getting preauth

Jun 27, 2007

Hello all.  I am so excited.  I talked to Melanie who is the ins person at the Center for Weight Reduction that I go to and she said that my 2ndary ins which she thought was gonna deny me until 6 mons of weight loss counseling, said they are pretty impressed with the doctor documentation and as soon as she gets my dictated Psych eval she will approve me.  Woohoo  I am so excited.  I also called my primary ins and they gave me a fax# with an expedited title and said to Melanie fax my paperwork even tho they told her that they didn't want it faxed.  So she said don't hold my breath on the primary but when the 2ndary approves we can move forward because they will pay regardless of the primary.  I am so excited.  I know I have said that already but I am.  I don't know what else to say except that I need to get busy getting my vitamins and protein shakes.  Please give me some advice on the shakes because I can't find any that I like.  Help me!!! Thanks for listening

amusement park

Jun 25, 2007

Hello.  I forgot to mention this on the about me spot so I wanted to add it here.  Another of the most embarressing thing that happened to me was my family and I went to adventureland which is an amusement park, and I talked my son into going on a roller coaster after about 5 hours of coaxing him.  Anyways, I went to get in with him and the bar wouldn't close because I was too big.  That was humiliating.  I got out and ran off the ride crying to my hubby.  He just said that the seats are too small anyways.  That was the very beginning of my depression I think.  It really sank in.  I am not sure why but of course I get depressed and I turn to food and that day I really wanted to eat and cry all night long.  Thanks for listening and leave a message if you'd like

protein shakes?????

Jun 24, 2007

Please let me know what you think is the best protein shake? Brand? Price? Where to buy? And if you buy vitamins and such online, where do u go?

Still may have a chance without the 6 mons of wl counseling pra

Jun 24, 2007

Well, my doctor's office said that we are still gonna find out if my 2ndary will approve or not  for the surgery without the 6 month wl counseling.  I am supposed to call them on Tuesday and see if they have heard anything yet.  My other ins is Humana, and they wanted my paperwork mailed to them instead of faxed.  So then they have up to 30 days to make their decision.  But they did already tell me that they will approve it so I am not too worried about them but the 2ndary not sure.  I will be getting it but it may be after 6 months or hopefully in a month.  Please keep me updated on your status and any tips you can give me for the upcoming surgery.  What shakes do u like the best (brand) and where do u buy it? I am so excited and nervous at the same time.  The waiting is just such a horrible thing to put us through.  As if we havent been through enough.  Anyways, that is all for now.  I will let you know more after Tuesday if I hear anything.

Dam ins co

Jun 20, 2007

My dam ins is going to make me have 6 mons of consecutive weight loss counseling before I can get the wls done.  I was so close and now so far away.  How do I cope with this without eating a gallon of ice cream?

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 18, 2007
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 15
3 weeks postop
20 pounds lighter
2morrow is surgery!
2 more days!
one more week
10 days and counting
got my appts all lined up 17 days and counting
scheduled my preop diet and exercise appt
