3 Weeks Post Surgery

Jan 30, 2007

   I am now 3 weeks post surgery and life is getting better and better.
    Excess fluid has finally left my body so as of yesterday I have lost 18 lbs. since surgery for a total of 50 lbs. since I started this  journey. In am finally under 300 lbs. for the first time in many many years. Praise the Lord. 
   This past week was certainly a learning experience. Friday was terrible. I ate and then drank too soon. Big mistake. Bad chest pain and then vomited three times. Horrible headache to go along with it. Took several hours to get settled down and back on clear liquids for the rest of the night. Not a good experience but certainly a learning one. 
   Getting in enough protein has been a problem. I don't tolerate the protein powders. I think it will be better now that I can start the blended foods. This evening I had ham and bean soup puree. It went down fine. I had 3 oz. and did okay with it. Tomorrow I will try some meat and see how that goes. Maybe an egg for breakfast too. I am sure if I am careful and choose wisely I can get enough nutrition.
   Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me. Keep those prayers coming. I love you all.

Post Surgery Day 10

Jan 18, 2007

   Here I am 10 days post op and so very please I made it witnout going open. Everyday is getting better than the last. Getting in my fluid is a challenge but I am doing it.
    Yesterday I had pudding and some cream soup for the first time and that was really good. I am taking it really slow with the food. Don't want to push it. It is clear to me my system doesn't like it if I do so slow and easy is the way for me to go. Just keep the fluids rolling and introduce new things slowly. 
   I still have a lot of fluid on board my body from the surgery. Rather disappointing as I am actually 2 lbs. heavier than pre op. When the fluid  does go there will be a dramtic weight loss I expect since I have not had any real food for this long so I keep that in mind. 
   No regrets. Just stay the course. This was the right choice. I am a realist and I knew how difficult these first days and weeks would be. 
   As for my beautiful daughter she is doing well. I am so proud of her. Already walking the treadmill at the gym daily. Had oatmeal and egg for breakfast yesterday and has taken off 20 lbs. already. What a difference youth can make.
    I don't have a treadmill however I do 3 ten minute walks in the house every day in addition to taking care of myself. Monday I plan on increasing that time. 
   It is all a learning experience. Trying to figure out what I can tollerate as far as beverage etc. and what I can do physically and not feel bad after. Did too much in the way of house hold chores last Monday and now am paying for it. Pulled the muscle the Dr. cuts through to make your pouch. So...back to being painful to get up and get out of bed. Went back to the Dr. to make sure I had not ripped something inside there as it sure felt like everytime I got up something was tearing. I am so thankful it is only muscle pain but I learned my lesson and will not push so hard.
   I am so thankful for the prayers of family and friends through this and am really looking forward to going to church on Sunday. It will be my first trip out except for going to the Dr. All in all I am doing great and can't wait to be a year down the road.  

Day Before Surgery

Jan 07, 2007

Day before surgery,
Typed this once and lost it so this is the short version. Really excited about tomorrow. Have one last trip to Womack today to get final instructions. I am awaiting a call from my son-in-law today as to how my daughter did. She is having RNY today. I will feel better going into my own surgery tomorrow if I know she is okay. It is the mother thing I think. Added some new pictures for everyone to see. Me 30 pounds lighter and some old ones as reminders for myself. Even I can see a difference. Can't imagine what 5 X that in weight loss will do for my looks let alone for my health. I really am looking forward to the increased moblity and less and less medication. Everyone keeps telling me it is all possible. I am ready to do the work. Norma 

Surgery Date

Nov 30, 2006

Surgery Date: Jan 9, 2007
Place: Womack Army Hosp.
Is anyone else going on that date?
Would love to hear from you.
Norma Button

About Me
Spring Lake, NC
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 14
July 20, 2007 Update
Update Friday June 15th, 2007
Adding Health Plex to the Mix
Weight Loss
12 Weeks Out
8 Weeks Out
6 Weeks out
4 Weeks Out
