August 9, 2007

Aug 08, 2007

Had to post the new weight 

August 8, 2007

Aug 08, 2007

Happy 9 month Surgiversary to me and Happy 37th Birthday to me.  Well I'm holding at 118lbs.  I can't beleive how far I have come in just 9mos.  I feel great and I look good to for a 37 year old mother of 2 kids.   

August 2, 2007

Aug 01, 2007

Well as you can see by the pictures I posted we did it.  Our wedding day was great the weather was perfect.  

July 25, 2007

Jul 24, 2007

Just wanted to jump on and say Hi to everyone.  Well it's been crazy around here.  Well today will be my last day at work until after the wedding.  I think I have everything in order.  The next time we talk I will be a married woman.  I'm holding steady at 120lbs.  Which I'm glad because I don't need to lose anything right now I need to make sure my dress still fits me for Saturday.  I can't beleive that it's already here.  The summer is just flying by so fast this year.  I can't beleive that we are already at the end of July.  

My daughter is back home again from Upword Bound program she had a blast there and can't wait to go back.  She made alot of new friends and did very well with her college classes.

As for my son he is glad that his sister is home.  He has been busy with hockey this summer.  Yes hockey.  We are also getting ready for our big epilepsy walk in August.  My son has epilepsy.  Here is our website.  He has had it since he was 4 years old.  Next year he wants to go to camp oz it's a camp for kids with epilepsy.  He is on meds for it.  In fact just yesterday the Dr had to up it because he has been have some bad days with seizures.  

Talk to you all later

July 15, 2007

Jul 15, 2007

Well we are just 11 days way from when we head to Dells.  We are 13 days way from the Wedding.  I think I have everything ready to go.  Except for my Dad he was not going to get a Tux for the wedding now he has change his mind.  So I have to call tomorrow to see if it's to late to get him one.GRRRRRRRR. I only asked him 5 times if he was going to want one.  I'm telling you.  I take my Mom out shopping today for clothes for the wedding she got a nice pair of pants and very pretty top.  Well I'm not trying to lose any weight right now.  But we all now how it goes with RNY.  I have lost two more pounds so I'm just 5 pounds away from my goal weight.  I'm 8 months post op.  Well I'm sure the next time I post will be after the wedding.  I will make sure I add pic from the wedding.

July 1, 2007

Jul 01, 2007

July 30 2007

Jun 29, 2007

Well today is our big canoe trip for our bachelorette and bechelor party.  Should be fun looks like the weather is going to be nice.  I will post more on monday as to how it all went.

June 22, 2007

Jun 21, 2007

We have only 1month and 6 days until our wedding.  The hair dresser that I booked back in Feb just called me yesterday and cancelled on me.  She gave me no reason as to why but told me she had been talking to another lady to see if she would be able to do 5 updo for me.  I tried calling this other lady and got no answer so I'm hoping today she will call me otherwise I will go on the computer looking for hair dresser in the Dells to do our hair.  I'm very upset that other lady cancelled on me.

Other then that all is going great for the wedding I pick up my dress on monday. The guys are getting fitted next monday for their Tuxs.  Man the time is just slipping away from us.   We have been so busy so far my son is in hockey and baseball and our daughter is away at an upword bound program for 6 weeks.  She did come home this weekend and will go back on sunday I won't see her again until July 3.  Then she will be gone again and won't see her until right before the wedding.  

Well here is where I'm at.  as you can see things have slowed way down.  I was hoping I would make goal by the wedding but I don't think that will happen. It's ok just as long as I'm at it by 1year out.  

I have to say I love to look at myself in a mirror now.   I love what I see looking back at me.  I do think I will have just one more step in this journey of mine and that is to have a body lift but that will be next summer.  I'm not liking  all the skin on the tummy and inner leg area. 

June 8, 2007

Jun 07, 2007

Happy 7 month Surgiversary to me. 

I got all my blood work back from the DR and all is good.  Yahoo!  I saw my nut this week and she was shocked as to how I looked. 

My wedding dress is in and sent off to get alteration done on it.  I have to say it looks good on me.  We are just 1 month and 20 days away. 

Well the scale is on the move again.

May 30, 2007

May 29, 2007

Well we had a busy weekend.  Saturday I helped a good friend of mine with a rummage sale.  Then helped her move.  Sunday we went  and saw some friends at their campground.  Monday we did house work and yard work.  Yesterday was back to work.  

Last Friday I had my 6 mos check with DR and told me I looked good and asked if the weight lose has slowed down for me.  I told him yes and he was happy that it had.  He did do lab work but didn't have any info on them right then. He told me to keep doing what I was doing.

I got on the scale this morning and I was shocked to see that I have lost 2 more pounds. After how I at this weekend its a shock because I was not making very good choices.  

About Me
Poplar, WI
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
May 2006

Friends 42

Latest Blog 90
Oct 7, 2008
August 2, 2008
June 28, 2008
June 2 2008
