Weekending again ...and emotional ups and downs.

Jan 11, 2009

We spend every weekend away at our home in the Kawarthas and I am writing this update there .Later we will drive back to our Toronto condo and another week will begin ..my husband is planning to retire in May when he turns 60..this is going to be a year of huge changes in both our lives . He is a very bad diabetic and is actually on the list waiting for his consult with my surgeon ..Dr Klein and despite not having a BMI of 40 or above (its 35) he is hoping for RNY and a cure for the ravages of his insulin dependent diabetes  .
My husband is so wonderful ..the love of my life and my best friend and support system .I feel bad for him lately as all I do is talk about is my upcoming surgery ..and I know I must sound like a stuck record sometimes ..lol .
I have chosen not to share my decision to have my vbg revised to RNY with many who know me ..so he gets all my emotions poured onto him.the poor guy . I have been a long time member of the Barrie support group..and am hoping to start going to the monthly meetings again after surgery . Its hard to get there now as since we bought the Norwood house ..we never have a free weekend . I have a lot of wls friends that go back over the last 5 years ...some are doing well but some are struggling (like me ) with regain and a return to old bad habits .Most have been supportive of my plan for revision but some have been surprisingly cool towards me since I told them ..hmmm . I am sad about that ..as my friends are important to me .
I am a transplanted Brit ( a yorkshire woman with the accent still) so have no other family here ..apart from my kids and hubbies bro (single) who lives in Markham .
I will continue to fill in the blanks in my story over the next few entries .
Like I have already had plastics ..an extended abdominoplasty and lipo with breast reduction and lift ..4 years ago ..in a way I am doing this back wards to most ..lol .
Very cold out today ...deep crisp snow but blue skies and sunshine ..we are packing a small picnic and will take a detour to Rice Lake on our back to the city this afternoon .
I have come to terms with my date change ..to 24th feb ..its only 5 weeks away after all .
I am still an emotional wreck at times and very nervous but also very excited about the new me a year from now ...I cant wait to get to my 135 pounds goal . Thats 125 pounds away ...

roll on my surgery ....

