May 16, 2007


May 11, 2007

May 10, 2007

May 4,2007

May 03, 2007

As you can see the weight is starting to come off again.  I had a downer day yesterday.   Don't know why but just one of those days. I did go for a 2 mile bike ride and I plan on working out today on my lunch break.  I was bad in the month April didn't do to much working out.  I have been working to many hours at work. but I also know I have to start thinking about me and the family first work is second.  Well as you can see I only have 7 more pounds to go to hit my 100 pound lost.  I'm hoping to make that goal by May 18.  Well the count down to the wedding is getting shorter.  The girls dresses came in last week they are so pretty.  I did show the girls the dress I picked out and they all love it.  I most say I look good in it.  My dress should be in sometime between May 15 to June 1.  I was suprised about week ago with new ring.  Its very nice.

April 27, 2007

Apr 26, 2007

The scale movied this week only one pound but it movied. 

April 23, 2007

Apr 22, 2007

I bought myself a new pair of capris yesterday.  I went in the dressing room with a size 8.  Guess what ??? They were to BIG.  

So I had to get a size 6 man that was just crazy.  What a great feeling but just think 5 1/2 mos ago I was in a size 22W. 

April 13, 2007

Apr 12, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th everyone.  It has been another long week. I have put in 20 hours of overtime in and I'm sure I'll be working tomorrow and Sunday.   The money is nice but the hours are starting to get to me.  Yahoo for me I have finally hit a normal BMI.  In 5months I have droped 90lbs.  My goal for the end of this month is to hit that 100lbs lost marked.  

April 10,2007

Apr 10, 2007

Well Easter day was my 5month Surgiversary man time is going by so fast.  The family went to the edgewater parker for easter.  We had so much fun.  Only one of the seven grandkids for my mom and dad was not there.  He is our Navy man.  We called him on his cell phone and talked to him.  He is VA right now.  I pray to god every night that he doesn't get shipped out.   

Not much else to say I'll update on Friday and post my new weight.  Plus I will have to post new pics also. 

April 6, 2007

Apr 05, 2007

Yahoo.. We are moving again.  I have started working wirh a personnal trainer and that is helping.  They are calling for more snow around here. 

March 30, 2007

Mar 29, 2007

Man the months are flying by.  Well I started working out again man that feels good to do that.  My sinus infection is clearing up great.  I think me and my brother are going to start working out together on Staurday's he is going to help me work on my arms.  I have alot of flab hangging off my arms and I need to start working on that so they don't look bad in my wedding dress.   We only have 3 months 29 days until the big day.  Man that has gone fast.  

The scale movied just 1 sucky pound this week. 

March 23, 2007

Mar 22, 2007

Well the scale has only movied a tiny ways this week.  But I have had a cold for over a week now and can't work out because I have a hard time breathing plus I have been out of protein for most of the week also.  I got my new shippment yesterday so I'm back on that again.  Now if I could just get over this cold that would be wonderful.  I think this weekend I'm just going to rest.  I have put in 25 hours of ot at work so that is not helping with cold either. 

About Me
Poplar, WI
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
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May 2006

Friends 42

Latest Blog 90
Oct 7, 2008
August 2, 2008
June 28, 2008
June 2 2008
