
Jun 11, 2011

Just want to start out by saying the VSG is the best thing i could have ever done for myself. I am happy with my weight loss to date and the progress i am making. I would do it again in a heart beat even though i did have some troubles along the way, but nothing serious. I have lost a total of 121 lbs since last September, so that means 76lbs post op in January.

I just have one problem though the sagging skin. Yeah i know everyone that was over weight has it, deal with it right? But i mean i have what i call a second belly, i mean its extreme extra I still have a bit to lose and the more i lose the more it sags. I swear it will soon be to my knees! *ok not really but close* It really  bugs me because i still cant wear the shirts i would like to. They still have to be pretty long to cover up my front butt. *yes another name i have for it* So i pray when i am done losing i have the means to afford plastic surgery. *i have already been saving for it* Not only is it annoying as we all know the infections that are in skin folds is never a pretty thing and they have gotten worse where it sags more.

The only hope i have, besides money, is Santa. I know he is always watching so why not start wishing now?! I mean i wished many years for something and last year he finally gave me what i asked for....the man of my dreams. So now that i have that now i want to get rid of this *second* belly. That doesnt seem too much to ask. So how about it the man in the red suit, if you are listening, please oh please grant me this wish in years to come. Honestly i would just like to see my wooohoo for the first time without having to look in the mirror.

To anyone on this journey or just starting this journey, i wish you nothing but the best of luck and may everyone some day get to see their woohoo's.


Perhaps even a breast lift too?

Here i am again

Jun 02, 2011

So i have slack on writing in my journal and i told myself i would. So i could look back on it someday.

Well i had my surgery on Januray 6th 2011. Went through it with flying colours! Ok well maybe some grey in there. I ended up instead of taking 5 weeks off for work, i had to take three months!!!!!!!!!!! Why you ask? Well i ended up in great pain that not even the highest pain pill would take away. Nothing to do with my surgery as i once thought. I had my gall bladder removed about 12 yrs ago, well apparently they left a stone behind that just decided to act up after my surgery. So i had to wait almost 2 months for them to do an endoscope. I was miserable for those three months. I couldnt do anything but sit around the house. Not really a great start to losing weight eh? On top of that i had really bad nausea for two whole months. I thought i would go crazy.

So i eventually had my scope which removed the stone that was stuck in my bild duct, Ellsmere also cut open my bile duct larger to make the food *swish* out faster since the opening was way too small. Took me a few days but then i bounced back and was so happy i didnt have any pain anymore! I got back to work and finally could start exercising.

I would do it all again in a heart beat!

Last September i weighed in at 300lbs, i lost 45 pounds pre op and right now i weigh.............182!!!!!!!! Yay i feel so much better, i have so much more energy. It feels great. Course i have more weight to lose then to get a tummy tuck and boob lift. I am off all my diabetic medications, hardly need my inhalers for asthma anymore, and slowly weening off my blood pressure medications. So all in all i am doing great!

Three NSV's

Jan 26, 2011

So my first one that i noticed was having a towel wrap all the way around me after a shower. I havent had that happen as long as i can remember.

The second would be that i put on my rings i usually wear and well one of them fell right off. Sadly i cant wear it now but felt good that it did that. So i guess bittersweet

Third one happened today when i put on a pair of jeans i hadnt had on in 6 yrs and last time i had to do the lying on the bed to do them up thing. And they fit with EXTRA room.

Yay on ward journey i go

Update finally

Jan 25, 2011

So its been since forever since i wrote in here so thought i would say hi to everyone out there.

As some of you know i had my surgery on January 6th. So i am almost three weeks out. Its been a journey thats for sure and one that just started. Surgery wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. I will say the most UNCOMFORTABLE part was when they had to put the breathing tube down when i was awake. Ugh i hope i never have to do that again. I have a swollen thyroid (i go see about that in march) so they were scared that it might push my breathing tube. But they did get it in and he put me to sleep right away i was thankful for

I stayed in the hospital three days. The nurses were all so sweet although i never did get a tray or anything much to drink other than water while i was I finally got a nurse to bring me apple juice and popsicles though. The hospital room they stuck me in was one of the hottest in the hospital and i hate heat. So that was an adventure in itself.

I have been on full fluids for about four weeks now, a week before surgery and three weeks after. I have till Feb 6th before i start mush stage. I find drinking a chore now instead of pleasure. I have been having problems with a lot of nausea. :-( I take gravol but even that doesnt take it away. Mild to severe some days. Said i may be drinking too fast but if i drink any slower i will go backwards :-P

Diana suggested a few prescriptions i have to get my family doc to try, well least one of them to see if i can get this controlled before returning to work. Which i do Feb 14th week.

My check up with the team is feb 16th and with Ellsmere Feb 17th.

Well thats all for now. Good luck in  your journey all of you!

mini goals

Mar 10, 2010

so next week i start my journey of mini goals i would like to accomplish. i guess its away of making a better/healthier me before surgery. so each week i will be adding to or keeping the same goals. its just a way of my brain comprehending what i am saying inside my head. i write cause it helps me in many ways then one.

so i think for starts i will just list a few i would like to start next week.

1. would love to cut back on the junk food. mostly potato chips that i have grown to depend on each night. not completely cutting them out yet but finding some kind of will power on when to stop before i eat half or the whole bag.

2. NOT eating past 8pm. i am a bad one for that. sometimes even supper is way past 8pm and of course the snacks.

3. getting my 8 cups of water into me daily as well as my protein. i will be buying protein drinks/powder tomorrow to try for next week.

4. start exercising slowly, even if that means a quick 10min walk around the block

i dont want to overwhelm myself so i think that is a good start. heres to a healthier me.

protein shake

Mar 09, 2010

taking from the  VSG forum post by Kelly..thank you!

2 scoops vanilla protein
1 tsp coconut extract
1 tsp pineapple extract (couldn't find it so I use almond extract which is yummy, too)
1 cup skim milk
2 packets splenda
ice (to your desired thickness but be careful not to make it too watery)

just some thoughts

Mar 06, 2010

so many thoughts have been going through my head since i initally received my letter for my first info session. i started to research the gastric sleeve at that point, getting any or all info i could on it. i went to the info session last week and i find myself becoming obsessed with any information i can learn. i guess that could be one of my good obsessions since no one can never be too informed. especially when it comes to something so major in life.

i am feeling very excited, overwhelmed yet nervous. with all those feelings i am anxiously waiting a new start on my life. i feel excited because for once maybe i will learn self control, will power, i will be able to hopefully get off all or least some of my meds. its been a never ending thing with medication lately, every time i see the doctor it seems like there is something new i have to talk about which resolves in new medication. i need to get off the never ending downhill spiral.

i want to know what it feels like to get up and move. to breath easy and have no or little joint pain.

on the downside of all that i wonder if the surgery will go through with flying colours. i have had surgery before, i have had my gall bladder removed. so i know what risks and what surgery is about. i wonder how much skin i will have flopping all over the place, like the tongue on Adam Sandler in the movie Click. i wonder if my double chin will just become one chin or will i have a turkey neck? will i lose some of my hair? that really scares me and i know it will grow back. i am partial to my hair, i love it long, its not so thick anymore as it is. funny how something so trivial that as i said DOES grow back could make one so worried and self concious.

i worry, i wonder, i am overwhelmed.

but mostly and most imporantly i look forward in the journey of making my health the best it can be. just not for me but for my family.  to actually watch my nephew grow up and be able to run after him without being out of breath. my weight has held me back in many things in life. my true personality doesnt shine through as much as i would like it because i am stuck trying to hide, trying to hide cause i am overweight...obese...hiding behind this fat will STOP one day. i look forward in discovering new things about myself and actually showing the world who i truely am.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 09, 2010
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 7
