Day 2

Dec 22, 2010

Today was not the best day. My cold caught up with me and knocked me on my butt. I just felt exausted all day. I had a lot of things I wanted to do, but I was tired so I took a nap. I slept right through my alarm, which is hard because it's loud. I woke up at 9 o'clock pm. Not good. I got nothing acomplished. I feel really terrible about not achieving my goals, and not eating properly. I had very good intentions with the eating, and I thought I had made pretty good choices, but when I entered my food into the food tracker, it all had a lot of fat in it. I feel a little discouraged today. But, I am an intellegent person, and I know that I can't take the food back. So, I feel I should learn form this.  I really need to go to the store and buy some healthy food. When there is healthy food in the house, I do eat it. But when there is no food, we eat out and I have a harder time making good choices. Eating out just doesn't agree with this life-style change. Lesson learned. And now that I have commited this revelation to blog form, I'll won't forget.

Yesterday, I got so many encouraging comments from my friends and family about my profile on OH, and it felt wonderful. I am glad people are supportive, and they want me to be healthy. It is very motivating. I don't want to let anyone down. Especially myself. I am finally doing this for myself and I feel really good. So long I have been sacrificing my own happiness and my own health for the sake of others. (That's not my tooting my own horn, just the reality of the situation.) I really feel like now is the time to do this for me.

Well, reader, I am still tired despite my nap. Time to lay back down. Hopefully, with this day of rest, I'll be able to kick some butt tomorrow, and get things done.

Have a good night, reader.


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Cliffside Park, NJ
Surgery Date
Dec 20, 2010
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