
Next friday...

Dec 14, 2008

So I have my psychological evaluation next Friday and I'm so excited to get through it. I'm pretty nervous only because she sent me some paperwork to fill out before my appointment and there is a lot of questions about my childhood. Well, ummmm... I had a... well, "difficult" childhood (that's putting it as nicely as I possibly can). I really hope this isn't going to set me back. I've been through some counseling about my childhood before-- So I swear I'm not avoiding it. I was told by a lot of the ladies at the support groups that whatever you do don't cry haha! I'm definitely not a cry-er (I don't think that's an actual word but whatever haha) but  jeez laweez! That's a lot of pressure on a gal. There is a question in there that asks "What was the atmosphere like in your home?" well, my mom was a ragging alcoholic, coke head that liked little boys and we were crammed in a little one bedroom apartment with whoever needed a place to stay for the night (and again that's putting it as nice as I possibly can). How do you word that without sounding insanely bitter? haha I truly am over my childhood. If all of that horrible stuff didn't happen I wouldn't be as strong as I am right now-- I am not afraid of anything. If all of that stuff didn't happen I wouldn't have met the love of my life-- he is everything to me. I wouldn't change ANYTHING-- not one thing.


Dec 03, 2008

WooHoo!! So my nutritionist signed off on me today! Now I just have the mental health stuff & all the blood work left-- Then it's surgery time...STOKED

As of today...

Nov 07, 2008

This is all I have left

*One more meeting with the dietitian (dec 3)

*Mental Counseling

*Medical Screening

*Meet with my surgeon & get a date!!



Oct 17, 2008

So I met with my case manager today. Everything went very well. She gave me a list of things I have to complete. I truly thought this was going to be a long drawn out process that is insanely complicated. But no, She's amazing and very informative! I don't even have to do anything for my insurance, she takes care of everything. There is one thing that I didn't know about that kinda sucks. I can't have children for 2 years after the surgery But That's okay! I have to detox my body from my arthritis medications for 6-8 months anyways before even think about havin babies! I wouldn't want to be this big when I have children either.

Here's my list 'O things to do-

*Meet with a Dietitian
-Keep a food diary

*6 educational classes
-Setting the Foundation
-Diabetes Prevention
-Healthy at heart
-Aim for a healthy weight
-Supermarket Savvy
-Healthier Alternatives

*Attend a support group

*Mental Counseling

*Medical Screening

*Last but not least meet with my surgeon & get a date!!


Ba-bye fat!


Oct 15, 2008

So my case manager called me this afternoon and we made an appointment for Friday-- I am insanely excited.

(This calls for an army of dancing stick figures!)

Hmmm which one?

Oct 12, 2008

So I went out with some of my friends on Friday and on the way to the party I mentioned that I'm thinking about weight loss surgery. I can't believe I actually said anything but I did and much to my surprise my friend said she was starting the process right now too. Oh man that made me SMILE! But she said she was leaning towards the Sleeve surgery. She had her mind set on the Lap-band too when she went in and talked to her case manager, but after going to one of the WLS seminars she found out a lot about the band she didn't know about. This new information is swaying me away from the band and to the sleeve now.  I keep looking up more and more information but I think I should sit back and relax until I finally talk to my case manager. <--- this guy cracks me up!

YAY doctor!

Oct 10, 2008

My doctor referred me to a case manager today-- I'm stoked!  Hopefully Tricare will be good to me. I have a BMI of 38.2 but I do have severe Arthritis-- Hopefully that will be enough!

So excited!

Oct 08, 2008

I meet with my doctor on Friday to talk to her about WLS.

YAY--I'm so excited!!

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say to her though. Hmmmm...



Oct 05, 2008

Hello! My name is Crystal. I have tried every single diet on the face of the planet. I recently got married last July and when I met with my photographer the day after the wedding I started crying when I saw the pictures of me-- It was defiantly a turning point. My mom recently got a gastric bypass operation about 2 years ago and she did amazing with it. I know that the gastric bypass is a little to intense for me. So I have been doing a lot of research on the Lap-Band surgery. I have an appointment with my doctor next Friday (10/10/08) to discus my options. I also went to a lap-band seminar a couple weeks ago and I feel pretty confident that this is what I want to do. I am truly sick of being "the big girl", I've dealt with that my entire life.

About Me
Bremerton, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2008
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