MN_Mama posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Lost 100 lbs!! - Had my 5 month check up yesterday and came in at 99.6 lbs lost!  My NUT and I had a good laugh about how I will have to wait until this morning's "constitutional" before bragging a...

MN_Mama posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Prayers please.... OT - Hi all.  Don't usually feel the need to ask for help, but I'm just overwhelmed right now.  My little sister, 7 years younger, just received a diagnosis of breast cancer.  I'm ...

MN_Mama posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Woo Hoo!! 3 months out and rockin' my sleeve!! - Had the 3 month check up yesterday and am doing great. I am below 350 for the first time in years, I'm walking better and down 2 sizes. I love this tool. Thanks too for all th...

MN_Mama posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Ticker and Ticker..... - Had a bout of Atrial Fibrillation yesterday.  Had to have my heart rhythem re-set electrically.  Has anyone else had this?  Also, since I was at the clinic, found that I had lost...

MN_Mama posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Hadn't thought of THAT!!! - Was sharing about how awkward compliments can be, and one of the ladies spoke about getting "looks" from men. I am 51 years old, have been heavy since my early 20's, and, for va...

MN_Mama posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Overweight and Invisible continued... - Was speaking with my husband on just this topic the other day.   I'm just over 5 weeks after surgery, but I've lost over 60 lbs from before and after.   I was not overweight as a y...
About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2011
Member Since

Friends 7
