It's WINTER finally!

Feb 25, 2007

I was going to say this is utterly off topic, but in a way, it really isn't - we got a significant amount of snow last night (well, only a foot, but it's the first real snow we've had all winter!  If you're in upstate NY, it's piddly...)

Anyway I took some short video clips of my dog while my hubby was out shoveling the snow off the deck.  You'd think she's a husky, the way she LOVES playing in the snow!  Then my son got in on it.  Hazel (the pooch) LOVES tackling Travis - they're pretty equal, weight-wise...  I just wish I could fit in a pair of snowpants so I could go out and wrassle with 'em!!!  So that is now one of my goals.  To fit in snowpants, so I can play outside in the snow.  NEXT WINTER, I WILL BE THERE!!!

Patiently waiting

Feb 18, 2007

Still just waiting for my next round of appointments.  Being a gov't employee, I could have taken today off as a paid holiday - but I'm working so I can take March 6 off as a floating holiday with pay, so I don't use up the vacation and sick leave I'll need after surgery.  If all goes well on the 6th, I could potentially be scheduled for surgery in late March - but now I think I'd rather wait until after Easter.  My daughter, Bailey, was just invited to go to HAWAII with her girlfriend's family for Spring Break!!!  Yes, I am JEALOUS - and horribly excited for her!  All we had to do was pay for her plane ticket.  We aren't made of $, but there was no way we could tell her she couldn't go.  We said we'd use some from her savings, maybe ask my mom to help (grandma loves doing stuff like that!), and we'd pay the rest.  So we called my mom to see if she'd be willing to pitch in, and she insisted on paying the whole darn thing!  I started crying immediately... she has always been so good to us, it's extremely humbling.  So, Bailey is going to Hawaii - leaving March 27th, coming back on April 6th.  

My mom has also made reservations for all of us (my family, my brother's family and mom) for Easter Brunch at a fancy golf club (none of us play golf, nor are we fancy club-types).  So I figure if my surgery could be scheduled for April 19, then I could indulge at the brunch and start my 10-day pre-op liquid diet the next day!  And I have decided it would be a bad idea to have the surgery before Bailey leaves, just in case...  

I haven't told my mom or brother that I'm doing this yet.  I know she'll be terrified, so I'm waiting until I have a date.  If things work out the way I mentioned above, I would tell them all at the brunch.

If any of you have any advice or words of wisdom on how to tell them, I'd be most grateful!

I fooled 'em!

Feb 09, 2007

Okay, so I met with the psychologist today, and it went well.  At first she kind of ticked me off, sounded like she wasn't supportive of WLS and that I hadn't tried EVERYTHING else - but I defended my decision.  I explained that I have done a great deal of reading, and come to believe that this is my best chance to lose a significant amount of weight and KEEP IT OFF for good!  We talked about many different things, and of course she had me crying like a celebrity being interviewed by Barbara Walters.  But it was good.  And I made fun of her for it - we were both laughing by the end of the hour.  She concluded that I am a good candidate for WLS, that I seem to have a sensible head on my shoulders, and we set up my next appointments for March 6th - EKG, dietician, bariatric doctor and physical therapist.  I WISH I could get in quicker, but I will have patience.  Good things come to those who wait! 

Sleep Study

Feb 08, 2007

It went well - I mean, I slept like crap, but have only a mild case of sleep apnea.  The Dr. met with me at 8:30 this morning and said she could start me on a CPAP machine, or we could wait to see if the weight loss resolves my issues.  She was fine letting me go without, which was my option.  My oxygen was at 88-89%, where as normal is 90%+, just  a slight decrease.  Good grief, if I didn't sleep well last night, it was because I felt like a freakin' science experiment!  They wanted me to sleep on my back, which I simply can't do, and then told me that the time I spent on my back was when my breathing was the most shallow.  Gee... ya think?
Anyway, it's over, I'm fine, and I have nasty glue stuck all over in my hair.  "Your shampoo should take that right out, ma'am."  Sure, if you shampoo with unleaded...


Feb 07, 2007

If you watched Grey's Anatomy last season, maybe you fell in love with the heart patient, Denny Duquette (MAN is that dude hot!!).  Anyway, there was an episode where he looked at Izzy and said...  "Do you believe in Karma?"

I'm beginning to.  GOOD Karma!  I'm so early in this whole journey - went to my medical group's information meeting December 19th, and then just kinda sat on it over the holiday.  I finally mailed in my info packet/application on January 17th, got my first call on the 23rd, and had my psych test and initial nurse consult yesterday.  Because of my BMI being over 50 (I was going to say "just" over 50, like that would matter...), they automatically want me to do the whole sleep study deal to see if I have sleep apnea.  Now, I don't think I do, but all of a sudden I'm PARANOID (note the capital letters) that I might!  The last thing I want to deal with is yet another medical condition, much less the thought of having to wear some contraption over my face when I sleep at night.  (Besides, my cat has already claimed that space for herself, and I kinda like it!).  But I'm determined to do whatever it takes to make this thing happen.

So, I called the Sleep Center today.  The first opening they have is six and a half weeks away, March 25th.  Unless, MAYBE, I was available to come in tonight?!?!!  They just HAPPENED to have a cancellation tonight, and it's mine if I want it!!  Spooky, or a sign that this is meant to be???  If all my eggs line up in a row, I could be looking at early April for a surgery date!  Wow....  

I called my hubby to make sure he was cool with it, and when I said it was either March 25th or tonight, he said "Well you told them you'd do it TONIGHT, didn't you??!!"  God bless him... we've had our issues, but he supports me on this.  Truthfully, I think the whole adjustment to my new style of eating (post-surgery) is going to be harder on him than me.  But I'm just going to dwell on this positive for the time being  :)


p.s.  No call from the SIL yet... I hope she's re-thunk giving me her unsolicited advice...

Mildly miffed...

Jan 26, 2007

In navigating this website, I came across a VERY successful member's profile.  This member had mentioned a battle with lymphedema, and I read up on it as well as looking at the pictures - after which, I came to believe that I have a SIL(#1) with this very disturbing condition.  I'm not very close to said SIL, but another SIL is, so I decided to call SIL #2 and share my thoughts with her.   In doing so, I told her about my own start down this WLS road.  (And I am NOT sharing this with many people in my circle of family and friends - not yet, not until I have a surgery date.)  She IMMEDIATELY got all concerned and referred to 2 individuals she has known who had WLS and have since gained much of their weight back - one of those individuals happens to be SIL #1, the other being our monster-in-law, whom I have zero love or respect for, and will not even bother addressing here.   I attempted to skip past her tone of voice to discuss the possibility of SIL #1 having this lymphedema condition, and how did she think it would go if I were to bring it up to her gently?

She didn't even hear me.  Just like that, she chose to focus on suggesting that I hold off on WLS, try other diets first.  She herself has a weight problem, though not as extreme as mine.  I told her of the paperwork I had to fill out to apply for the surgery, of the many varied attempts I've made to lose weight over my entire life, and I think all she heard was "blah, blah, blah..."  I tried to steer the conversation back to SIL#1 again, but she didn't seem to care about that.  So I made an excuse to end the conversation.  It obviously wasn't going the way I had thought it might.  Before she let me say goodnight, she said she would be calling me back to discuss other ways to try to lose weight.

Now I'm feeling frustrated, insulted, and more than a little angry.  Does she not realize that I probably know more about losing weight than a Nutritionist?  I know the drill - Eat less, move more.  Reduce sugar and fat intake, watch portion size, blah, blah, blah.   Guess what?  IT DIDN'T WORK FOR ME - EVER!!!  I can lose 30 to 40 pounds without too much trouble, but I can't KEEP it off - and frankly, if that's all I had to lose, I would never have even found this website!  So I don't know if I even want to listen to what she has to say.  It's as if she doesn't believe I've ever really tried, and I want to be sure to set her straight if that's the case.   And while I appreciate her concern, I've done a whole lot of research - I know what I'm getting into, even tho I don't know if I'll be approved yet.  (I really think I will, but until I have a date scheduled, it's a crap shoot!)  Do I nip her preaching in the bud, or let her say what she thinks I need to hear and just file it?  


The ball is ROLLING!!!

Jan 23, 2007

I mailed my application in less than one week ago, and today I was called from my clinic to set up my first 3 appointments!!! WOO HOO!!!  I go in on Feb. 6th for my psych test and my first nurse consult, then I go back in on the 9th to go over the results of my psych test with a psychologist...  Will I be able to convince her I'm not crazy?  I'M SO EXCITED!!!

My first "Blog" anywhere, ever!

Jan 18, 2007

Hi there - Just thought I'd post my first blog here - 

I sent in my application materials yesterday (which was also my 45th birthday), and I'm SO EXCITED about getting this whole show on the road!  I've been obese all my life, and I'm finally ready to do something serious about it!  Not that all the diets haven't been serious, but when I read about how the RNY procedure promotes weight loss, it just snapped.  That's for me.  The whole malabsorption deal.  I've had conversations with my sister-in-law, who is a recovering alcoholic - she can't understand why I can't lose weight with diet and exercize!  I mean, if she can quit drinking, losing weight ought to be a breeze, right?  WRONG, HONEY!  A person can stop drinking or smoking COLD TURKEY, and never have a drink or a cigarette again for as long as they live.  If they do, they know they've failed, and have to get right back on that wagon.  But you CAN'T just stop eating!  There's a whole 'nuther dimension to weight loss.   You HAVE to eat to live!  Every human is around food every day.  She can live in a house without alcohol, and avoid going places where she knows there will be alcohol.  There is no such black and white luxury with eating.  I love my SIL, I don't mean to sound spiteful here, but it's a flawed theory she has.  

Anyway, I got that off my chest.  **whew**  

I'll post as things progress - I'm hoping I won't have to wait long to hear back about my application!  Wish me luck -


About Me
Maple Grove, MN
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

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