
Mar 27, 2010

If you had asked me, when I went for my consult on March 2nd,  if I expected to enter the world of onderland within 2 weeks after surgery, I would have said "of course not, that would be unreasonable". But when 10 days after surgery the scale read 200.8 that is exactly what my expectations became. So everyday when I got on the scale and the numbers kept going up it was hard to not become a little frustrated. Logically I know that TOM and starting soft foods have more to do with that than anything, once my body adjusts again I will head back in the right direction -- it was only 2lbs there is no reason to freak out, but unfortunately the other less logical side of my brain was SCREAMING "WHHAAAATTT....." Fortunately the logic side did win this time and said "on 600-800 cal a day and walking every day it WILL move in the right direction just give your body time to adjust to the changes, drink your water, track your protein and keep moving"

So this morning 5 days after hitting it the first time the scale once again hit 200.8 lb. What are my expectations now? Well I expect to be in onderland tomorrow, of course!  But if not, I will keep doing what I am supposed to do and I will see it soon!


About Me
Earlsboro, OK
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2009
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