated picture of my kids and me and look as good as the first one. 
29. Be able to get into my car with out having to adjust myself and re-close the door 
30. Go on a cruise 
31. Have a good relationship either with my husband or with new person 
32. Get my Associates Degree in Information Technology 
33. Get my Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology 
34. Get my Master’s Degree in Information Technology 
35. Find a way to help others that are having difficulties financing WLS 
36. Find a way to help single mothers get better paying jobs 
37. Have sex with the lights on 
38. Be able to have a small mid section again 
39. Go on a Sandals vacation 
40. Have someone give me a compliment other than you have such a pretty face. Completed April 14, 2007
41. Teach my son to drive 
42. Not need a lot of skin removed 
43. Be able to take pictures again and not be embarrassed 
44. Walk around the flea market/mall and not be tired after five minutes Completed March 30, 2007
45. Take my kids to Disney World before they get too old and not feel fat 
46. Be able to walk without my legs rubbing together 
47. Be able to stand up without pulling my pants down 
48. See KEM in concert 
49. Go to a comedy show and not worry about being the female version of Professor Klump 
50. Be able to wear a two piece bathing suit and look GREAT! 

1 AM 1/16 Can't Sleep

Jan 15, 2007

Hi everyone,
I am up trying to find something to do I can't SLEEP! I have been like this for about month and a half. I go to sleep reallll early then up at 1 2 or 3 am then have to be at work at 7am. I am looking forward to getting past my surgery then I can be at home for some much needed time off. My job is still trying to get me to run my job from home. So that is nerve wrecking. I am like can a sistah have some time OFF. I have been going through the site can sending messages to upcoming surgery people. I have read a lot of profile's. I did not know that there were "in" groups on OH. I thought everyone talked to everyone. Learn something new everyday. I wish all of OH members speedy recoveries and successful journey's. 
I plan on calling the doctor's office today so that they can explain that the money that I am paying out on Wednesday is not coinsurance but my portion of the bill. 
On a good note I have HRA its 1000 for family when I went to the psychologist his payment came out of it so I still have 750 left on it along with my 1500 on FSA so that's 2250 so that means I am down to just paying the 500 out of pocket if I am correct. Like I told you guys before Jesus will make a way. 
I am going to go through some more pages and maybe I will be able to get a couple more hours of sleep before I go to work. Talk to you guys soon.

Beginning Weight

Jan 14, 2007

This is my beginning weight and BMI. I will start posting my new stats as soon as I start LOSING 

This is the WEEK of CHANGE!

Jan 14, 2007

Hey everyone,

I want you all to wish my friend Billie Fields good luck she is having surgery tomorrow. 

I am so excited I am about to burst I have three more days to go before my surgery! I had to have another talk to my daughter she is having bad dreams about my surgery. I have shown her all of the good and bad about the surgery and hopefully she will be ok. So how are you guys doing? I see alot of progress out there and majority of you are doing exactly the right thing to help you lose the weight that you want to lose. Whether its having the surgery or not we all have to eat right and excercise if we want to get and keep the weight off so KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!! 

About Me
Tyrone, GA
Surgery Date
Jun 26, 2004
Member Since

Friends 151

Latest Blog 124
