
Best Fortune Cookie Ever

Feb 11, 2009

First off, don't worry I just had hot & sour soup! Haha But my fortune cookie said "You will never know hunger"!! How perfect is that?

The Countdown's On--

Feb 02, 2009



Is it March 20th yet?

Feb 02, 2009


So I got my surgery date today-- March 20th, 2009. WooHoo!! So stoked-- Is it March 20th yet? 

My surgeon is Dr. Dreamy McDreamerson too (that's always a plus). On a serious note-- he's a great doctor, very nice, and explained everything to me. I feel really comfortable around him & have complete confidence in him.

The countdown in on...

46 days (& counting... impatiently counting)


*Getting Impatient Already*

Jan 21, 2009

Is it February 2nd yet? Hahaha
1 comment

February 2nd!!

Jan 20, 2009

My pre-op appointment is scheduled for Monday February 2nd!! The appointment is with Dr. Hawk-- I have no information about him yet-- He's new to Madigan. I am soooo excited that means I get my surgery date in 13 days!! I'm pretty sure I will have my surgery by the end of February-- almost positive! WoooHooooo!!!!! Everything is GREAT-- If only my computer would stop sucking at life. It's taking 3 min's to load a page--GAH!
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technical difficulties

Jan 18, 2009

So my computer is HATING me right now. if I haven't emailed you back I'm very sorry & I will-- I promise!


Jan 15, 2009

So I called to get my pre-op appointment today but they didn't have any appointments for January. GAH! I know, I know there is only 16 more days until February-- it's still LAME though. They didn't even have February in the system yet so I have to call back on Tuesday because Monday is a holiday-- It's my birthday, oh & MLK day too hehe.  I just keep getting more & more impatient everyday-- I'm almost there and it seems like everything is going in super slow mode now. and again GAH! I just want a DATE!! I'm more excited about Tuesday then I am for my birthday. I can't believe I'm going to be 27-- When did that happen? No seriously, when did that happen? Wasn't I just in high school a couple years ago? haha My freakin' 10 year high school reunion is NEXT year.  GAH!

Is it Tuesday yet?



Jan 12, 2009

So I have my gall bladder ultrasound tomorrow and I also meet with my case manager right after. We're going to put everything together & send it to a surgeon. I can't believe how close I am. Pretty much after Tuesday all I have left is to meet with my surgeon. Heck yes! That means I finally get a date soon--VERY soon!

I've been trying a lot of different vitamins, protein drinks & mushed up food. I found a great vitamin line that I truly love, celebrate vitamins! They sent me some free samples of the chewable multis, iron & calcium-- I like them all. I'm not worried about protein like a lot of people are because I'm totally digging pretty much all of the drinks I have tried so far. I've tried a lot too! My favorite is probably the new whey protein bullets. I just add a lot of water & a crystal light then I'm good to go. It's been super easy getting in all of my protein-- I hope it's okay that I'm taking that much protein already haha. It keeps me so full all the time-- it's great!

Is it Tuesday yet?


Next Step

Dec 24, 2008

So I made all my appointments today! WooHoo!! Almost there!

Lab work- Anytime after December 27Th

Physical & EKG- December 31st

Gall bladder ultrasound- January 13Th

After all of that I just need to meet with my case manager & then meet with my surgeon! That makes it final though-- My husband is going to be on deployment before I get the surgery Now grams is going to have to take care of me. That's fine-- she spoils the heck out of me! I'm hoping I don't have to stay with her too long though. When my husband comes home I'm going to be a completely different person (on the outside). I wonder if he's going to recognize me when he gets home


Dec 19, 2008

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About Me
Bremerton, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2008
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