St Patrick's Day :)

Mar 18, 2010

This year St Patrick's Day was pretty great :) Well not that it is bad other years... but this year :) ....  See my daughter in law came to stay with me and was very understanding that I had a date planned already...  So the plan was she came to my school to meet my kids (after all they are the greatest students in the world how could she resist...)  then she would go shopping for a swim suit because we were going to the pool after my date.. and while she was shopping I would be on another "first date".   

My students really liked Jodie and she loved them, I introduced her to my coworkers who were like really your her daughter in law?  She actually has a child that is old enough to be in Navy and be married?  (they say I don't look 40, and I'm not gonna fight it!)   We had a good time then I was off for my date. :)

 It was sorta a blind date I mean I had seen his pic and had talked to him on the phone....he seemed like  a nice enough guy but his picture was well...very average... (but I mean.. some of the greatest men in the world look "average"  Look at Bill Gates....)   Anyhow he and I text back and forth as we were working to find each other for coffee and Starbucks (he doesn't drink coffee...but I sooo do)   And as I am sending a reply txt... a man comes up behind me and says ...Hi looking for me? I turn around wondering who this person is so confident to just randomly approach someone and say that....  and OMG....  this guy was soooooo HOT.... if he wasn't my date already.... I was really hoping he could be sometime soon... (yes I know... sad swoosh.... lol)   But it was him... It has been a very long time...well I don't know if ever.... I have felt that way about someone ( a datable someone) ....  he was shorter then I thought he is about 6'....  still tall enough :) he is a body builder but not one that has gone like insane doing so....  so is quite fit... he has eyes that are that bright blue and when you look at them you cant hardly look away and he has a great haircut...its like really short on the sides and a bit longer on top.... and in the front lol there is this one tiny clump that was insisting on curling :)  Oh but it gets worse.....

A.  He was very supportive without being shocked about the lapband...even to the point of asking where he could take me to eat!!!
B. He is logical....  THATS RIGHT GIRLS!!!! LOGICAL!!!!  Owns his home and his car. :) 
C. Raising his kids :)
D. Divorced for reasons that are acceptable (not a beater or a cheater)
E. Has things set up for what he wants in life
F. LOVES the same restaurant I do....
G. Manners with slightly rough on the edges

Its funny normally I go out and the guy says ...okay I will call you later... mostly they do and that's nice, I enjoy getting to know if it will work with someone....but I really actually  wanted to hear from this guy again... I mean to the point that I wonder if I am actually even good enough to keep him... very odd feeling.... haven't ever felt this way before....  Its funny because had I known he looks as good as he does... and acts and great as he does....I probably wouldn't have accepted his offer to go out.... :)   And I love the fact that he txts me every night to wish me a good nights rest and every am to wish me a good day. :)

LOL I am ready to toss all other dates for him....  Its sad but I think I have it bad for him....  really scary.... might not work out ....idk...but I'm certainly going to find out.   And if all else fails its very flattering to know that I am able to turn the head of someone that looks like him... oh I did mention he is 5 yrs younger then me too right? lol :)  But that happens alot I'm sure. 

So had an amazing time with him, then to the gym with DIL for a great workout and dinner at seafood place :)  Such a great day :)  Hoping for many more to follow...ready to cancel all other dates....

There is one problem.... he is from the same town as my ex....  a town I am still afraid of.....  but I try not to think about that...


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Indian Trail, NC
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Jul 16, 2008
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