
Holy Baby Fever Batman

Dec 18, 2009

So I just started detoxing off of my medications (R/A meds) and my hubby & I are going to start trying for babies in March! YAY! I'm so excited =)

I'm back!

Nov 16, 2009

OMG I'm back-- FINALLY! We moved from Washington state to Wisconsin. I thought we would find a house a lot sooner then we did (we we're staying with my hubbies mom). No house= no Internet= no OH! Sad! I have missed this place so much and I'm so glad I'm back. I've been plateaued for the last couple months but I'm ok with that. Now I have my OH friends back and I can lose the rest! OMG I'm so happy to be back!

I just read this in a post & absolutely loved it!

May 28, 2009


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My future mini goals...

Apr 01, 2009

Holy crap-- I can't believe I'm down 35.5lbs already-- Freakin' awesome! So I decided I needed to set some mini goals for myself. So here ya go...

* 214lbs - That's the weight I met my husband at. Only 8.5lbs away

* 198lbs - The lowest adult weight I've ever been (for 1 day lol) 16lbs away from last goal

After the 198lbs, I'll be in foreign territory lol I'll have to set new goals after that...


Wow real food-- Kinda, sorta, in a way...

Mar 31, 2009

So yesterday I tried a scrambled egg with ketchup (I can't eat eggs without ketchup). I barely ate half of it and I was completely stuffed. Then today I tried 1/4 cup refried beans blended with skim milk & topped with 1tsp light sour cream, hot sauce/enchilada sauce mix & a pinch of cheese. That was super tasty and I think I ate almost half of that, maybe a little less then half. I feel full but not stuffed this time. I think my problem with the scrambled egg was I ate it a little to fast but I made myself eat really slow with the beans (took 30mins). So yeah-- that's my food update.

I'm feeling amazing. I get tired pretty easy still but now that I'm eating more calories I think that will go away pretty fast. I'm sad because my support group meeting is tonight but my car is still at my grandma's house. I really wanted to go tonight . My doctor wants me to start walking 30mins everyday-- that'll be easy. I seriously can't believe I'm down 35.5lbs-- holy geeezz!!

So yeah-- Life's good!!

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Post-op blog-- I know, I know it took forever, Sorry!

Mar 26, 2009

Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long to finally blog it up! First off everything went perfectly (well, except a couple things).  I love my surgeon, he came to check up on me everyday in the hospital afterwords-- So did the anestestaligist did too lol She rocked. I was in the recovery room for over 4 hours after the surgery. They originally told my family that it would only take about 2 hours. So I'm not really sure why it took me so long in there.

The anastegeoligist told me that when I woke I still had the tube in my mouth and one of the nurses noticed I just opened my eyes and looked at her and waited until she asked me if I wanted the tube out and I slowly shook my head yes and closed my eyes again. The anastegeoligist told me I was the calmest patients she's ever had wake up with a tube in my mouth haha.

When they finally rolled me into room I saw my mom, dad & grams waiting in the hall the second they came in I told them they had to go! I feel so bad now but I DID NOT want anyone there-- I wanted to SLEEP!!! I barely even said hi to them.

The first night after the surgery was seriously PERFECT! I had a nurse that was sent straight from heaven. Nurse Perez-- I'll never forget him. He took me for tons of walks around the hospital and we were laughing and having a great night. He came to check on me every hour on the hour!

Then hell on earth, I woke up the next afternoon and met my new nurse. Was not impressed. Every time I asked her for anything she would completely forget about it. She only checked on me when I needed my meds and took off as fast as possible. They sent me down to get the leak study test OMG OMG OMG that freakin' sucked! I can't even put into works how bad that leak study was. To top of the leak test the dumb nurse rolled me into the elevator and did stop me before pushing the button and I ran into wall (back first).

Soooo... I get back to my room after all the tears with the leak test and my nurse starts putting my anti nausea meds into my IV and it starting burning my hand sooo bad, so obviously I told her and she didn't even say anything and kept putting it. Then she came back a could hours later for the same thing and it again it started burning-- even worse this time. I told her again and she didn't say much and tears just started forming but then my IV shot out of my had onto her arm. Then she had the nerve to say "that's not supposed to happen". REALLY?? IDIOT!!! It's not suppose to burn either! She took the tape off and my had was the size of a baseball-- no joke! IV fluid was dripping out too. So that started a whole other issue. Now to the worse part of the whole hospital stay-- the IV was taken out at 11:30pm but I told her I had enough for right now and to come back in a couple hours. Right at 1am she came back and started to try and get the IV back in. Poking me alllll over the place. Arms, tops of hands, wrist, bend of elbow, back of arms, tops of my feet-- EVERYWHERE!! There was about 10 different nurse that came in from 1am- 7am trying to get my IV in. At one point the head nurse I was running her mouth telling everyone what to do and they got angry with her and walked out. So she graped the needle like she was going to do something (keep in mind she was there for almost 4 hours not doing anything but yelling at everyone) I hadn't said anything yet and I went off on her. I even kicked her out of my room. Then she asked "Are you refusing medical services?" I said "yes, from YOU I am refusing anything that has to do with you-- get the hell out of my room before I really get mad". The nurses that were still in my room actually thanked me. Finally they got the IV in at my wrist area. I went back to sleep and at 9am they CAME IN TO GET BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!  I almost lost it. It took them another 2 hours to draw 2 little itty bitty vials of blood!

When the nurse came in to release me I grabbed my phone called my mom and made her drop everything to come get me!! I was up packing everything up-- I wasn't supposed to do that but I didn't care, I just wanted the heck out of there ASAP!!!

OOOHHH and to top everything off the computers were down and we had to wait over an hour to get my medication!

I know this whole thing sounds horrible-- But it wasn't that bad. Surgery wise there was little to no pain involved-- at least to me. Plus I've lost 12lbs in 6 days-- freakin' AWESOME!! I'm really happy I did this for me-- I so rock @ life! lol


20 hours and 32 minutes

Mar 19, 2009

So I've been OBSESSED with the countdown to my surgery haha Wow I'm just a little pathetic-- OK a lot pathetic!

I have a lot of clients today, so hopefully that will make the day go by really fast. I am in a lot of pain though. I had to get off of a lot of my rheumatoid arthritis medication for the surgery & OUCH it seriously sucks. So today might just go by super slow and painful. I'm completely ready for tomorrow. I'm all packed and I have all my movies ready for the recovery process! I'm such a HUGE nerd when it comes to movies (huge movie buff). and I'm kind of a big 12 year old when it comes to movies too lol So here's my list...

The Santa Claus 1,2 & 3
Jurassic Park 1, 2, & 3
Three men and a baby & Three men and a little lady
Hocus Pocus
Season 1-5 of Angel (David Boreanaz is dreamy (WAY hotter in Bones though))

I know there is NO way I'm going to watch all of those but I'm pretty excited to just have some ME time! Even if I'll be in some pain, I wont have the stress of running my business-- for a couple weeks at least. Oh and I couldn't get my hands on some NCIS unfortunately-- they were 50 bucks a season! DAMN!

I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and it seriously took FOREVER! I was there from 0930-1430!! Oh that's 9:30am-2:30pm for you non-military people lol. I swear I didn't get that from my hubby, I totally got that from NCIS lol hahaha (& there shines through my nerdyness again). Everything went great-- just a really looooooong day.

Sooooo yeahhhhh.... 20 hours and 9 minutes now!!! WooHoo!!!!


11 days and 20 some hours....

Mar 08, 2009

It's getting soooo close to my surgery-- I'm way stoked! When are my nerves going to kick in? I'm not anxious at all, not even a smidgen!  

I'm down 16lbs as of today! WooHoo!! I'm hoping to be down another 4lbs before the surgery.

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Always a Godmother, Never a God!

Feb 20, 2009

I am the happiest person EVER! I just got off the phone with my best friend and he just asked me to be the godmother of his son. I am so ecstatic! The baby is due in June WooHoo I can't stop smiling . He was my "man of honor " in my wedding last year & now I'm going to be the godmother to his son--WOW-- We've come a long way since middle school haha!!

Stupid Previews

Feb 19, 2009

WooHoo!! I just got an email from my hubby this morning saying he gets to call me tonight-- I'm freakin' stoked!!! It's funny that I got the email today because I  just saw a preview for the new transformers movie & a while back they came onto my husbands aircraft carrier to film some of the movie. Seeing the preview was VERY bitter sweet because I was so excited to see it but when they started to blow it up, made me start crying-- How pathetic am I?? Just seeing that when he's out at sea, deployed was very unsettling. It's scary enough when he's on deployment but seeing the image of his ship getting bombed it very hard to watch. I keep telling myself it was a different air craft carrier!!!
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About Me
Bremerton, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2008
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