Ugh! Been a bit and a bit crazy!

Mar 16, 2009

The last time I posted I was 2 lbs shy of the 160s.

Well, things went a bit haywire shortly after. I got sick then the kids did and between feeling sick and being exhausted, it was really a struggle to get my water and protein in. So, I gained back a little and ended up on a seesaw between 175 - 180 for about 3 weeks. 

It felt like I had taken 5 HUGE steps backwards.  I wasn't hungry, wasn't thirsty - honestly had no desire for anything. I'd get a glass of something and it would end up sitting. I was afraid there for a little while that I was going to have to check myself into the hospital. 

I really can't believe that there are people who think this is the easy way out. HA! 

Finally, the scale moved again and more importantly, I got things under control. As of this morning I'm at 169. 

I am elated to be 51 pounds less than my highest weight of 220. And even more elated to be 39 pounds away from goal. Holy crap! But still, even now, there are days where this just sucks! There are days I downright hate it! I'm sure there are many who feel the same way, but it feels awfully lonely on those days. 

I'm just thankful they are few and far between and getting fewer and farther every day. 
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So close ... Still in Disbelief!

Feb 24, 2009

 I am like 2 lbs away from being in the 160s!

Holy, holy crappola!  (Really ... OMG!)

Can't believe I haven't ALWAYS loved my sleeve.

For those just starting out, just hold on tight for the ride of your lives! It WILL happen - don't get discouraged!  

This is by NO means easy, but it is 100% WONDERFUL anyway! :-)


Cornmeal ... the Biggest Evil So Far!

Feb 23, 2009

It's frustrating at times. Being just over 2 months out and still trying to learn the particulars of this new stomach of mine. 

I learned a hard lesson this weekend. The new tummy and cornmeal DO NOT like each other! 

It was not a good choice. The hubby decided to cook onion rings on Sunday. And, I KNEW  it wasn't something I could or should eat, but pre-op I loved onion rings and he hadn't cooked them before so I took one bite to taste them. He'd done good, but I still ended up in pain and then it refused to stay down. 

Greasy cornmeal ... on my list of things to NEVER eat again! Along with full fat milk! That was an even bigger no no! I almost puked where I stood! lol

And, I'm getting sick of sugar free koolaid and Chrystal Light! 

Blasted Laundry Pile

Feb 15, 2009

So ... tonight I had a somewhat delayed reaction. 

I'm taking a load of clothes from the washer and putting them into the dryer when it dawns on me that I have a half basket full of clothes that have been too small for a while and I now weigh less than I did when I bought them. 

Immediatly I start looking for certain tops, shorts, pants - whatever I can think of. 

I found a few items and where as the last time I tried to wear them, I couldn't  wear them and breath at the same time, now they would be considered a bit too big! 

Would have found more, but like the title indicates, to me, it's not just laundry but, BLASTED LAUNDRY! 

Anyone have any tips on how to make folding laundry an enjoyable task? lol  (to dream the impossible dream?)


In the 170s! I am so happy!

Feb 14, 2009

It's official! 

Weighed first thing this morning, several times throughout the day and again a few minutes ago .... I'm at 174!

At this point and from here on out - until the 140s - I can't even guess when the last time was! 140s was in highschool, junior year. And I thought I was fat then! Good God the misconceptions we have as young women! 

I'm eating full solids now at nearly eight weeks, but I prefer to keep it soft on most things. It's still too uncomfortable to eat a lot of the protein - chicken, beef, even salmon - so I find myself still relying on cottage cheese and protein supplement more. Even small amounts and chewing well - I feel like I've just eaten Thansgiving dinner pre-op! I still haven't completely learned how much my pouch will hold so if it is anything other than cottage cheese, even one bite too much can be enough to make me want to throw up to relieve the pressure - though I never make myself throw up, it is sometimes tempting. If I didn't really hate - HATE - to throw up, it might be too tempting. As it is I'm good! lol

I've lost 36 pounds and I am 44 pounds away from my dream goal of 130! In 2 months! How freakin' cool is that?! It's happening! I almost can't believe it!

At 174 I feel like a completely different person already. I'm dancing in the living room with my kids again - my favorite form of exercise!

Life is good and gonna get better! 
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A Few Interesting Numbers

Feb 02, 2009

 So, I just noticed. I'm 1.6 points away from a BMI that will put me in the 'normal' range. 

That's 11 pounds. 

I'm at 180, so that puts me 33 pounds from my 'ideal' weight of 147.

And, 50 pounds away from my dream goal of 130. 

In 6 weeks! Man, this is awesome!

If I just reach my ideal weight ... well, I think it was junior high since I weighed in the 140s. I'm 35 now, so ... yeah, long time! :-)

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30 Pounds in 6 Weeks

Feb 02, 2009

While to some that may be indicative of being a "slow loser", to me it's freakin' amazing!  

Slow loser was what I was before VSG, when it would take me a year to lose 30 pounds - on a good year! I think a lot of us forget what it truly means to be a slow loser.  I very briefly fell into thinking like that around week 3 when I stalled.

How could I have only lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks? What was wrong with me? What was I doing wrong? 

And then I realized - Hey! Don't you remember the last time you lost 16 pounds in 13 days?

Yeah, I remember! When was that? .....

Oh, yeah! N-E-V-E-R!


And now at six weeks, I've lost 30 pounds. Holy Cow, Batman!  This is beyond cool! 

I can take a shower now and not feel like I worked out afterwards!
I can bend over, instead of sit down, to shave my legs and still breath!
I already sleep better and wake up with fewer aches and pains!
I can get up from sitting for several minutes and not limp until my ankles decide to work right!
I can wear panties that were bought brand new five years ago and they 1.) fit  - and - 2.) don't roll down when I sit!
I can wear my favorite jeans in the world again WITHOUT my Spanks! They're a 12 and loose now! 
I can cross my legs when I sit and be comfortable doing it! 
I'm more flexible now than I've been in years!

And, one more ... kinda funny ...

My dh likes to grab my face and kiss me over and over when I'm aggravated with him cause it always makes me laugh eventually. lol Yesterday he did it and accidently hurt me. I just don't have much padding under my chin anymore and he was holding a bit too hard up against my jaw bone. I couldn't be mad because I was so surprised at that! LOL!

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!  

24 pounds down!

Jan 15, 2009

Finally! An update! For a while there, I thought the stall would never end. Then, BAM!, in 3 days it went down five pounds! 

Of course, it's a bit confusing - I'm not sure if it was a true stall or the fact that I was pre-menstrual for a week, then on my cycle for another week. And, then - did I really break the stall or was it just my cycle ending and losing the fluid retained etc.?  

The timing makes it impossible to know. It all came together around the three week mark and I've been told a lot of us - especially 'lightweights' - stall around that time. So, I guess I'll have to wait until my next cycle to see if it happens again before I know. 

It's all just out of curiosity. Truthfully? Who cares! I weigh 185! I haven't weighed less than 190 in years and years (and years)!

And, in less than a month, compared to the six months it took me to get anywhere close to this before VSG!!!

I'll take a page from some other members' book when I say, I don't love my sleeve yet - I still have my moments of mourning - but, I'm learning to. 

Time to hit the treadmill! It may be impossible, but I'd love to be in the 170s before I see Dr. Castro again on the 20th!  

6 pounds in 5 days?  Probably not, but it can't hurt to try! lol


Note to Self

Jan 07, 2009

Mashed field peas - okay.  

Mashed field peas with small spoon of sour cream - BAD  idea.  

I haven't puked, and I'm pretty determined not to, but boy was that close. 


Evil Aunt Flo Ain't So Evil Anymore

Jan 07, 2009

Something I wasn't expecting.

For a few years now - since the birth of my second child in 2004 - my periods have been different. Starting off very light and then at least two days of extremely heavy - almost worrisome. This last week was my first cycle since surgery and suddenly it's back to normal. 

I always thought it was due to having children and that it became worse still after the C-section with my last in 2007. Could it have been from the crap I was eating all along? 

I'm not sure. I've only lost 19 pounds so far, so I don't think it could be that. Who knows?

It's nice and I'll take it, whatever the reason! 


About Me
De Leon, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2008
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