Challenged myself and JOGGED 4 times during my walk!

Aug 11, 2009

I realized that walking was comfortable, familiar and not challenging me.  I grew up in Philadelphia, PA and walking was part of the norm.  It didn't mean anything to walk 16-30 city blocks and not be tired or injured.  I moved to Florida in 1990 and things became a bit difficult the blocks are not the same it was nearly impossible to effectively walk.  There has been more consideration for pedestrians over the years so there are now paths, sidewalks and bike lanes which make it easier to get active.

I have been saying I want more results with my weight loss quest.  I know that in order to get a different result I have to do something different.  I have been consistant (except during the week I had the abscess) in walking at least 4 times a week.  I get up around 6:30AM and walk the neighborhood 3.5-4.5 miles each time.

I started the jog on Sunday morning did it at least 3 times during the walk and shaved 15minutes off my usual 45 mins.  Today I was pressed for time because I just didn't want to get up.  I was restless during the night and woke up twice so it was HARD to get moving.  I pushed myself past my normal comfortable spot.  I keep saying that I love watching the Biggest Loser (TBL) on NBC and I remember most of the contestants in the beginning can not do it.  It takes discipline, determination and courage to push past you and find out you now have new limitations.

I wish to continue doing this as I know nothing but positive results lay ahead.

