December 27th, 2007!

Nov 26, 2007

This is my Date!!!!!  I have waited so long to really say those words!!! It is now official!!!  After everything that has happened this past week, I need to have some good news!

Here is my schedule for the next few weeks!!!! It is a whirlwind!!! Hang on tight, here we go!

Dec. testing and classes in the morning, and the cardiologist in the afternoon.

Dec. 10th......pulmo testing.

Dec. 12th........hemotology testing

Dec. 14th.....Vascular testing and discussion about the IVF.

My surgery is at Norton Suburban on Dec. 27th at 7:30 am. I have to be there by 5 am that morning. It is going to be such a joy to finally be getting things lined out and ready! It is really rough, but I have spent the past 5 1/2 years on having this done, so I will work at whatever it takes to make this happen!

Thanks so much to each of you for posting on my comments....each word means so much! Thank you again!

It's Finally Here!!!

Nov 23, 2007

My approval letter, that is! LOL  It has been a busy few days with Thanksgiving and all. I am just glad that it is over with. Holidays aren't the same when you work in an industry that doesn't celebrate holidays of any type! LOL

I have been trying to have my approval letter faxed in since Monday........the insurance company said they have kept on faxing it in to the drs office, but they have NEVER recieved it yet.  So, I knew they were mailing out copies also, and I recieved mine in the mail this afternoon. Glenna, at Dr. Shina's office has been so helpful in trying to get my file ready to schedule my surgery date. She even wanted to contact Nicole-the benefits admin, to personally request the fax at the same time that Glenna was on the phone with her!  Now, if that isn't a true Miracle Worker, I don't know what she is, other than an angel! Now, if I can only wait long enough to get to Monday, so they can finally REALLY schedule my surgery! I will be so excited and happy! I can't wait! It is almost time for me to be on the bench with the rest of the Hoosiers! I am ready too!

Don't Quit!

Nov 17, 2007

"Don’t Quit!
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
when he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst, that
You Must Not Quit."

It is Official!!! I am approved!

Nov 06, 2007

Today is one of the happiest days in my life! I found out this afternoon that as of yesterday, I was approved to have the surgery!!!  I spoke to the case manager at the insurance office, and she was really nice.  She said that yes, as of yesterday, I was approved to have it done.  I would be getting my letter of approval in the mail within a few days, and so would Dr. Shina.  Now I tried to call his office right after that, but it was too late, and his office had closed down for the day, so, first thing in the morning, I will be on the phone with his office and start getting everything on the road to my future!!!   I am so happy, and so excited!  When I was on the phone with Sarah, I started crying right after she told me......and she said, "Honey, are you ok???"  I said, " Oh yes mam, you have made me the happiest woman in the world!!!" She just laughed, and said that she was so glad that she made my day turn out great!
As soon as I got home, I danced in the house, and cried aloud at the top of my lungs! I sobbed and cried like a baby! My DH, Jimmy looked at me like something was really wrong, but once I told him that my approval came in, he just smiled and said that he was so happy for me too.  I told him that this was the happiest moment that I had remembered in quite some time, and he just hugged me and said that he understood!  That was what I needed to hear tho, that he was so happy for me! Now, just to get an ACTUAL date on here ASAP!!!

Up for Review now!

Nov 01, 2007

Ok, my papers are all at the review board right now!!! They were sent over on Halloween, and they are going over everything right now. I should be hearing something by the end of today, or at least by Monday.  I am absolutely terrified that they are going to deny my request!  I don't want to think about that, but for some reason, that is all I can concentrate on right now.  All the emotions are there.........WHY? WHEN? HOW?? and then again WHY????  If they do deny me, I will be so heartbroken and crushed.......I have done everything that they requested, so why wouldn't they want to help me achieve my lifelong goal!!  I am probably overreacting, and that everything will be ok, it just seems so unreal right now!  Just breathe, I keep telling myself!!!  I really could use a valium to calm me down, but of course that wouldn't help either!!!  I just can't wait!!! I am ready to go right this very moment, register and start the iv!!!  That sounds silly, doesn't it!!! Oh well. Time to get going, so I can relax!

Update on Info

Oct 25, 2007

I called the insurance company yesterday and got some good information from them.  They had not yet recieved the paperwork from Dr. Shina's office. I knew it had been mailed out on the 15th, and it only was going to Cincinnatti to the main office.  Anyway, the woman at the insurance office said that if Dr. Shina's office wanted to fax the paperwork in for approval, that they would accept a fax.  So, I got the number for Julie to send it to.........and she said that she would fax it in yesterday afternoon.  Now it is still a matter of time in waiting.....but I have taken the ball into my own court now, by having them fax it in also. Hopefully I will know something within the next week or so. Keep your fingers crossed!

37 yrs +1 day!

Oct 22, 2007

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday. I went golfing for the first time, and had a blast! I will go again, thats for sure! I will post a couple pictures on friends and I had so much fun, even if it rained......LOL

Hope to hear something soon from my Dr. office. I may call them later today to see if they have heard anything at all. I am getting antsy has been 2 weeks exactly since I went for my psyche and nutrition classes. I know my insurance company said something about not getting to my case until NEXT week, but darn it, I want it now!!! Can't blame a gal for trying!

Last day at 36.

Oct 21, 2007

Well, today is the last day I will EVER be 36 years old! Sad  Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am dreading it like always. Not that I am a year older, mind you, but the fact that my birthdays have always been crappy for me.  For as long as I can remember, I have either spent my birthday sick, alone, or mad at the world!  I can't tell you the last time I actually got a birthday card, or gift from anyone in my family.  It is usually just another day for me, so why get all excited.  I just would like to enjoy it once in a while. My DH and I were having a friend from Illinois to come up for the day also, but now he is unable to visit with us now.....just another thing to go wrong for tomorrow.  Oh well, I should expect it by now.....I mean, after 36 years, I am getting used to this. Pouty 


Oct 19, 2007

Well, I just got off the phone with the insurance office.  If Dr. Shina's office sent my papers in when they were supposed to, and everything is insurance company won't be able to get to my file until the week of the 29th of Oct.!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGH!  Mean  Now I am pissed because the woman at the insurance office said that Dr. Shina's office could have faxed those papers in.  Soapbox  I swear, this is really starting to get on my nerves.  I am getting so frustrated about the whole situation. Everyone is anxiously awaiting like me to know when I am going to have surgery.  I keep on telling them as soon as I find out, then you all will know too.  It is annoying, to say the least.  I hope that things work out soon, since I want to have my surgery sometime THIS YEAR!!!!  Insane  Hurry Up 

Pumpkin Butter

Oct 18, 2007


One 15-ounce can 100% pure pumpkin puree
2/3 cup Splenda Granular
1/4 cup sugar-free maple syrup
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
Pinch of salt

Combine pumpkin, Splenda, maple syrup, lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, and salt in a medium heavy-duty saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat; reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring frequently, for 45 minutes or until dark and thickened. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Per Serving: 29 Cal; 1 g Protein; 0 g Tot Fat; 7 g Carb; 2 g Fiber; 2 g Sugar; 103 mg Sodium

About Me
Erie, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2007
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