Good morning!

Apr 24, 2008

Well, it has been awhile since I have actually blogged on here.  Work has been hectic as always.  We are getting into the busy season, and that just means overtime.  Oh well, I am not going to complain.  

It has been 4 months since my surgery.  I feel better now than I have in years.  I don't have any troubles with anything.  I have been working out at our new employee gym, and it is awesome!  I found out that if I go excercise every other day, even on the days I work, then I feel better and more energized during the day.  I spend 1 1/2 hours each time I go.  I love the equipment, and all the goodies that go along with it.  It is free too, so that helps out so much.  I wish it had opened up 3 months ago, right after surgery, so I could have gotten an earlier start on my working out.  It helps so much.  I just really want to be able to get most of this muscle tone back.  I have lost so much due to my job.  I don't have to use many muscles by picking up cards, so I really have to work on that.

Things are going on here on the homefront.  DH is still having issues with insecurity and no job.  I am being accused of things that aren't happening, but I try my best to look past it, and to the future that we have together.  It is really hard to love someone when they do stuff like that, but if you love them enough, you will fight tooth and nail to get them to understand.  I just hope he does.

Have a wonderful day! Will blog again later.

My Century Card!!!

Apr 08, 2008

oh_c_card-1.gif picture by kittikat22

Relay for Life

Mar 31, 2008

Each of you know that I am a huge supporter of the Relay for Life.  I have been for over 10 years now, and will never give up either!!!  There are so many people affected by the disease, and we must try to find a cure!  This is the reason I walk!

My team is working hard at raising money, but I need your support as well.  I have set up my donation page for you to help show your support to my cause!!!  I know it is hard for you to commit to much, but for any amount at all, it is greatly appreciated!!!  Please consider a small monetary donation in my honor, so that I may be able to help support those that are unable to on their own!  Thanks! 

A whole month gone by! OOOPS!

Mar 28, 2008

Wow! I can't believe that it has been a whole month since I have posted anything.  I see why people say things change after wls.  I am now more active than I have been in years, and that is exciting for me to say!  I am down 98 pounds as of last week!  I am in size 18 jeans, and they are starting to get big on me.  That is so freaky, because I haven't been this small since high school.  Now my 20th year class reunion is coming up this summer, so I really have something to look forward to! 

Things have been very hard here lately at home.  My DH has gotten to be so over-protective, and very insecure about our marriage.  I knew that this was part of the troubles that I would be facing, and I really expected it to happen, just not this soon after surgery.  I just had my 3 month surgiversary, so that is really hard to accept on the homefront part anyway.  He knows I haven't been happy for years, and that the only way I can become happier is to finally be happy with myself.  He is just afraid that I will find that I would be happier without him in the picture.  Sometimes I think I would, but then I realize that I love him with all my heart, and that is what makes me happier than ever.  Tomorrow, Sunday, March 30th, is our 12 year wedding anniversary.  He sent me a dozen of the most beautiful pink roses!!! They are my favorite ones, and I am so glad he remembered that.  They are so pretty!

My family got to go back to Illinois for a couple days for the girls Spring Break.  We went to see all of our friends and about their reaction!!!  Most of them didn't recognize me, and when they saw Jimmy and the girls, they finally figured out who I was and they freaked out!!!  It really made me feel good to see their reactions!  One of my friends even started crying when she saw me!!!  She could tell how much happier I am and that made her really glad that I had the wls.  I am so glad I did this, and would do it all over again 1 million times if I had to!  

Well, enough about me and my month.  I will try to get back on here more often.......its just really hard when work is so busy now!  Have a great day!

2 months out!!!!

Feb 26, 2008

Well, today is my two months surgiversary!!!  It is hard to believe that it has already been two months!  I am feeling great!  Only feeling ill when I eat too fast or if I have any pork products, so I am doing good.  My weight loss has slowed down some now.....I am only losing maybe 2-3 pounds a week now. Thats ok. I have already lost over 80 pounds, so I am happy with where I am already.  Now comes the time where I need to kick it into high gear and get to really excercising!  It is hard since there is no place around here for me to go, and with the weather like it has been, I can't even get out and walk.  I have never said this before, but here goes.........I AM READY FOR SPRING!!!  That just means that I will be able to get out and about more if it warms up some, and we get rid of all of this ice!!!

Well, as far as me physically, I am wearing large tops and size 18 pants!  I haven't been this small since high school..........20 years ago!  That is the freaky thing about this whole journey........I have so much more to look forward to now. I go shopping, and still find myself looking in the plus size sections, which is ok, because 18 is still on the low end of the plus area.  I can't wear any of my rings anymore. They fall off my fingers.  Thats ok, because I know they will be resized sometime.  

Emotionally, my well being is getting better day by day.  I, personally, have found my backbone! It was coated in layers of fat and self-worthlessness.  Now that I know I can make it thru anything, I am not scared to stand up for myself.  Whether this means my home life, or work, or anything personal that is going on with me.  My DH has really been having issues with trust lately.  He has given me so many reasons to end our marriage.  I don't want to, not at all, but if he keeps it up, I won't stop him anymore.  I have never felt more alive than I do now!  I think this scares him more than he is willing to admit. He keeps on saying that I am going to find someone else now that I am skinny.  Why would I want to leave him for anyone else is beyond my understanding.  I don't need any man to keep me safe and protect me......I can do that all my own!

Well, it is time to get ready to go to work and spend my day making others happy. LOL  Like that will happen for EVERYONE!  I will update more next time!


Feb 12, 2008

Well, it has been a week since I posted anything.  Things are going ok.  I went to the eye dr. yesterday, and thought I would try contacts.  They went in just fine, but for some freaking reason, I still can't get the damn things out!!!  I was only supposed to have them in long enough to try them out.  Instead, I wound up sleeping in them since I tried for hours to get them out, but with no luck.  Now my eyes are really tired and I want to go to sleep because of it.  My eye drs office is closed today due to the ice storm we had, so I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to call them and try to get these things out.  I have tried several times already this morning, but still with no luck. Maybe I will get them out tonight before bed......I certainly hope so.

Enough of the rambling on about my eyes, and on to my weight.  I am holding steady at 208 right now.  I am not worrying about it, because I know it is because I haven't been eating like I should.  I need to start excercising more, but with the weather and work, it is really hard to.  Maybe in a couple weeks when it warms up just a bit, things will change and I can get back into the routine.  On a good note, I am now wearing size 18 jeans!!!  I haven't been that small since high school!  Also, my work tops are LARGEs!!!  I couldn't believe it when they fitted me with it!  I am so excited and happy with my results!  I haven't had this much energy in years, and I am happier with myself more now than ever before!  Too bad things aren't the greatest on the homefront.  Jimmy, my DH, still has issues with me and his insecurities about me leaving him.  It has been very hard the past few weeks, and I hope it gets better really REALLY soon! I am so tired of the arguing and fighting, and all the blame for things that aren't happening.  Its all a part of the times tho.  Oh well. I will survive!!!

Oooooops!!! It's been awhile! LOL

Feb 04, 2008

Well, apparently I am doing well, since it has been almost a MONTH since I have blogged and updated my profile! LOL  Hope everyone is doing well.......I am!

I am now down to 212 as of today.  I feel wonderful! I am wearing either 18s or 20s in pants!  And only 1x in tops!  That is just so freaking amazing!!!  I am so happy that I have done this!  It has made such an impact in my life!  I would do it again in a heartbeat!

I am now back at work......and everyone there is so supportive and proud of me as well.  At least there are some that are happy for me.  Unfortunatly for me, my DH is very unhappy at the moment.  Shortly after my last post, he lost his job. He has been depressed since, and has become very accusing and cruel.  I knew that having wls would cause problems between us.  There were problems before, and now there are more after.  I will survive tho......I have two beautiful daughters that make me want to go on, no matter what happens.  I am happier now than I have been in so long, so it is only time for things to really start to change! For the better or worse, I will never be unhappy again!

Time to get going and get things done around here. Have a wonderful day!


Jan 07, 2008

My drain tube is out!!!!!  Yippie!!!!!  I am attempting to do the happy dance here, but it really feels funny right now. That tube was so long!!! I was in my stomach almost an entire FOOT!!! Talk about a strange feeling when the nurse was pulling it out.  I had taken one of my pain pills before to ease the pain, so that helped alot.  Jimmy held my hand, and that also helped.  It was really in there, so I just am so glad that it is out!!!  Now I can take a REAL SHOWER, instead of a basin bath! LOL

Something to look forward to in 2008!

Jan 04, 2008

I  had a phone call this afternoon from one of my friends from high schoool.  I didn't get to the phone in time, so she left me a voicemail.  She was letting me know that our 20th high school class reunion is going to be this summer!!!  Oh MY!!!!!!!  I can't wait!  She gave the phone number for me to contact, so of course I called that number immediately.  It was to one of my friends that I hadn't talked to since the last class reunion 10 years ago!  It was really great talking to her.  It is so funny, because we picked up conversations just like if they were ended yesterday, not that many years ago.  I told her about having the surgery, and she was so excited for me.  I warned her that by the time the class reunion comes around, they will NEED the annual to figure out who I am, because I don't look a thing like I did 10 years ago........Thank goodness!!!

Our class reunion will be in July, so I have to get on the ball, and get in shape. I will have lost the mass majority of my weight by then, so I will just want to tone and improve what I have left one me! hehe

Yippie!!! I am so excited!!! I can't wait!!!

It is finally done and over with!

Jan 02, 2008

Well, since I am 6 days out now, I guess it is time to update my blog! LOL

My surgery went well. I am doing fine. No pain, no complications, no problems getting fluids in.....NONE!
As for the protein, thats a different story, but I will still work at it to get what I need in.

Here is how my surgery went......its long, but very uneventful!  Here we go!

Thursday morning, Dec. 27th. 3:00 AM My friend Dani came over and picked me up to take me to the hospital.  It was going to take us almost 1 1/2 hours to get to the hospital, and she needed to make a couple stops before we left town.  The night before, Jimmy and the girls and I just spent the evening at home, relaxing....talking....crying.....and sleeping a little bit.  The girls and I did alot of hugging and holding. We were all very nervous, but glad the time had come for my surgery to be done.

When Dani dropped me off at the hospital, it was a little after 5 am, just enough time for me to relax a bit and watch some tv before I had to get registered.  The registration receptionist finally got there, and said that everything was ready, and got me all tagged up, with 2 armbands.  I looked like I was going to a fair with all the free rides I could have......boy was I in for a rollercoaster ride! hahah

Misty and her husband Rich were going to be arriving at the hospital around the time that I was going to be going back, so when they called for me at 6 am, they hadn't arrived yet, but I wasn't worried, because I knew they would be there.  They weighed me, which I found out that I had lost another 3 pounds since the Saturday before. Not bad....down to 245 the day of surgery! Cool!  So, next they got me into the pre-op room and had me put on my lovely fashionable! haha NOT!  At least I had some cool socks!!! I love the fuzzy ones with the grippers.

They started to put the iv in my left hand, but it woudn't take, so she had to put it in the right side, and it went perfectly. They drew out 4 vials of blood, and did a cross type to make sure of the blood type that I am just in case they needed to do a transfusion.  Luckily they didn't need to! LOL

About 6:45, I asked my nurse about Misty and Rich, and she said that she would check on them. They were waiting outside, anticipating on getting to come back ASAP.  When she led them back, here they both come all smiling and really doing great.  They brought me a huge box of goodies that I didn't get to look at until Friday night, but once I got into them, let me tell you, it was just like Christmas all over again!

First, the anistheisiologist came in, and he was a hoot. He was going into semi-retirement the very next day, so I was going to be the next-to-the-last patient he would get to put under.  He even warned us that Dr. Shina would try his best to talk me out of it, and since he already had the drugs waiting and there,  for me to just ignore my Drs. questions! hahah  We talked about the intubation tube, and how he would wake me up when surgery was done, and take the tube out, and that I would remember him talking to me, but nothing else.  He was right!

After that, Dr. Shina came into the room, and was trying his best to talk me out of the procedure. He said it is just because he want's to make absolutely sure that I want this as bad as I THINK I do.  He told me several different options, and then when he was done, I said, "Nope, THIS IS WHAT I WANT!" He said ok, I will see you in the OR in a few minutes then.  From there, it was a flurry of business. They gave me a "calm down shot" just to take the last of the edge off. And then I was off to the OR.  The next thing I remembered was the anesthist telling me to cough and wake up so he could get the tube out.  He was right......but I didn't remember the tube coming out.  I woke up in the recovery room, and he was still right there with me talking me out of the drugs.  It was cool that he stayed there. He said that he wasn't going to leave until I was finally in a room, and he didn't.  

I finally got to my room around 1 pm, because they were trying to get a room ready for me.  I didn't get on the bariatric wing, because it was still closed for remodeling.  I was on the 2nd floor, but the bariatric nurses would come down and take care of all of my needs.  When I got awake enough to realize where I was, Misty and Rich were still there, as well as my pastor, Br. David Moss was there.  He had gotten there  after I went back, and had visited with Misty and Rich while I was under.  He said a quick prayer, and then he had to leave. He had others to visit, and I thanked him for coming. 

Misty and Rich had to leave shortly after that, because Rich had to work, but I knew I would talk to them again soon!

I had that darn NG tube still in, as well as a catheter. Uggh I hated both of those damn things!  I could only have ice, and couldn't hardly talk at all with that NG tube still in.  I couldn't get up until they took that out anyway, so I would just watch tv and sleep.

They finally got that thing out at 6 pm, and I told them I wanted to walk right after that.  They tried to get me up, but I was too weak, and couldn't stand up.  They said that was normal, and I would try again tomorrow after my barium swallow test.  No big deal to me, because I wanted to lie in bed and call my babies and Jimmy.  They were all excited that I could finally talk to them after the tube was out.  It made them more at ease knowing they could understand me.

The next morning, Friday, I went for my barium test. Yummy.  It tasted like fresh pineapple, and I was really thirsty because I had only had ice chips the day of surgery.  Once my test was done, I was ready to roll!  I got back to my room, they took the catheter out, and I was up and walking in no time at all.  

I got to eat broth for dinner and supper on Friday, and then I went to full liquids on Saturday.  It really tasted good, but I was full by the time I finished the 2 oz cups!  I couldn't believe it! LOL

Dr. Shina came in on Friday and asked me if I was ready to go home.  Of course I was, but didn't have a way until Sunday. He was ready to release me the next day if I could have gone! I was doing that well.  I was impressed.

I was always up and running around the halls, and to walk really helped. I never was really in much pain, and only used the demerol pump 3 times total that it was there!!!  The nurses couldn't even imagine that I wasn't in any pain, and would constantly ask me if I needed anything, and I told them no!  They even took me off all of the IVs Saturday morning, and didn't have to worry with those things anymore either!

Sunday morning, Dr. Shina came in and said "Well, my perfect patient, are you ready to go home now?!?!"  I said yes of course, and was on my way home at 2 pm!  My friend Sean drove up to pick me up.  I got home at almsot 4, and was so glad to see everyone.  I missed my girls and my DH.  Heck, even my cats were all over me!  I got to sleep in my own bed, and all was right with my world again.  

All in all, if anyone were to ever ask me if I would go thru something like this again, in a heartbeat, without even blinking an eye, I would yell YES at the top of my lungs!!! No doubt in my mind would I do it! I am so thankful for everything that everyone did for me to be able to achieve my lifelong goal.  

Special thanks to Misty, for being there in person for me when I needed someone the most. Also, special thanks to my Angel, Jen Kellams.  She really kept updated with Misty and Jimmy and they both did on the boards. I had so many wonderful phone calls from everyone. Thanks again to everyone!!!  It's official!!! I am a Loser!!!
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About Me
Erie, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2007
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Before & After
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Friends 93

Latest Blog 60
Good morning!
1 year ago.........
WOW!!! Almost 1 year!
Two months about an update!
Where has the time gone?
