Numbers, Counting, Progress?

Mar 09, 2014

I am almost 2 months into working out at the gym. I am down 10.5 lbs.  This is progress right?  Yes....

But it isn't what I thought it would be.  I am monitoring my caloric intake and exercise on the app MyFitnessPal. I have had some bad days, but mostly average very good days.  I usually come in under net calories.  I am eating low sugar, low fat, low carbs, high protein. I have completed all the check marks that was needed in my Bariatric Bible.  I still am sticking to no caffeine, no soda, no drinking thru a straw, tried some protein powders, doing my fruit smoothies, taking smaller bites, smaller portions, and cut out as much fried food as possible. I allow myself one cheat day a week, but it isn't really cheating since I still watch what I eat and stick to my diet, I just allow for an extra treat that day, I still fall under my calories and usually work out longer on the weekends to more than make up for it.  

So why do I not feel very successful??  

I signed up for a trainer today at the gym, just because I wanted her to monitor me and tell me what I am doing right and wrong. She followed me through my routine and at the end said I was doing the weight machines properly, and it didn't really matter if I was doing quick and hard spurts or easy and longer reps, it is all basically the same. I should just do what it comfortable to me. But she did tell me I was way over doing it!

Huh??  How could I be overdoing it????

Well, I am apparently not allowing myself to rest enough and the whole muscle weighs more than fat rule does really apply. So I should alternate my upper body and lower body every other day. Cardio has been fine, but I will benefit more from the elliptical than any other type of cardio.  I kinda figured that from comparing the time on each cardio option in MyFitnessPal. 

I guess I need to slow it down and I will lost more weight.  Who would have thought that as progress?!

We shall see.... until next time!


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Temperance, MI
Jan 29, 2002
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