Weighing In

Jun 26, 2008

284.2- 6/25/08

Weighing In

Jun 13, 2008

293.3-- 6/10/08

Nice to see you 200's!!!

Jun 07, 2008

Oh yeah, I'm in the 200's again!!! I had my one month follow up and  I weighed in at 299.6. So, I have lost 31 lbs since surgery in the first month. Not too shabby! I just did my blood work on Friday, so I'll update how everything turns out. Life is hectic right now due to marital issues, but other than that, I am feeling pretty darn good!

My New BMI

May 07, 2008

By the way, my BMI is in the 40's!!! I am no longer in the 50's!!!

1st Week Post-Op Appt

May 07, 2008

Hi all! Well, I had my first Post-Op appt. today. I met with Diane, the PA and she was very caring. For the past 3 days I have been having some severe stomach pain. It's almost like a stabbing, burning pain that immediately leads to (what's the polite way to say this?)... a liquid bowel movement. Anyway, it's been pretty painful and I called Dr. Coates' office, but they didn't have anything really to say about it. Well, after meeting with Diane today, she said that she thinks I may have C-Dif, a bacteria that everyone has, but after RNY, it sometimes rears its' ugly head and causes some pain. So, I went to do some labs, so we'll see what they say in a few days. Other than that, I've been given the O.K. to switch to pureed foods, and the CRAZY thing of the whole appt... I lost 18 freakin' pounds!!! In ONE week!!! I was a little shocked and scared to be honest, but I'll take it! Anyway, that is it for now. Hoping everyone is doing well.

Post-Op (Finally)

May 04, 2008

Yep, you read that right. I made it through the hoops and I am now on the other side. Surgery was April 29th. Everything went well with no known complications, and I was out of the hospital in less than 2 days- released on 5/1. I didn't have hardly any pain, but I have definitely felt very gassy and bloated. I walked around the floor around 22 times while I was there and I was taking in my liquids well, so they released me pretty quickly. Now that I'm home, things are pretty good, just trying to take it easy. I'll update after my post-op appt on 5/7.

Only 3 Days to Go

Apr 26, 2008

I can't believe surgery is only 3 days away. Oh please let my labs come back normal!!!

Iron Treatment #3

Apr 26, 2008

Hi again! Well, the 3rd Iron Treatment was done. This one hurt a little more than the last two, but overall it went well. I also had my Pre-Op appt. and met with Dr. Coates' PA, Diane. She was pretty nice. I actually weighed the same as at my last Pre-Op appt, and I explained to Diane that I was feeling bloated and constipated due to the iron, and she was very understanding. So, I am cleared for surgery on Tuesday. I went and did my labs today, so please, please, please cross your fingers, say a prayer, or whatever you do to hope that my labs come back "normal" this time. I'm going to try to call the hospital tomorrow to see if I can find out what the results are, because I don't want to waste my energy hoping and waiting for nothing. Anyway, thank you for all of your support and kindness and I'll let you know when I know!!!

Iron Treatment #2

Apr 26, 2008

So today was IV #2. Again, I felt sleepy afterwards. Other than that, it was a cake walk. The darn IV drip kept stopping until I figured out that it was because I was EVERSOSLIGHTLY moving my arm and pinching the needle. It took about 1 1/2 hrs today. Tomorrow is my Pre-Op with Dr. Coates, and I have to tell you, I am a bit nervous. The reason is because I feel bloated and because of all the darn iron, constipated (I know, no one wants to hear that). And I have heard the horror stories of people's surgery getting cancelled even over just a 1 lb gain. I don't know if I will have dropped any more weight even though I've been doing the Pre-Op diet.  So, I guess we'll see. Anyway, that is it for now. Goodnight out there.

Iron Treatment #1

Apr 22, 2008

YO YO YO... WUZ UP?????????? 

Ok, enough of that. So today I went in and met with Dr. Chen. Guess what? My iron was up to 11.4!!! So, even though it would probably be up enough by itself by Tuesday, I'm not taking any chances. So, we decided to go ahead with the iron treament. 

I got in and everything got set up at about 9:45 a.m. I went to the back of the Dr.'s office where there was a room full of recliners and old people with IV's in their arms. I have to admit it was a bit strange, but once I got in the recliner... OH BABY! The girl got me set up with one of the IV bags. Everyone's was clear and then she shot some iron into mine, called it my "Iced Tea" and got me started. It was really wierd watching the stuff move through the tube and into my vein. It took almost 2 hours, then I was able to leave. It didn't hurt much other than the small poke into the vein. 

I will do 3 days of treatment, then do blood tests on Friday and check in with him on Monday. So, nothing like the last minute... eh? But it all looks positive.

About Me
Modesto, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 28, 2002
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Not too fat anymore!
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