Sept. 23, 2005

I've spent the last couple of days wrangling all of the last minute labs and tests i need.  My poor employers aren't going to know what hit them with all of my "leaving early"s and "coming in late" schedule is so erratic, I can't keep track of all of the random appointments I have (Note to self-- *must* get the PDA back up and running.)  And not only do i have the labs and radiology appts, but I have a couple of MS related appointments for yearly check ups as well-- how does all of this happen at the same time??  But, per usual, the ladies at lapsf have been terrific about keeping me informed and my PCP (who is actually an NP) has been AMAZING.  She's very on the ball-- she was the one who noticed that all of the labs I'd ordered in anticipation of my consultation were going to be more than 60 days old by the time my surgery date rolled around, so I called the lapsf folks and they told me that I need to have some of them redone at the same time as the new ones so that it would all be within 2 weeks of surgery. Good to know!  (*eye roll*) I just hope that Blue Cross will cover them since I "just" had them done.  I'm a self pay for the surgery, but insurance is covering all of the pre-op stuff.  Fingers crossed! 

Sept 19, 2005

Holy Cow!  Had my consult today, and got a surgery date of Oct. 11!!  (All hail the self-pay...amazing how much easier it is to do all of this when you're not fighting Big Health Care.) Dr. Cirangle couldn't have been more informative or supportive.  He agreed with my assessment that the VG was the the best option for me and was glad I had done so much research ahead of my appt.  Aside from the Upper GI, an ultrasound to rule out gallbladder problems and the Psych consult, I'm good to go!  I can't believe that after all of this time and research, it's finally happening.

Sept 14, 2005

It's been a rollercoaster of a year.  Hell-- it's been a rollercoaster of a life, right??  I was diagnosed last September with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, and even though (thus far) I seem to be following a benign course, it has completely changed my health priorities.  Suddenly, it is vital that I take care of my own body as much as I am able, because it could betray me at any time.  I don't want to be dependent on drugs for my treatment, and most alternative therapies encourage specific diet and exercise suggestions.  But I have been obese since I was 9-- and morbidly obese for 6 of the last 8 years...exercising regularly and eating healthfully has been a losing battle for me my entire life.  San Francisco is a food lovers paradise, and it is just too easy to justify the constant eating as "culinary exploration." I need a tool...something to metaphorically kick me in the tuchus and be a constant reminder that I don't need to live to eat.  I need to live to *live*!

And why now?  Why, after so many years of the struggle have I finally made the decision to take such a drastic measure?   Because I've finally made my peace with my path in the universe.  Because I've met the love of my life (see photo)  and I want to be around to enjoy him!  And because I'm tired...literally and figuratively tired.  I'm tired of passing on camping/hiking/biking trips with my friends and family because I just can't keep up.  Tired of seeing that "look" (you know the one) from people on public transportation when they see you eyeing the empty seat next to them.  Tired of letting the famed hills of my beloved city defeat me.  Tired of the ever-increasingly futile battle of wrapping my body in lycra all day to minimize the "jiggle factor" as much as possible. Tired of shopping in a tiny section at the back of the department store where all of the horribly-patterned and shapeless clothes are targeted to people 30 years older than I. Tired of being afraid to let my boyfriend (who is the most amazing and supportive partner anyone could ever hope for) see me naked.  Tired of the constant barrage of mental abuse I heap upon myself every time I make a bad choice...which seems to be all the time.   I'm done!  I have the potential for an amazing life...a wonderful partner, a fabulous city at my doorstep, a tremendous network of incredibly supportive family and's time to make it all happen!

We've talked about the *possibility* of having kids in the next couple of years, so I don't want a malabsorptive procedure interfering with proper nutrition.  Since I need to be able to take anti-inflammatories for the MS and I don't want a permanent foreign body to encourage any kind of autoimmune response, I've elected to have the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG).  I have a consultation next Monday with one of the pioneers of this procedure, Dr. Paul Cirangle of Laparoscopic Associates in San Francisco.  I'm a self-pay, and have done a lot of my labs already, so I'm hopeful that I'll be able to schedule the surgery very well before the holidays kick life into high gear. 

When all is said and done, this is going to cost me about $18,000 (Plus, of course, all of the fabulous clothes I'll have to buy to accommodate my newly svelte frame. ;) ) which is an incredibly daunting number as a lump sum. But I keep thinking about all of the wasted money I've spent on diets that ultimately failed, supplements that did nothing and exercise equipment that languishes unused under the bed. This is an investment in *me* and my future that will pay off 1000 fold.

I'd be grateful for any input from anyone who has had this procedure done, especially by this doc.  And, of course, any other advice is always welcome.  Many thanks, and best of luck to all of you!!

About Me
Oakland, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2005
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