5 Days Post Op

Dec 16, 2009

Hey guys, so it has been 5 days since I had surgery and I'm trying my best to stick to this 2 week liquid diet.  Some days are harder than others, but I'm holding on.  I find myself being soooooo hungry and having to fight to keep myself from raiding my fridge.  I cannot wait to be on soft foods, just to have a different variety.  Before I even had surgery, I already had it made up in my mind that I was going to be successful on this journey and the devil is trying his best to tempt me but I'm fighting and praying every step of the way.  Even though I find myself wanting to raid my fridge, I push myself past those temptations and make myself a good ol' protein shake, lol.  Nothing is going to stand in my way of success and with God on my side, I know that I'll get there.  The devil is a liar and he will not control my destiny.   


Dec 13, 2009

Well OH family, I'm still alive, lol.  Things are still going pretty well besides the pain on my left side.  Today is the first day that I skipped one of my doses of pain meds.  I'm trying to see if I can manage the pain without the use of meds.....so far it seems to be ok.  My pain meds have me knocked out all day and I hate sleeping the day away.  Yesterday I think I overdid it though.....I cleaned up my kitchen, my bedroom and did a load of laundry and by the time I was finished, I was in soooo much pain.  I'm one of those type of people who cannot truly rest and relax unless my house is clean.  Guess you can say I'm a lil OCD, lol.  Trust me.....I've learned my lesson, I will not be doing that again.  Overall, I'm happy to report that I'm still happy with my decision to have wls. 


It's done.....

Dec 11, 2009

My surgery was today and I thank God that things went well.  I do not have any gas pains and the only pain I'm having is from my incisions.  Although I have been very nausea and doing quite a bit of dry heaving and that really hurts but the dry heaving has slowed down so it's not happening too often now.  I'm up walking around and doing my breathing exercises.  So overall, I have to say things are pretty darn good, lol.  It's not as bad as I was thinking it was going to be and I pray that it remains this smooth throughout my recovery process.  I have to admit, I'm hungry....I can only have broth, tea and water today but tomorrow I can have yogurt, pudding, jello, and popsicles.  I can't wait to have some of these items, lol.  Who would of thought that I would be so excited and looking forward to eating jello, yogurt, popsicles and pudding, lol.  Oh and by the way I lost 7lbs already!!!!!!!  On the road to my success and it feels good.


Only a few hours away....

Dec 10, 2009

In a few hours I will be having my lap band surgery and I'm super excited.  Earlier today I was nervous b/c I was reading a lot of negative blogs and post about people having a hard time with their recovery but that has passed and I'm in a happy place now.  I can't wait for tomorrow!!!  I should be sleep but I can't because I'm too excited.  I feel like I did when it was the first day of school and didn't get any rest because I couldn't wait to wear my new clothes the next day, lol.  That's how I feel right now.  I might need to try to go to sleep because I cannot eat or drink after midnight and I'm starting to get a little hungry, maybe I should go have a quick snack before midnight strikes.  Anywhooooo.....I will try to post something tomorrow to let you guys know how I'm doing.  Wish me luck!!!!!!
1 comment

I need to STOP....

Dec 09, 2009

As it gets closer to my surgery (which is tomorrow morning by the way), I think it might be in my best interest to STOP reading other OH members blogs about the after effects of surgery and how they're having a hard time dealing with the pain and etc b/c it is really beginning to make me more nervous.  I'm not nervous about being successful with my weight loss, I'm nervous about the recovery part.  And if I keep reading how bad of a time people are having with their recovery process, I just may chicken out, lol (its not that serious though).  I just need to remember that people are different and we all manage pain differently.  I think I will be fine seeing as how I have a fairly good amount of tolerance for pain.  Lord see me through!!!!!


The wait is almost over!!!!

Dec 07, 2009

Today I had my pre-op visit and things went well.  I didn't learn anything new and I didn't have any additional questions that I wanted to ask because everytime I had a weight loss appt....I always had a ton of questions to ask.  So now I'm just counting down these next 3 days til my surgery.  I'm getting more and more nervous about the whole thing now.  I'm not nervous about not being successful because I have spoken my success into existence and nothing will stand in my way.  I'm just nervous about the surgical aspect of it and the recovery time.  Although I do tolerate pain pretty good, I still HATE being in pain, lol.  I pray that God will send down an angel of healing to protect over me and my body.  I know some of you who are reading this may be saying......"no pain, no gain"......and I do understand that concept but it still doesn't make it any easier, lol.  But even through all my nervousness, I'm still very, very, very, very, very (ok you get my drift) excited about my decision to have weight loss surgery and I cannot wait for my journey to the new me start. 


Starting to think....

Dec 05, 2009

Ok.....as I have said quite a few times before, my lap band surgery date is set for Dec. 12th and I've been doing a bit of thinking here lately.  Since I began this journey, I have only let two special people (none of which are my blood relatives) in my life know about me having wls.  One is my best friend and the other is the love of my life.  They both have been very supportive of me having the surgery but I can't help but to feel like maybe I should let my family know that I'm going to have wls.  I guess I'm afraid of what they might think or say even though it's not going to change my mind about having it done.  Part of me can't help but to assume that I will recieve a negative response and I decided a long time ago that I did not have time nor the room for anyone elses negativety about my life and the decisions I make.  This is such a huge moment in my life and I need all the encouragement I can get.  I guess that's why I've been on this website so much since I found out about it.  I've dang near given up my Facebook page for this website and for anyone who knows me, they know that's some serious stuff.  I really want to be successful on my new journey and I know that having supportive people in my life will be a huge part of my success.   

This is really happening.....

Dec 04, 2009

I know this may sound crazy but even though i have the dates set for my pre-op visit and my surgery, it didn't seem real to me until today.  The pre-op nurse, an administrator from the facility where my surgery will be performed, and someone esle called to briefly go over some insurance info with me today.  It wasn't until after those calls that I realized that this is really going to happen.  I guess I was jet lag from reality for a bit, lol.  After those calls, I really began to envision a new me......a new me with a brighter and healthier future and boy does it feel good. 

The wait is finally over!!!

Dec 03, 2009

On November 30th, 2009, I found out that I was approved to have the lap-band.  After years of struggling with my weight and never truly being able to get it under control, I decided that I needed help.  About six months ago I began looking into alternative weight loss surgeries other than the gastric bypass b/c I wanted something that could be reversible.  After doing research, I found out about the lap-band and went to the orientation and a week later I began my monthly weight loss visits.  My insurance company requires me to have four months of weight loss visits and my initial visit was on August 12th and November 16th was my last appointment.  Fourteen days later, I received the news from my insurance company that I was approved for surgery.  My surgery date is set for December 11th and I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I've already began my pre-op diet and began drinking my shakes 2-3 times a day.  I thought not being able to eat carbs would be hard for me but surprisingly, its not at all.  So far, I've been doing great by sticking to my Adkins style diet and I plan to keep it that way.  I look forward to this journey and I'm ready to make this change in my life.

About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 03, 2009
Member Since

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