My Latest WOW Moment!

Sep 19, 2007

Ok, so I have been trying to loose these 20 lbs. that Dr, Shina wants me to loose. I have been doing well, as far as I can tell......and apparently my clothing seems to agree with me too.  I have to wear dress suits at work, and when Jimmy and I moved to Indiana last September, I didn't have a single suit to wear.  We went shopping, and I got a couple different suits.  At one store we went to, the largest size they carried was 24W.....just a little too snug fitting to wear to work, but I bought it anyway, thinking I would get into it LAST FALL!  Needless to say, I didnt.   I finally got into the jacket back in the spring, but not the pants. These pants are just plain black with no pockets, and a zipper in the back, (which I hate, but oh well).  This morning, I have been trying to find something to wear to work, you know how it gets..."Honey, I need a new wardrobe because I haven't a thing to wear" when you have 2 closets FILLED with clothes! Yes, thats me! Anyway, I happened to come across these pants, and figured, what the heck, and stripped down to the bare necessities, and put them on. I hate the zipper in the back,  but, they fit! They actually FIT WELL too!  I couldn't believe it!  Now if only I had a new shirt to go with the pants, and the jacket! LOL Of course, I have made myself a promise to not purchase another single piece of clothing until I have my surgery.  Thats ok. I can wait!  On that note, last night my MIL called me.  She has no idea that I am planning on having WLS. I don't dare tell her until after it is all done, on the fact that this woman is CRAZY! She will have a coronary just going on and on about me, and how I am such a bad person.  This is why we have decided to not tell her at all until it is done and over with.  Anyway, back to the story, last night she calls me and lets me know that she is going shopping tomorrow where she lives, and that she is going to buy me a few new suits. She asked me if my size was still 26-28, and I told her that no, 22-24 is the size now. I told her that I have lost some weight, but not for the reasons why! LOL


Sep 11, 2007

I am officially approved for surgery!!!!!  I had my seminar and one-on-one consult with Dr. Shina this morning, and before my DH and I had left his office, Holly had walked in and said that I already have been approved for WLS!  Praise the Lord! They had already recieved the fax for approval and everything!  I knew I had great insurance! Thank goodness for UMR! Now all I have to do is get my psych and nutrition classes done, and my cardio and pulmo tests done, and I am ready to rock!  It is all coming together so quickly!  I can't believe it!  I have put my surgery date as Christmas Day, since it is going to be my gift to myself, but that date is not set in stone yet........just a reminder that time is of the essence. It will be here before you know it!  I have also chosen the RNY-laproscopic as my surgery.  I have figured out that this tool will be my best tool to have. I pray that everyone takes the time to really think about which WLS is the best for them. I did, and I am glad that has been my choice. 
Time to go sing praises!!!  God Bless!

Wonderful DH..........Jimmy

Sep 09, 2007

My darling husband, Jimmy, is so sweet.  I had been having trouble believing him when he would say that he is supportive of my wls......he just didn't show it at all the way I thought he should.

Anyway, he posted a blog on his myspace page. It made me realize that he is very supportive, and will stand beside me thru all of it! His blog made me cry, tears of joy, mind you, but tears none the less.  I am very lucky to have a wonderful DH as he is.  He is my rock and my strength on earth.  My daughters are just as excited and supportive too.  They keep on asking questions about when, and how, and what will the dr. do.  I answer their questions the best I can, but until Tuesday, I won't know much more than that.  Here is to is almost here!!!!

Yippie! Finally something good!

Sep 04, 2007

Well, my day is getting better than from when it started out! Got my car tags taken care of, and got Dr's. office to get my packet in the mail for me.  Hopefully it will not take more than a couple days at the very most to get here so I can get the papers ready and I am on my way!!!  Hopefully, just hopefully..........keep your fingers crossed!  yep, I am ready!

Monday.Labor Day!

Sep 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day!  I have spent the day with my daughters and a dear friend of mine.  Her name is Stephanie.  She has a heart of gold.....and is really being very supportive of my surgery.  She is young and petite. She knows that this is what I really want, and she is happy that I am going for it.

I only have 1 more week until I meet with Dr. Shina to plan everything.  I am so excited.  I have already got my schedule worked out at the casino, so when I know my actual surgery date, I will be able to switch schedules with a couple co-workers, so I won't have to use up as much of my PTO hours, just in case I need them for an emergency.  I really am glad that I have such great friends at work too, and they are willing to help out any way they can for a friend in need.

Anyway, feel free to stop in and visit sometime!  I am either here or at work!  TTYL!

Life Lessons to Think About.

Sep 02, 2007

Easy is to get a place in someone's address book.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

 Easy is to talk without thinking.
Difficult is to restrain the tongue.

 Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound.

 Easy is to forgive others.
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.

 Easy is to set rules.
is to follow them.

 Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream.

 Easy is to show victory.
Difficult is to accept defeat with dignity.

 Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult is to see the other side.

 Easy is to stumble over a stone.
Difficult is to get up.

 Easy is to enjoy life every day.
Difficult is to understand its real value.

 Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise.

 Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day.

 Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself.

 Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them.

 Easy is to weep for a love lost.
Difficult is to take care not to lose it in the first place.

 Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action.

 Easy is to think bad of others.
Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt.

 Easy is keeping up a friendship with words
is to keep it up with deeds.

 Easy is to read this.
is to follow.

My Thursday so far.

Aug 29, 2007

Good morning!  It is early here in Indiana, 6:45 am to be exact.  This is a daily ritual since my girls have to get up for school.  Anyway, just a short note to say that I am so ready to have a date.  I am so stiff and sore from my physical job that it is killing me.  My back hurts so much that I couldn't get out of bed without having help this morning.  I am only 36, so that shouldn't be happening just quite yet.  Oh well. All in good time, I guess.
Until next time, Love, Peace and Hair Grease!


Aug 28, 2007

Well, my seminar at Sts. Mary and Elizabeth was ok, but I know that Dr. Shina doesn't pratice there, but I wanted to go just to hear what the other surgical group had to say.  They really had some good points about the Lap-Band procedure.  I am still undecided about actually which one I will wind up having, but that is what I will discuss with Dr. Shina.

My appt. with him is set for Sept. 11th at 9 am......just 2 weeks away.  The way the woman on the phone was today, it will only take a matter of a few days to get all my papers processed, since I have already done most of the phone calls already.  I am really hoping that it will only be a few weeks.......since I have set a goal of Oct. 22 for myself!  Of course, that date has a special reason, since it is already my birthday.  I want to make it a RE-BIRTHDAY!!!  If things so well, it shouldn't be that long then. 8 weeks from yesterday!  I can dream, at least that is what it is going to take until I really get the ball rolling!!!
Keep your fingers crossed and the prayers coming! I am on the right track at least!
God Bless!

My Week so far........

Aug 27, 2007

Well, my week started out ok.  I spoke with Dr. Mark Shina's office, and have my meeting set up for Sept. 11th at 9 am.  Everyone I have heard on the boards seem to really like him, and I have taken that into great concideration in making the choice to call him.  I am still attending the seminar tomorrow evening at another center, just to hear what they still have to say.  I want to hear from everyone before I make my final decision......this is about MY life, and what I need the best for me.  I am sure that Dr. Shina and his staff will be the best for me, so I am ready to make it official and choose him.......I trust those that have already used his services.
Please feel free to share any information about him. I want to hear it all!


Aug 23, 2007

Hello everyone! I wanted to post a short blog to get started! I love to blog, and I hope that you find them inspirational, if not just plain funny!

Have a wonderful day!

About Me
Erie, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2007
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Friends 93

Latest Blog 60
Good morning!
1 year ago.........
WOW!!! Almost 1 year!
Two months about an update!
Where has the time gone?
