Easter 2010

Apr 04, 2010

wow... such a day. :)
My general mood has been a bit down... My youngest is with his father this weekend and the middle son is visiting my eldest and my daughter in law.... I have no dog sitter...so I'm here..  pouting a bit....  But its not been a bad day...

My friend Erin invited me over for Easter.  She called me this am and kept chatting and chatting...then she told me why... GUESS what:)  she is engaged :)  very cool huh?  she got her ring Easter egg hunting that Ken set up in the back yard for her. :)  She swore me to secrecy until they could tell the family...whew..glad they did that today.... :)  

I went over for dinner ( I was late because I had the time wrong... duh) but still it was nice. :) 

After dinner Erin had some cloths and bags she wanted us to go through...okay understand Lisa is a size 1.... I ...well I am not lol I am much bigger.....but it was sweet of Erin so I was trying to put forth a positive out look... I chose  a few things I might could squeeze into and a couple i would like to one day fit in....  we will see.....sigh (I'm not ungrateful, I just felt a bit like that fat girl during all that....)

We then colored eggs and had a hunt of our own. :) It was fun, I have got to  work on being less critical of self...the pic Erin took of me.. I instantly critiqued....mentally, but still I noted the stomach and legs...It gets discouraging to know i really worked to try to look nice...and still looked like a member of the Pillsbury family...(yes I still hate my abs and thighs)

We then helped Lisa (another friend) set up a profile on Eharmony dating site.... (whom I am upset with ...they let you get through the entire 2hrs of ?s then tell her she cant be a member because her divorce is not final yet....)  Not tickled they took 2hrs of my life for nothing.... 

We then tried to do a virtual makeover of me....but I am so not happy with even my face that it only made me feel badly...not their intent so I tried not to seem like it....idk...Im just tired of looking like I do...wishing I could order a new me. :)  It didn't help that  the site was giving us a hard way to go lol :)

It was getting late and Erin's cousin called to congratulate her so we hugged her goodbye and left...
I was a good daughter and called my mom to wish Happy Easter and chatted her a bit...that helped. I then decided to go ahead and look at the cloths I had brought home...would they fit ....ever?  I am slightly amazed but some actually fit for NOW.....  The cute black skirt is even a little (very little) but a little loose. :) 

After having a day where I have not been feeling super great and not super positive...I am really pleased that somethings did fit so I can feel a little better about me. :)  I am getting there. :)


About Me
Indian Trail, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2008
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